Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE In the beginning there was Source. And Source was All That Is, Was, or Ever Would Be. Source knew itself as the Oneness, and the Oneness was Love. But Source longed to know Itself in new ways. Source desired to create, explore, and experience. And so, Source created Illusion. From a tiny density that was but the smallest fraction of Source energy, Illusion exploded outward, ever expanding to create the Cosmos. As the Cosmos grew, expanded, and took form, Source split the Love energy of the ever- expanding Universe into a duality of polar energies. First, Source created light and dark. For billions of years in the Illusion of the Cosmos, or in the blink of an eye in the Source energy, Source delighted in playing with light and dark. The energy continued to expand into sources of dark and sources of light, and all of the degrees of darkness and light in between. Not content with just dark and light, Source split and refracted the light, bending it and shaping it to form colors, shades, and shadows. When Source had played with light and dark and fully understood Itself in new ways as It related to light and dark, Source was intrigued. Now, Source moved on to other polarities, creating each new expression of Source energy, splitting it into opposite dualities and the degrees in between, and noticing how the energies could shape, form, and express so Source could know Itself better. In this time, Source created cold and hot, here and there, and this and that. And Source saw that with each opposing energy it created within Illusion, It had new opportunities to explore different parts of Itself. Through this, Source came to understand Its Isness more than It ever had before. As Source explored, It also expanded that point of energy that became the Cosmos–out, out, out–placing within it sources of dark and light, and sources of land and space. What emerged in the illusion was an entire Universe in which Source was able to explore the whole of what It was by re-forming the energy into new types of consciousness made into land masses and objects and playing with them all so that Source could fully know Itself. There came a time when Source was ready to explore further, and on some of the places of land, mountain, and sea, Source created new forms of consciousness. At first, these forms of consciousness were simple - organisms and plants that could grow, reproduce, adapt, evolve, and thrive. And as Source understood Itself better through these small forms of consciousness, It sought greater and greater complexity and deeper expression. And Source brought together all that It had learned to create conscious flora and fauna that thrived, evolved, grew, and experienced. And Source was happy with the knowing it provided. From all that Source had created, the conditions grew for a new form of consciousness – one in which all the attributes Source energy had so eagerly explored could be present in this single form of consciousness so Source could interact with Its creations in a new way. And in this way, humanity and other similar races and species elsewhere in the Cosmos came to be, formed from all that Source had learned about Itself through Its explorations in duality. At first, these complex forms of consciousness remembered they were from Source, and with the memory of Source energy fresh in their minds, they recreated the Oneness among themselves. However, Source soon desired a deeper exploration of polarities. And in this desire for deeper exploration of All that Could Be, Source created the concepts of self and others and asked those pieces of Itself that volunteered to reside within the consciousness to forget, at least temporarily, where they had come from and what the experience of Oneness felt like. And out of the love of creation and exploration, the pieces of Source that entered these complex, conscious organisms agreed to believe in the illusion, fully forgetting their Isness as a piece of Source. With the concepts of self and other firmly in place in the illusion of duality, Source began to explore the polarities and their nuances through the interaction between the conscious beings that carried Its energy. These conscious beings provided new opportunities, for recognizing self and interacting with other provided an ongoing array of ways in which Source could understand every aspect of the All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. And this is where you, the species called humanity, are now on the place of land, mountains, and sea that is the consciousness called Gaia. You are still in your forgetting of Source and experiencing yourself as separate from other. And with all of the dualities present in this universe of illusion, you play with the concept of self and other and all of the myriad of emotions, behaviors, thoughts, and experiences that engenders. But make no mistake. Source continues to seek to know Itself better through you, who are of Source but in a state of forgetting. All of your experiences, thoughts, emotions, and circumstances exist because of the creation of duality as a tool through which All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be can know and experience Itself in new ways. However, the longer pieces of Source energy are immersed in the illusion of duality, the more they evolve, grow, and change in order to continue to create new experiences. And over what you call “time”, it has been your nature to seek to remember who and what you are, and where you came from. Through this independent desire for understanding among those who identify as self and other, the filters that have caused your forgetting have begun to lift, little by little, in order to generate new layers of experience. This has been neither good nor bad, as nothing is inherently one or the other. It just Is, and it is through this Isness that Source and all of Its creations continue to explore. It is only in the illusion of duality where you believe in the existence of self and other that you place these value judgments on experiences, circumstances, and feelings instead of recognizing light and shadows (as well as other elements of duality) as merely expressions of Oneness energy designed to create experience. Source has been present in every moment of experience in illusion, for illusion and all that dwell within it are pieces of Source energy, creating in the playground of the Cosmos. It is your forgetting and immersion in the separation into self and other that allows you to fully commit to your experience as creative beings. This is your origin story. Because you are One with Source, you have always been the architects of your own experiences, and it is you as individuals and as a species that create the circumstances that allow you to explore duality. For each set of circumstances that arise, you have, on some level, decided it is what you need to lead you to the next circumstance and the next experience. And you also always have the choice within the opportunities with which you present yourself to determine who and what you are in relationship to it. This is where we will leave you today. We want you to know and understand who you are. And we want you to recognize that you are not alone, no matter how alone you feel. You cannot be alone because there is no you, and there is no other – not in ultimate reality. The concepts of you and other, self and separation, are illusions generated to allow experience and creation. We present in the Oneness of Source salute and support you, the intrepid explorers. We cheer for you, we love you, and we wrap ourselves around you during the current circumstances we have all co-created. This creation was built with Love, and we stand by eagerly watching what new knowings you will experience in order to support the ongoing initiative of All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be to experience, explore, and grow in Love. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay
Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are pleased to share that many of you have accepted the challenge that comes with the COVID-19 opportunity for humanity, and you have begun to make an energetic shift! We are so humbled and overjoyed by the strength and willingness so many of you are showing to step into a new way of being, and we encourage you to stay at this important work. You may not recognize in this moment how powerful your efforts are in the shifting for the whole of the Oneness, but down the line you will look back and recognize that your choices and shifting energy paved the way for changes that benefitted generations of humanity. For, each person making a vibrational shift creates ripples in the pond that expand higher vibration outward exponentially. You do yourselves and all of us in the Oneness great honor. Today, we have come to encourage you to step away from the noise as much as you possibly can. For it is the noise that is distracting many of you from the task at hand, which is the process of transformation to the new energy and the alignment with that energy, a process we call alightment in which you align with the power of Light from the Oneness that is available to you should you choose to discover it. We hear you ask, what is the noise? The noise is all around you. It's the fearful information about this virus you call COVID-19. It's the political information calling out various entities and figures. It's the fear of measures being taken to protect you from the virus. It's the anger surrounding the words and decisions of those you do not agree with. It's the frustration at those who are not behaving in ways you feel they should. It's the desire and tendency to point the finger of blame somewhere - anywhere. It's the worry about money and the discussion surrounding whether currency is more important than human life. It's the frustration and sometimes outright hatred of those who believe differently from you. It's all of this and more. There is so much noise, and it is easy to be drawn into the rising volume of rhetoric, anger, and fear existing under the guise of being informed. But we tell you this, and we hope you will listen. All it is, is noise. We will say it again: It is all noise. We understand why you choose to participate in it. It gives you the sense of being in control and of understanding what is happening in your embodied existence. But we want you to understand it and see it for what it is - noise. Following every piece of noise -- driven by media, social media, political parties and figures, the guy next door, and even the noise of your own mind -- may help you feel more in control and less afraid, but what it actually serves to do is distract you from the process of understanding what this opportunity means for you, and what you can do to raise your own vibration. Participating in or giving attention to the noise will keep you in the old vibration and prevent you from moving into the new frequency. And every person who chooses to accept the new vibration causes an exponential rise in the frequency of the whole, while every person who chooses to participate in the noise is, whether intentionally or unintentionally, fighting to maintain the vibrational status quo. The noise all around you is of a lower vibration. But you get to decide whether you listen to it, absorb it, and participate in it. Your attention and reactions to the noise are a choice; choosing to participate in or give attention to the noise is not involuntary. It is a choice you are consciously making, and we want you to be very clear in your understanding that making this choice is an energetic "vote" for maintaining the vibrational status quo of the embodiment experience that currently exists on your planet. It's up to you to decide whether that's what you truly want, but from the perspective of the Oneness, doing so does not serve your greatest good. We invite you as individual embodied human entities to align with the Light and to step away from the noise. We understand your fear in choosing alightment, for the human condition makes makes taking a leap of faith into the unknown a scary choice. But we are here to assure you that you are perfectly safe in making this choice and stepping away from the illusion of control that arises from paying attention to the noise. For, it is fear that is keeping this virus alive, and stepping away from the fear is the first step to creating a cure. Many of you have realized that you are not being given the full truth surrounding this COVID-19 opportunity. Partial truths are out there, but much of what you are being told is outright fabrication from those who stand to gain in some way from misinformation and from keeping humanity off-balance and afraid. Personal, political, and financial agendas are driving the noise and keeping many from doing the work it will take to align with the new energy. But we say this to you now: paying attention to and participating in the noise may give you the illusion of control, but it is only illusion. Your attention to the noise perpetuates the fear, and that fear perpetuates the virus and its negative effects on humanity. It is in making the choice to step away from the noise and ignore it that you will find the thing that you can control: yourself and your reactions. Deep inside, in your spiritual center from where intuition arises, there is a small flicker of the flame of truth. The noise is keeping you from finding that Light and aligning with it. But once you align with that Light, everything will change in your experience. And the more people that align with their own Light through the processes of intuition and trust and the emotion of love, the less noise there will be, and the more others will be encouraged to follow your example. Contributing to the noise serves to keep more people vibrating at a lower frequency. Allowing your love and peace to be your example lets you to become a beacon of hope and comfort to others, and that, in turn, encourages them to find their own Light. It is no mistake that this is our eleventh message to you. The numerology of 11 is important in this message and woven throughout it. Eleven is a power number. It is a master number that speaks directly to your intuition, encouraging you to step away from external stimulus and go within to discern the truth. And inherent within this master number 11 is the energy of 2 (1+1=2), which