From Karen (The George Collective's Message Follows): Hi everyone! It has been a minute. I have all kinds of excuses (I've been busy, I've been traveling a lot, my friend died, my dog died, my job has been super busy lately....yada yada yada). But the truth is this: I've been caught up in my stories. As you all know, the world has been a lot the past few years. So much that it's easy to get lost in our scripts, no matter how "spiritual" we believe ourselves to be. I've mentioned on my social media that I'm "on pause." I do this at the end of every year - I try to take part of November and all of December off just to give myself some time to sit and be. Normally I skid into mid-November after going full speed all year ready to take a refreshing break. This year was different. I was emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically drained. A lot of great things happened this year, and I'm grateful for all of those amazing opportunities and joyful things I did. I also had a personally difficult year. It has very much been a year of transition for me. The Universe has been making space for something (I still don't know what it is, but I trust it will be exactly what I need). But, sometimes that can feel painful as old things I was attached to are removed from my life in order to make space for the new things to come. I long ago gave up control of my life to the Universe and asked it to use me as it wanted, but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally feel sad, angry, afraid, or even just a little salty when the Universe drives me away from a direction I'd grown comfortable with to steer me in a new one. It's in those times when I get lost in my story for a while. So I've been feeling a little of all those things. Afraid. Frustrated. Angry. Sad. Salty. Even a little blocked. But, it usually takes until right around Thanksgiving weekend when I have some time to myself and some space to breathe to sit with where I am and find the light of appreciation for it. Seems I'm right on schedule this year. And not surprisingly as they always do, the moment I take a breather and allow myself to even slightly step out of my story, The George Collective steps in with a message. It is as always, exactly what I needed to re-member, and hopefully it will be for you, as well. Wishing you all a beautiful and peaceful November and December, and sending you all my love. I'll be back after the New Year (unless The Georges have something else to say before then). ~Begin Channeled Message~ Greetings. We are delighted and overjoyed to speak with you Now. We wish to share a message. We invite all who read to look beyond our words and feel the truth and Love behind what we share.
Beloveds, you are not your story, no matter how invested you are in it. It doesn’t matter what your story is – you decide whether you want to dwell within its energy or re-member Who You Truly Are. Stories have vibration, and vibration shapes what you experience as reality. Dwelling in any vibrational frequency attracts similar. For example, holding the vibration of pain and grievance attracts the energy of aggression and harm. Dwelling in fear attracts frightening circumstances. Holding the energy of anger attracts people and events that make you angry. Dwelling in the energy of not enough attracts lack. Holding an energy of need attracts want. This is not to say that the experiences in your story do not feel very real or that your experiences of harm are insignificant. Of course they feel real, and of course your pain feels significant. You currently travel the planet as flesh and blood, and humans have a history of perpetuating their pain and fear onto their fellow embodied souls. Your history tells you these things have happened, and we in no way suggest that you ignore that history or dismiss it with a wave of your hands. Instead, we suggest that to the extent you are able, you don’t allow the history of humanity on your planet to become the fear and pain you carry with you and use as a justification for intentionally or unintentionally inflicting harm on yourself and others. You can remember your history and not allow it to control you. You can have compassion for self and other embodied humans who have experienced great harm but not continue to carry that energy as part of your being or through your thought, word, and deed. What is your story? It is a set of circumstances you believe to be true about yourself and your world. It is a script you have written based upon your “past” and your “future.” Your story is dense. It is of a lower vibration than that of your true nature. It comes from conditioning, and you believe it wholeheartedly. Until you don’t. We want you to know this: your story is never true, no matter how true it feels. Why? Because every story stems from the mind and the ego. It comes from experiences of the past (conditioning) and fears about the future (worrying). Truth always stems from Love, and it always happens Now, as Now is the only moment that exists, and Love is the only energy in the entire universe. Even stories that feel good, while they may contain elements of Love and Now, aren’t entirely true. But, because they feel good, they are easy to attach to, and they feed human ego and need just as your negative scripts do. Part of the human journey is to learn to dis-identify from every script and story you hold, regardless of whether it feels positive or negative. We know this is not an easy task, and many embodied souls don’t achieve dis-identification from their own scripts until the moment of their bodily death. Some stories have a deeper hold on you than others. Some expand from one embodied human to a few, and from a few to many, and from many to nearly all of humanity. And, like any good actors in a play, whether a story is believed by one or almost all, you each step into your scripted roles and continue to act as if the story is true. You do so until the stage lights go down and the houselights come on, revealing the truth that you are acting out a script on a small stage, and that the story you so brilliantly acted only moments ago is nothing more than a highly engaging illusion. We invite you to find ways to step away from the story – even for a brief moment every day – to re-connect with the Truth of Who You Are. Find quiet place free of distraction, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Detach from your thoughts – experience them, look at them dispassionately, do not judge them, and let them drift away into the Light of Love. The difference this makes may seem insignificant at first. But, if you make this a daily practice and then begin to string together a few moments at a time and do it a few times throughout the day, you’ll start to notice the non-attachment to your story trickling into your life even when you’re so deeply identified with your script that you’ve forgotten you’re an actor on the stage. We invite you to allow yourself the Grace of these moments of peaceful, benevolent, non-attachment. We invite you to find flickers of Who You Truly Are shining through your ego-identification. By allowing yourself this Grace, your vibration will begin to rise, slowly at first and then exponentially, because just as low-vibration energy attracts more of the same, so does high-frequency energy. And as your vibration rises, so will the vibration of everyone and everything around you. This is important work, and it is the way forward for all of humanity. We have been with you in every moment throughout your “history.” We have wrapped you in Unconditional Love as you have experienced and inflicted pain and harm. We have held you up and celebrated when you have shared and experienced love and joy. We have offered our guidance through every moment of it all, and we always will. We long for You to re-member that You Are Light and that Source is loving and benevolent. As always, we walk beside you, and we honor you no matter where you are in your frequency. We Love You. ~End Channeled Message~ Read the first message from The George Collective