It's perfectly normal to feel whatever you feel, especially now during a time of uncertainty and fear. Many people have shared their stress with me, and I completely understand where it comes from and why it lingers.
I'm feeling anxious, too. That anxiety arises from dwelling in the future "what ifs" surrounding the current COVID-19 outbreak, as well as grieving for our past and the lives we feel we have lost. All of our lives have been inevitably altered forever. Regardless of what happens, we will emerge from this into very different world. And it's up to each of us individually and as species collectively to decide what type of world we choose to step back into. Right now is our opportunity to create that world, as The George Collective pointed out during yesterday's channeled message about the COVID-19 Opportunity. Making the most of this opportunity as a re-set button for humanity requires each of us to care for our own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Living in constant stress creates a cocktail of hormones that affect not only our physiology, but also how we think and feel emotionally. That's why it's important to find spaces of peace, love, and joy, even in the midst of perceived darkness. When you move into your own personal space of positive emotion, you create a place where others can find their own higher vibrational energies, too. You are an important piece of the energetic puzzle of the whole. When others are temporarily unable to find or experience higher vibrational energies, you will hold that space them through your own inner work. And in turn, when you are stuck a space of fear or anxiety, others will also hold the high-vibration space for you until you are able to find it again. In this way, we, who are all part of the collective One that makes up the fabric of the entire universe, support and uplift not only ourselves and each other, but the energetic circumstances of everything that surrounds us. And so, I have been trying to offer you simple tools during what, for many, is a period of unprecedented stress, fear, worry, and anxiety. Use as many or as few as you need. Adapt them to suit your own intentions. Share them with others. The ultimate goal here isn't to shame you for feeling down or to cause you to run around blind to everything that is happening in the world, but rather to find the opportunity that lies within every challenge. The tools I offer provide a path to move into higher vibrational energies that serve not only your greatest good, but also the greatest good of the planet, humanity, and the universe. 5-Minute Mental Re-Set The tool I have for you today is one I have shared before, but it is so effective that I will share it again. It requires no special materials; you don't need crystals, a singing bowl, or any other spiritual items, although if you have them and you want to incorporate them in this practice, you can. It initially takes about five minutes (or longer if you've got the time or inclination) and provides a way to enter a place of peace or joy and to recall that exact feeling whenever you need to reduce anxiety and stress. Sit or lie quietly and comfortably somewhere that you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and begin by breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you breathe, place your hands over your heart. Notice the warmth from your hands entering your chest and filling your heart. With each breath, intend to breathe in peace. With each exhalation, visualize tension, stress, anger, pain, uncertainty, or any other negative emotion as black shadows gently entering your breath stream and flowing out into the universe, where it will be neutralized. When your body, mind, emotions, and spirit feel peaceful, visualize something or someone you love that brings you joy. It can be a beloved friend, family member, or child. It can be a pet. It can be the image of traveling, visiting a sacred space, or romping in the ocean. It can be the memory of digging your toes into warm sand. It can be a memory of the last time you sat with your best friend and laughed so hard your ribs hurt. It can even be the memory of a sacred experience you had in the past, one that left you feeling peaceful, awestruck, and joyful. Move deeply into whatever experience you are visualizing. Allow yourself to feel the warmth of that emotion. Feel it growing as a ball of warmth in your heart under your hands. Feel it entering into and out of your body on your breath. Feel your heart beat causing that warm emotion to flow with your blood throughout your body into every cell and every corner of your physiology. Sit in the warmth and glow of that emotion, allowing it to permeate every fiber of your being. Allow it to expand outward with your energy. When this emotion reaches its peak, make a simple gesture with your hands. Make it a gesture you don't make every day, such as stacking your hands one on top of the other with palms up or holding a mudra that speaks to you. Hold that gesture as you bask in the glow of your positive feeling for as long as you can. Once that feeling begins to fade away, release the gesture. A Daily Practice Make this a part of your daily meditation; do this for just five minutes a few times each day. And then, as you move through your world and through your life, when you anxiety, fear, stress, or other lower-vibrational thoughts and emotions creeping in, make your gesture. The gesture will bring the vibration you felt during your meditation back to you, allowing you to pause and release the stress and tension. Do this as often as you need throughout the day. Make this your happy place, an oasis of peace you can return to no matter what is happening in the world around you. Image by Holger Feulner from Pixabay
Have you ever truly paid attention to the stories you tell yourself and your world about your life? How you think about things and how you communicate them with others has a profound effect on your experience of reality.