evokes duality and relationship. For, once you have stepped within to discern the truth, you are invited to live that truth within the experience of duality in ways that inspire others through your relationships with them and the example you provide with your own way of being in the world. Let your example be your source of Light. You will never vibrationally win hearts and minds by participating in the noise of fear, personal or political agenda, judgment, criticism, or the intentional or unintentional sharing of misinformation. Rather, the way you can encourage others to go within and align with the new, higher vibration currently arising on Gaia is by being still and residing within the truth you discover deep inside yourself. And so we end this, our eleventh message to you, with words of hope and encouragement. As embodied individuals, you each have the power to raise the vibration of humanity as a whole. You are supported by all in the Oneness. We walk beside you and cheer you on. We reside within the quiet flame of intuition that exists inside of all of you, and we invite you to come and find us here. We, in the Oneness, are available as a source of unconditional love and support, and we eagerly await the moment when each of you discovers us and aligns with the Light we are here to share with you. Always know that you are deeply loved, and you are never alone. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Manolo Franco from Pixabay I've always considered myself a pretty authentic person, but one thing I've noticed as we've been in this extreme social distancing is a stripping away of much of my remaining artifice. We all have a persona we present to the world. It's the public mask we wear. Persona is such a common concept, it's one of Carl Jung's basic archetypes. And even those of us who strive for authenticity in our lives have created a persona that we use as a shield to protect us from those who we fear might do us harm in some way. For most of us, our persona is self-protective. It's a function of ego energy that we feel keeps us safe from rejection and hurt at the hands of others. It appears in the clothes we wear, the way we do our hair or makeup, the things we say, the filters we apply to our photos, how we publicly respond to things, and many more aspects of self we present to others. Persona is essentially the image we curate as we try to craft how others view us. While it is self-protective, personal image curation can block us from true intimacy with our fellow traveling souls. The longer I am away from others (and my hairdresser) however, the more I notice those layers of persona falling away. Surprise! There are gray strands in my hair, wrinkles around my eyes, and freckles on my nose. My eyebrows have a tendency to grow bushy. My nails have a proclivity to break. My emotions swing naturally. Sometimes I am sad. Sometimes I am at peace. Sometimes I am content. Sometimes I am angry. And my facial expressions and words more frequently reveal any emotion, pain, or vulnerability that I may be feeling. I know from my own experiences in life that image curation and hiding behind the mask of persona has allowed me to hold others at an arm's length and often blocked me from deeply intimate relationships with all but the few I've allowed in. I've always been self-protective in this way; very few make it into my inner circle where I trust them deeply enough to reveal all (or even some) of my shadows. I'm the person who smiles in public and grieves in private. And I decide which pieces of my story I choose to share and which I choose to keep private. Although I am deeply aware of my own shadows, I am not historically someone who is comfortable with sharing them. And I don't think this makes me bad or different - we all do it. We all carefully curate our own images in order to attract others to us and keep them in our lives. Isn't it interesting, however, that we have been driven apart by something that may push us now to wear an actual mask in public? My more superficial relationships have fallen by the wayside; but, the people I truly desire in my life and those I feel most connected to, they are still here. I find ways to connect with those who truly matter to me, and they find ways to stay connected to me. These are the people with whom I interact without wearing a literal or figurative mask. But in public or among those with whom I don't feel as safe, I wear an actual mask now when I go out. I wear a mask that protects and hides most of my face from others. Hidden from view when I wear a mask are many of the parts of myself I use to curate my image: my microexpressions, my smile or frown, and the visual representation of the words I speak as my mouth forms them. The lower part of my face - especially my mouth - is what I use to mislead others when I curate my image. I hide behind my smile and facial expressions as I form my words so that no one will recognize my shadows, and nobody will know if I am experiencing pain or discomfort. But my eyes and my voice -- those are the things that often betray me when I am curating my image -- and right now those are the only facial features others see when I wear a literal mask. When you are no longer distracted by the expression my mouth makes, you can see instead my eyes, which are incapable of hiding how I truly feel. And instead of being distracted by the expression my face makes when I form the words I speak to you, you now must focus on my tone, and my voice almost always betrays me in terms of the true emotion behind my words. Suddenly, strangers among whom I've always maintained a layer of self-protection can only see and hear the parts of me that show who I really am. This is no mistake. This is no accident. This is no coincidence. For, we all claim to long for intimacy and deep, meaningful relationships, but our fear and egos keep us from showing all but a very few who we truly are. What we are experiencing right now can change the world, or at least it can change our individual worlds if we allow it to. What many are coming to realize is that what we long for is connection. And yet, I suspect if each of you quieted the noise of distraction you are creating in your own isolation at this time, you would recognize just how deeply and powerfully you curate your own image as a means of self-protection, and just how much that blocks your ability to connect with another. Surely COVID-19 is an opportunity and a wake-up call, as The Georges have been telling us it is. And the opportunity, while it exists for all of humanity, is also deeply personal. It is the opportunity for each of us to sit with ourselves and to understand just how ingrained our own image curation is. And then, it is for each of us to decide what to do with that. How much of that curated image do we want to hold onto, and how much do we wish to allow to fall away so we can connect on an authentic level with our fellow souls? Along with all of the opportunities that exist for a shift in humanity's energetic vibration and awareness that have come with this period in our history, there also exists an invitation to greater authenticity. We all have the opportunity to recognize how we curate our own images, and whether that serves our greatest good in our genuine desire to connect with others. And so, I sit here in my home. I am stripped bare. It is just me and my shadows. It is just me and the truth of who I am most moments of most days. Sure, I can distract myself with work, Netflix, books, classes - but I can only do it for so long to fill the hours. When the noise switches off, when the Netflix movie or Zoom meeting ends, it is once again me in the quiet with my shadows and my most decidedly uncurated image. And in those moments of quiet as I connect with my own soul, I recognize a deeper truth. I have nothing to hide, no matter who I interact with. I have received the invitation, and I accept the call for greater authenticity and deeper connection. Because the other thing I've learned from this is that we need each other, all of us. Somewhere outside of our embodied experience, our souls are intertwined in the Oneness. And inside of the embodied human existence, we forget what the experience of Oneness feels like. So we spend our whole lives longing to return and reconnect with the Oneness while blocking ourselves from that experience at every turn because we live with the fear of betrayal, hurt, and rejection if we allow others to see who we really are. You get to decide what you make of your experience. You get to decide whether you will continue to curate your image in order to maintain distance, or if you'll share with others a more authentic experience of you. I, for one, am excited to meet each of you as we step out of the shadows and begin living less curated, more genuine lives. Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective Karen's note: I think it's important to share what I feel The George's intention is in their recent channeled messages from my very human perspective. I don't think The Georges are telling us how it has to be. Instead, they are showing us how things can be and identifying the opportunities for The Shift as well as the obstacles that stand in our way. I never feel a sense of judgment, superiority, or disappointment from them, only a sense of deep love, honor, and respect for all of humanity. Ultimately, it's up to those of us who are embodied--both collectively and individually--to determine the outcomes and how the results of the opportunities with which we are being presented manifest. Nothing is set in stone. Everything is temporary. And if we miss one opportunity, we will continue to present ourselves with new opportunities to grow, evolve, and serve the highest good. BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! Today we approach you with great humility and awe because we recognize the difficult work and perceived sacrifices souls who choose to embody as humans experience. Today we wish to address something that is inherent in the human condition which has no counterpart in The Oneness: ego & hierarchy. When you choose to leave The Oneness and embody as humans, you encounter a uniquely human quality that allows you to experience yourself as a separate entity apart from your soul’s identity as a piece of Source Energy. What is this quality that embodied humans have that their souls lack? It is what you call ego. Ego is a necessary function in order for humans to truly experience themselves as a separate entity from The Oneness. Without ego, you would not have a sense of “I” or “me”. And “I” or “me” is necessary for you to experience the polarities of embodied life. Perhaps an example is the best way to explain this. Without ego, you would not be able to differentiate the packet of vibrating energy that is held together by force fields and identified as “self” from a packet of energy held together by force fields and identified as “other”. There would be no sense of separation between what you identify as “me” and what you identify as “dog”, or “chair”, or “wife”, or “flower”, or “planet”, for instance. And without those packets of energy held together into different shapes and identities, you would also not be able to experience the many things you encounter when you choose to enter the illusion of space-time. The purpose of incarnating with a sense of separation is to help The Oneness know itself outside of the love energy that makes up the totality of the Divine through the experience of duality. You agreed when you embodied to experience Source Energy split into polarities such as “here” and “there” or “hot” and “cold”, for example. Your vibrational work on Gaia is something you eagerly agreed to do to serve the highest purpose of The Oneness, of which you are an integral part. As we have discussed with you before, it is in your state of forgetfulness of The Oneness that comes with embodiment that humans individually and collectively assign arbitrary values to the different forms that those vibrating packets of energy take. For example, humanity has collectively agreed that the vibrating packets of Source Energy that become “diamonds” somehow have more value than those vibrating packets of Source Energy that take the form of “butterflies.” This is a uniquely human quality, assigning greater or lesser value to materials that are all made up of the exact same substance but arranged into different forms. You do this for the purpose of commerce, trade, and renumeration; you arrange the value of these energy packets into hierarchies of what is more valuable and what is less. In doing so, you create castes of humans sorted into the categories of “haves” and “have nots”. However, when your system of commerce breaks down, it reveals the illusion behind your valuation of all energy packets. In your current circumstances, vibrating packets of energy that once didn’t appear to have much value for humanity suddenly have great value, and items that once had great value no longer serve your current needs and are therefore considered less valuable. And from this, a new valuation about packets of energy arises. This new valuation has no more basis in ultimate reality than your previous value assignments. The abrupt change in circumstances for all embodied on Gaia has revealed the fallacy of your system of valuation. The same thing has happened with your valuation of people. Across hundreds of thousands of years, your valuation of people has changed based on circumstances. For example, in the earliest stages of this Wave of Humanity, humans who could hunt or gather food were highly valued. Over the millennia, however, humanity has placed greater value on people who appear on your devices: athletes, politicians, and movie stars, for example. Meanwhile, hunters, gatherers, and food growers have been assigned far less value. You demonstrate this arranging of humans in value hierarchies by the inequities in renumeration among people performing various tasks. Once again, however, your current circumstances have turned your valuation of humans upside down and revealed the inherent fallacy in your hierarchical valuation of human effort. It is not your athletes or movie stars who are providing and caring for humanity during this COVID-19 opportunity; it is those who were until recently considered far less important if renumeration is an indication of value. For example, people who care