For example, suppose you have been having some trouble sleeping. You spend a lot of time worrying whether you will sleep well that night, and you tell people, "I don't know why, but I just don't sleep well." As try to go to sleep, you lie there and worry about whether you will be able to. Then, if something wakes you in the middle of the night, your first thought is, "Now I'll never get back to sleep." Your thoughts are creating your sleep situation. The more attention and belief you give to the thought, "I don't sleep well," the more it becomes your experience. What if you changed your story? What if, instead, every time you caught yourself thinking about your poor sleep, you changed your thought to, "I sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed?" What if, instead of talking to others about how poorly you sleep, you found other positive things to talk about? What if, as you were drifting off to sleep, you affirmed, "I sleep peacefully and awake rested and refreshed," and then paid attention to all of the positive things in that moment: you are warm, you are comfortable, your pillow supports you well, etc. Then, if something did wake you in the middle of the night, what if you restated your affirmation and again paid attention to the positives of the moment? Chances are, you would sleep better. I speak from experience. This is what I did when I was struggling with regular insomnia. Nothing changed except the story I told myself about sleep, but the effects were profound. Pay attention to the story you tell. With every story, you can tell it from a negative standpoint discussing what you don't want, or you can tell about it from a positive standpoint about the things that are good. Changing your point of view from positive to negative and focusing on what you want instead of what you don't want can make a world of difference. Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay No matter what is happening in your external world, your inner world can be one of peace, contentment, love, and joy. It's all about where you focus.
In every moment, something beautiful is happening. There is beauty everywhere: in nature, in art, in acts of love and compassion, in moments of joy, in kindness between strangers. It's in a wiggly puppy and a newborn baby. It's in the sunlight filtering between the trees or a bank of fog sitting in a valley. Beauty is all around you and if you focus the lens of your inner thoughts on finding it, your experience will become more beautiful. The more you focus on beauty, the more you notice it. And the more you notice it, the more beautiful your life becomes. Image by Maria Karysheva from Pixabay If you've ever heard me speak (or had a conversation with me), you've probably heard me say, "Intention is everything." Your intentions are what set the wheels of creation into motion. What you intend and give attention to (in other words, think about), you create. So why do people wind up with so many unintended consequences in their lives? Because they don't deliberately set their intention and if they do, they don't follow it up with positive thought about what they desire. If your intention, for example, is good health, but the focus of your thoughts (and words you speak) is on how poorly you feel, then your focus is on poor health, and your thoughts and words have overridden your intention. If, however, even when you are feeling poorly, you set your intention for good health, find things about your health for which you can express joy (my body breathes beautifully, my legs support me, my body uses the nutrients I give it efficiently, etc.) and then change the story you tell about your health to one that is positive, joyful, and supportive of good health, then your body will respond. Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay ![]() Every tool I share and teach is about intention and focus. Whether I'm talking about crystals, aromatherapy, your chakras, affirmations and visualization, mudras, sound healing, or any of the multitude of other topics I share, they are there to serve as a way to set your intention and guide your focus so you can begin to vibrate at the same frequency of that which you wish to attract. The tools I teach are there to remind you who you truly are (you are Divine; you are love) and how powerful you are when you set your intention and focus your attention. While the tools can serve as a catalyst for change, they aren't the true source of power. You are. You have the power to have the exact life you visualize and desire, and it starts with your intention. Set your intention. Let your focus, thoughts, words, and actions flow from that intention. That is the essence of the creative being you were born to be. Creating involves emotion and directed attention to that which you want. This is true regardless of whether you are creating something you want or something you don't want. So, when your thoughts are focused on something negative (for example: How am I going to pay my bills? or My health is so poor! I'm sick!) and there is emotion behind those thoughts, you will attract and create more of the situation you don't want.