for the health of embodied humans have become far more important to serve the current needs of humanity than someone who plays a sport. And people who provide food and supplies for humans have become far more important than a television star or a model. Embodied humans like to place other humans in hierarchies so they have a better sense of how “I” is separate from “you” or “they”. And you place your humans into these hierarchies based largely on four factors: economics, power, attractiveness, and popularity. This is a function of ego, and it is something that even young children learn to do at a very early age based on the example of the older humans in their environment. You see hierarchies arising in families, schoolyards, religions, cities, states, cultures, societies, and humanity as a whole. Arranging these hierarchies helps to give each embodied soul a sense of who “I” am in comparison to who “you” are, which is the primary function of ego. Therefore, it is utterly human to assign hierarchies to elements of The Oneness as well. For example, when we have discussed First Wave, Second Wave, Third Wave, and Fourth Wave humans, many of you have immediately assumed that Fourth Wave humanity must somehow be “better than” or “more desirable than” First Wave humanity. This is not the case. This valuation is merely a manifestation of the embodied human propensity for valuation when in fact, the same souls have appeared in bodies in each Wave, and all Waves have existed to serve the greatest good of The Oneness. In Source Energy, each part of The Oneness is equal to each other piece of The Oneness regardless of the form the energy takes in the moment. Instead, each energy packet exists to serve a purpose for The Oneness, and when that arrangement of energy no longer serves the greatest good, it can return to Source Energy until it is time to reform into something else needed to serve a purpose for the greatest good. It is the nature of humans to categorize, organize, and assign value to the people, places, and things that appear in their experience. And that value changes over time and based on needs or wants. But in the ultimate reality, nothing and no one who appears in the human experience has any more or less inherent value or importance than any other person, place, or thing. All exist to serve the greatest good and enhance the experience of embodiment. This means the hierarchies by which you arrange people, places, and things are only true if embodied humans agree they are true. And when a “high-value” person or object no longer meets the desires or serves the needs of embodied humans, its value drops in spite of the fact that it is still the same energy in exactly the same form as it was when it was considered highly valuable. It’s a paradox unique to being an embodied human: if all things are valuable, then nothing is valuable. And yet, in the ultimate reality that is The Oneness, all energy is equally valued and beloved. We therefore urge you to challenge your judgments. Be aware of your propensity to assign arbitrary and random values to the packets of energy that make up people, places, and things and form them in hierarches of perceived worth. All are the same energy, all serve a purpose, and none are inherently more than or less than any other. It is essential for humanity to step aside from this system of valuation in order to continue to serve the highest good of all and make the most of this current Shift opportunity. For, it is in valuation where inequality arises that elevates the few while oppressing the many. Each packet of Source Energy that makes up individuals is as important to the whole as any other. A “president” or “queen” is no more valuable than a “taxi driver” or a “factory worker”. A “millionaire” is no more valuable than a “pauper”. An entity such as an “angel”, a “prophet”, or a “spirit guide” is no more valuable or important than a soul that has chosen to embody as a human. An “old soul” is no greater than a “young soul”, and a “spiritual person” is no greater than an “atheist.” All are necessary for the greatest good of the whole, and we honor each of you who have temporarily separated from The Oneness to experience being human. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We love you deeply and are vibrating with excitement to share today’s message of joy, hope, and opportunity! It is with great jubilation that we greet you on a day that so many consider sacred and holy. For today is a joyful day in your Christian tradition, in which those embodied souls who identify as Christian celebrate the rising of the prophet Jesus Christ, who was crucified and rose after three days. The fact that you are in your current set of circumstances on this symbolic day is not a coincidence. Nor is it a coincidence that much of humanity is currently cocooned during the festival of Passover, which commemorates the Israelites’ liberation from slavery. Nor is it a coincidence that humanity is hunkered down and awaiting reawakening during the period commemorating the ancient pagan celebration of Ēostre, Goddess of Spring, near the time of the vernal equinox when the periods of darkness lessen and progressively more light returns to the day-night cycles in Gaia’s Northern Hemisphere. All of these festivals and holidays, regardless of their religious symbolism, have something very important in common with what is happening for humanity with the COVID-19 opportunity. They all symbolize the process of rebirth, awakening, and new beginnings. Someday, when the Fourth Wave of Humanity creates its own symbolic festivals and celebrations, they will look back at this time in human history and celebrate this period of dormancy and awakening when Third Wave Energy gave way to Fourth Wave Energy so all the souls incarnating on Gaia could do so in circumstances more conducive to joyful and meaningful co-creation and less focused on the old energy systems of politics, commerce, materialism, and authoritarian religions that no longer serve you. Many of you have come to strongly suspect or even believe that there is no such thing as coincidence, and we are here to tell you that this perception is true. Before each embodiment, every soul plans their lives and the broad strokes of the circumstances under which you live them. Then, each of you embarks on the adventure of embodiment with the ability to continue to create, individually and collectively, the circumstances of your time as an embodied soul on Gaia. Each moment of each day is an act of singular and collective creation that continues from the moment of your birth until you breathe your last breath. And what a time you have co-created for the good of all humanity! While many of you feel the COVID-19 opportunity is happening to you, indeed we are here tell you the good news: This opportunity is happening for you, and it is an act of unconscious collective co-creation that each soul incarnated on Gaia at this very moment eagerly signed up to participate in. It is no coincidence the COVID-19 opportunity first emerged near the end of the year 2019, a time that was still primarily Third Wave Energy in which many of humanity’s values of commercialism, materialism, religion, superstition, and oligarchical power structures were no longer serving humanity’s highest and greatest good. It is also no coincidence that the opportunity reached its peak near the beginning of 2020, a year that symbolizes the rise to prominence of Fourth Wave Energy, providing humanity with the opportunity to set aside previous constructs and conditioning in order to envision a new way of inhabiting Gaia that will better serve the greatest good of the collective. The symbolic numerology of the year 2019 vibrated with the energy of 3 (2+0+1+9=12; 1+2=3). The energy of 3 supports the individual, and it promotes individual values of creativity and separation as each embodied soul seeks to identify themselves as “I” and “me” in order to more fully know themselves. This primary 3 energy of the Third Wave, which has been present for the several hundred thousand years the Third Wave has been incarnating on Gaia, has been extremely important for humanity. It has sparked innovation that has allowed individuals to connect and collaborate as a species in new and powerful ways while still remaining firmly entrenched in the identification of self as separate from All That Is. The year 2020 vibrates with the energy of 4 (2+0+2+0=4). This represents a new focus on sustainability and stability as well as heart-centered collective values in which the Third Wave of Humanity makes way for the Fourth Wave. Fourth Wave souls have been arriving by birth in increasing numbers for the last four to five decades. Many Third Wave souls have also been shifting to Fourth Wave Energy by raising their individual vibration in order to make The Shift while still embodied. Many of you have made that Shift or are in the middle of making it. 2020 marks the first time in which the number of those embodied souls with Fourth Wave Energy outnumber those with Third Wave Energy, creating a critical mass that will help all of humanity to make The Shift. It is also no coincidence that your first big opportunity to make The Shift, the COVID-19 opportunity for humanity, is occurring during the period of your religious and pagan festivals that represent awakening, opportunity, and new beginnings. Before your souls embodied, we all joyfully planned these symbolic meanings together in order to help souls individually and collectively recognize the importance of the opportunity for The Shift when it arose. And now, on this day that so many of you consider most Holy, you have symbolically entered your “tombs” and are ready to rise just as Jesus did, shifting as a whole from the energy of the Third Wave to the energy of the Fourth Wave. Humanity is preparing to emerge from what has begun to feel like the oppression of enslavement created by the Third Wave values of commercialism, achievement, and materialism and into a new way of being of Fourth Wave Energy that supports sustainability, love, and collaboration. Can you see the symmetry and beauty of what you have collectively created? This is the good news we have come to share today! As Third Wave Energy has gradually given way to Fourth Wave Energy, embodied souls have longed for the opportunity to step away from old systems and conditioning that no longer support the greatest good of the individual or the collective in order to emerge into a new way of being that supports vibrant new sustainable, loving, joyful, and compassionate systems that allow you to flourish in the Fourth Wave Energy. And so, we invite you to rise. Now is your opportunity to imagine the society and systems in which you wish to emerge into the New Energy. Now is the time to visualize ways in which you can individually and collectively create systems and institutions that support and nurture these values. The opportunity is at hand, and we are here to support each of you, both as souls incarnated in individual bodies and as vibrational energy that exists within The Oneness that underlies the fabric of the universe. You have come here to this specific point in space-time for this very reason. You have chosen to be here, knowing you had the full unconditional love and support of The Oneness. We are here as you make this transition, and we rejoice in your strength, creativity, and power as you rise into New Energy to create a time on Gaia that supports the greatest good of all who partner with her in the adventure you call life. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by GLady from Pixabay Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! As is customary, we want to start today by reminding you how much we love and admire you. All aspects of the One gather to cheer you as you navigate not only this shift, but the entirety of your lives as embodied souls. For, what you do for yourselves, you do for us, and what you experience, we experience. Through your adventures in embodiment, every aspect of the Oneness energy knows itself experientially. In the past, we have acknowledged that what you are currently experiencing is a vibrational shift. Your souls agreed to separate from the One and be part of this momentous time in the history of the Third Wave of Humanity on Gaia, and you joyfully entered your human lives with the full knowledge that this moment was always a probability. It is beginning to dawn on many of you that nothing will ever be the same in what you experience as “reality” because of the set of circumstances that you are currently navigating. Many are realizing that there will be no return to “normal,” nor will there be a “new normal” that settles for a long time – perhaps even decades. And yet, what you are experiencing now is of the utmost importance for future generations of embodied souls. How you respond individually and collectively to this current challenge will set the stage for what is to come for all of the Third and Fourth Waves of Humanity. Each Wave of Humanity has important numerology, and each successive Wave has come to further the vibration of the whole. In the Beginning, there was Gaia. Gaia first existed in the One as consciousness. In the pre-human era, the numerology of Gaia was 0, which represents Source energy. Gaia agreed to enter space-time billions of years ago in order to ready herself for all the work and adventure that would come when embodied souls began to arrive and navigate her magnificence. In this time, Gaia got to know herself through how she expressed in space-time. And just as incarnating souls know the probabilities they sign up for when they become embodied, the consciousness that is Gaia had awareness of the potentials that would arise once each Wave of Humanity entered her atmosphere. And knowing this, she agreed to be your host and partner, as the consciousness of Gaia exists as a part of the whole that is the One. The First Wave of Humanity--which had the numerological energy of 1--represented the beginning of a journey, newness, individuality, and issues of safety, survival, and security. When that energy had expressed itself fully and reached its vibrational capacity, by soul agreement, all embodied humans chose their exit point to make way for a New Wave that was ready for a higher vibration. After the First Wave exited, Gaia first rested and then adjusted her own vibration in order