Setting a positive intention can help, but if you continue to think about these negative things, you send confusing signals to the universe about that which you desire. So, if you are setting the intention, "I choose to be vibrantly healthy," but you continuously think about how sick you are, or if you set the intention, "I am financially prosperous," but continue to worry about how your bills will be paid, then your negative thoughts and focus are overriding (or at the very least cancelling) your positive intention. When everything is going great and you're feeling positive, it seems pretty easy to set intention and focus positive thought and emotion to create, but what do you do when something negative happens or you are in a negative place? How do you direct positive emotion and thoughts when you're not feeling positive? How do you turn a situation around when what you perceive as your reality (being sick, being unable to pay your bills, etc.) is in direct conflict to your intention? It's all about how you focus. If you continue to focus on the problem, then you are creating the energetic conditions to perpetuate the problem; you are calling it to you through your emotion and attention. To reverse this energy, focus instead on the solution. Visualize yourself with the problem solved. So instead of focusing on the belief or thought, "I am so sick - look at all the evidence pointing to how sick I am," visualize yourself as being healthy and healed. Visualize yourself as being vibrant and whole. And when the inevitable thoughts of the problem arise again, take a moment, close your eyes, cancel that thought, and visualize the solution. Do this for just a moment every time the negative thought arises. So when the thought arises, "I can't pay my bills," for instance, every time you catch yourself worrying about how you are going to pay your bills or thinking something along the lines of, "I don't have the money for this," stop and briefly visualize yourself easily paying your bills or with a bank account full of cash (or both). Shift your focus from problem to solution, and do it consistently. When you combine this with your intention, you can begin to create that which you want instead of that which you don't. Image by yeon woo lee from Pixabay You've probably heard of the law of attraction or the phrase, "thoughts become things." The formula is simple. What you intend and pay attention to, you create. When you add deep emotion, the creation comes more quickly. This works both for the things you want, and the things you don't want.
For example, if your intention is low but you are paying a lot of attention to poor health and feeling emotion surrounding that, the emotion plus the attention overrides the low intention, and you get more of what you are emotionally thinking about. Your thoughts, emotion, and attention perpetuate poor health. If your intention for a new job is high, but you pay it little attention or give it no emotion, chances are it will take a while for that job to manifest - if it does at all. If you intend for that new job and give it attention, but also continue to think about how impossible it is to get a decent job (usually with emotion), then chances are you are negating the intention. Instead, you need to set your intention for the new job, think positively about getting the new job, and catch the negativity before it sets in. Here's another example. If your intention is for financial abundance and every morning you visualize yourself financially abundant, but every time the subject of spending money or paying bills comes up you think, I can't possibly afford that, you are negating your attention and perpetuating a lack of abundance. In this situation, however, you may notice the thought I can't possibly afford that makes you feel a negative emotion. So if you can't catch the thought, notice the emotion. When you notice the negative emotion, reset your thought and re-visualize your goal of financial abundance. Do this consistently to set the wheels of creation into motion. So what's the best way to manifest? Combine intention and attention. Set aside time each day to visualize that what you want, and do it with joy. State your intention clearly. Then, direct your thoughts to that intention and combine it with positive emotion. To avoid unintended creation, throughout the day pay attention to any negative feelings that arise. When those feelings come up, it tells you your attention has slipped away from your intention, and you are creating something you don't intend. Notice those feelings and release them. Then, restate your intention, visualize your desired goal again, add in some positive emotion, and you're headed off in your intended direction instead of working at cross purposes to that which you wish to create. Image by Dirk Wohlrabe from Pixabay |