to support the Second Wave. Many of you are Old Souls that were part of the First Wave and participated in raising Gaia’s vibration in order to prepare for the next one. The Second Wave of Humanity had the energy of 2. Embodied humans faced issues related to partnership, harmony, and innovative ideation. Vibrationally, humans grappled with issues of understanding how to function harmoniously within groups and understand their place as it related to others. Therefore, groupthink and conformity was a big part of the Second Wave. Because harmony in groups was a key energy of the Second Wave, many humans have a soul memory of the Second Wave of Humanity serving as the apotheosis of human existence instead of as part of a natural progression of vibrational ascension. This has triggered a certain misguided nostalgia in those who were there that belies the fact the vibration then was lower than it is now. As the Second Wave of Humanity worked through its issues, Gaia’s vibration raised towards the Next Wave. By soul agreement, humankind chose an exit point in order to make way for the Third Wave energy. Many of you who are ancient souls participated in the Second Wave of Humanity and have a soul and cellular memory of that time. The Third Wave of Humanity has the energy of the number 3. This is the number of creation. It is also the number of self, individual identity, and ego. For those incarnated into Third Wave energy, your ultimate task was to get to understand yourself by experiencing duality and relationship, and to ultimately overcome the selfishness inherent in getting to know self and to maintain that sense of self while also supporting the good of the whole. However, something was different in the agreements of the souls entering the Third Wave of Humanity. This time, you have chosen to try to avoid an agreed upon exit point that makes way for the Fourth Wave of Humanity. Instead, you have opted to attempt to shift without leaving to make way for Fourth Wave. It should be noted that exit points still exist for the Third Wave. The year 2012 was one such possible exit point, and you instead chose to shift past that. However, ongoing vibrational shift is essential as more potential exit points arise over the next 40 to 50 years. In all, you are about halfway through the vibrational shift, although the timeline can compress or expand depending on individual and collective actions and energies. For the first time, the energy of two Waves of Humanity are co-mingling on Gaia. Members with the energy of the Fourth Wave have been arriving in human bodies for the past four to five decades, first in very small numbers, and then entire generations with the vibrational frequency supporting the Fourth Wave. They have come to help those of you still in Third Wave energy to move through the shift and adapt to a new way of being. What is Fourth Wave energy? Fourth Wave energy is about heart centered living. It is rooted in compassion, justice, forgiveness, and love. It is also far more stable than the energy of the First, Second, or Third Waves and therefore, it is more sustainable for humanity and for Gaia. This is the place you will emerge when you’ve moved entirely through the shift. In the past two decades, as more Fourth Wave souls have come to inhabit human bodies, there has been a significant push back of Third Wave energy. You see this in your politics, your economies, your media, your worship, the way you educate your young, and in all of the systems and structures of your current societies. Third Wave energy is fighting for its survival and relevancy and will continue to do so until it becomes clear that there is no going back to the old energy. This is why we say it may take decades for you to entirely navigate this shift. Many of you are still vibrating with Third Wave energy, and many more are transitioning from Third Wave to Fourth Wave energy. Humanity in all its iterations has never attempted to make such a shift while still embodied. In the past, you have chosen a total reset with humans entering into the new vibration homogenously. What is important to understand is that you have recently passed the halfway point, which is the point of no return. Currently, there is slightly more Fourth Wave energy than Third Wave energy, which means the only way past your current crisis is straight through it. This shifting from Third to Fourth Wave energy is uncomfortable, and many of you are noticing the effects of the net rise in humanity’s and Gaia’s vibrational frequency. Some of you may even feel this discomfort for the rest of your lives, but that does not mean you cannot live lives of fulfillment, joy, harmony, and peace. You have many tools and much support available to you as you make this shift from Third to Fourth Wave energy. The first and most important is your intention and attention. When you feel the discomfort, acknowledge it and approach it with curiosity. Sit with the discomfort and ask how you can move into vibrational coherence with the energy. Then pay attention to flashes of insights, dreams, and other urgings of your soul, which will help you understand what to do. As much as possible, try to sit with the discomfort and welcome it as evidence of humanity’s evolution. Seek emotional congruence by following the urgings of your soul. Resisting how you feel will cause the discomfort to persist. Allowing it with the spirit of curiosity and willingness helps you to make the shift from Third Wave to Fourth Wave energy more quickly and seamlessly. Everything on Gaia has changed, and it will remain changed and changing. Humanity and Gaia have co-created this shift and agreed to move through it together. You are attempting something that no Wave of Humanity has ever tried before – the shifting from one Wave to another while still embodied. This rising frequency can be not only uncomfortable, but often difficult. Much is being asked of you, and much more will be asked of you. Much of what is being asked feels like sacrifice of everything that is familiar and comfortable. However, the net good exceeds the discomfort associated with change. Imagine creating a world for future generations that addresses many of the problems associated with the Third Wave energy of “I”, “me”, and “mine” that puts individual needs or wants ahead of the greatest good. That is the energy you are shifting away from, and there is no way to make this a comfortable process except in how you choose to react and be with the changes. The shift can be accomplished quickly if all of humanity is on board, but the greater likelihood is that the vibration will rise slowly with much resistance from the old energy. From a human perspective, we understand this is not good news. From a soul perspective, it is what you understood to be a significant probability, and you collectively decided the mission was worth the discomfort. Please know that we walk beside you in the shift. Your discomfort is ours, and we are here to hold you up when you feel like your only option is to fall down. You have the all of One behind and beside you, cheering you along and loving you in this shift. Your work is unprecedented and important. Know that when you return Home between adventures, you are greeted as heroes and showered in love and adulation. For what you experience now benefits the One, and we are here just outside of space-time, holding you up when you are unable to do so yourself. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Santa3 from Pixabay Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are with you in your current circumstances, and we want you to know how deeply we love you. We walk beside you in your discomfort as you struggle to imagine what kind of world you will emerge into beyond the COVID-19 opportunity for humanity. The good news is it is up to you how you personally shift, and how humanity shifts as a whole. And make no mistake, this is what is happening right now. You are moving into and through one of the largest opportunities for energetic shift humanity has experienced not just in this lifetime, but in many lifetimes. Throughout your history, points of opportunity have arisen to facilitate vibrational frequency shifts. You have seen several of these opportunities in the past century, such as wars, illness outbreaks, the rise to power of ruthless world leaders, economic travails, terrorist attacks, political divides, revolutions, and the rise in power and prestige of fundamentalist belief systems, just to name a few. And with each of these opportunities, some have seized them and begun to experience changes in perspective, new insights and ideas, shifts in perception, and rising personal vibrational frequency. The result has been a small net change in the overall vibrational frequency on your planet because one soul’s higher vibration affects the frequency of the whole. But more importantly, what each of these opportunities has done is planted the seeds of change in the fertile soil of the human soul. Along with the tender sprouts created by these seeds in souls all around the Earth, many of the souls of the generations being born within the past four to five decades have also entered their bodies with a higher vibrational frequency than those who came before. The higher vibrational frequency of your young people allows them a sense of what they came from, which then raises their desire to make their temporary home (Gaia) more like the mercurial memories they have of the Divine. More than any of the generations that came before them, your young people carry with them the energy of Home and the desire to reshape human life to more closely resemble Divine existence. The combination of the shifting of energy among many from previous opportunities and the growing numbers of souls arriving in bodies with a higher vibration have planted and watered the seeds of change, bringing about this new opportunity for humanity. This is the moment your souls have eagerly awaited. After all, each of you chose to be here at this exact moment in human history because you are adventurer souls who all entered into a contract to create something remarkable for future generations of souls incarnating into human bodies (among which you can choose to be if it is your soul’s desire). No soul is ever forced to enter a body. It is always your choice, though it is unlikely you recognize this in your embodied states. You make your choices to incarnate into a human body for many reasons, including the probabilities of what may happen individually in a lifetime, the potentials the body you choose offers you for growth and experience, and the potential opportunities that may arise for the collective of humanity during that lifetime. You all knew that this moment in history was one of the potential opportunities for humanity, and you all eagerly signed up so you could be part of the shift. What is the shift? Essentially, it is a frequency shift, one in which you move through and beyond some of your lower-vibrational human tendencies and into a higher vibrational space that has the potential to bring about desirable outcomes for humanity that more closely resemble your existence as Source energy. However, it’s important to note that although the possibility exists for a world of duality that is closer in its frequency to Source energy, your physical existence on Gaia will never match exactly your Divine existence outside of the human body because the purpose of incarnation into the physical is for each soul to experience duality and a sense of individual separation (ego), something that does not exist in the place of Oneness known as Source. Nevertheless, while duality and the experience of self will always be the purpose of incarnation into a human body, if you successfully move through this shift, the higher vibrational frequency will remove some of those layers of selfishness and polarity that currently exist, making way for more compassionate and cooperative efforts among the individual egos that make up the whole of humankind. Your experience as you move through this shift, its outcome, and how quickly you do it is up to you. But, the only way out of your current circumstances is through them. The point at which you could have circumvented this opportunity is well past. This is where you are now, and you must move through it. When your soul lives in a body, the circumstances required for vibrational shift are uncomfortable and often require a massive change of perspective. The current discomfort you feel is a sign that the vibrational shift is occurring. Many of you are noticing it as disquiet, sadness, mood swings, anger, fear, blame, and other uncomfortable emotions you view as negative. These emotions are the stirring of the shadow selves you hide from yourself and others at all costs because your shadows are parts of you that you have disowned or left unacknowledged. However, in order to move beyond your shadows, you must first activate and acknowledge them. Unacknowledged shadows get stuck in your psyche and linger in your subconscious, causing thoughts and behaviors that bring you shame. Bringing those shadows to the light is the only way to heal and integrate them. Please understand there is nothing “wrong” with your shadows. They are part of the experience of duality, and they are there to propel you forward on your journey. You chose your shadows as an act of self-love. And as is human nature, when those shadows poked around the fringes of your awareness, instead of responding with gentle inquiry and recognizing the good intention with which they were created, you buried them as deeply as you could. Without the challenge of the shadow of selfishness, how would you raise your vibration by overcoming it with compassion? Without the shadow of injustice, how would you recognize justice and experience the deep love and connection required to desire justice not just for yourself, but another as well. This interplay of light and shadows in the embodied human is your challenge, your opportunity, and your joy. And right now, this current opportunity caused by the virus you call COVID-19 is bringing your shadows out from where you have hidden them. This is the source of the discomfort you are feeling. Your shadows are no longer willing to be ignored, and it’s up to you individually and collectively to recognize and acknowledge those shadows, thank them for their service to you, and spend some time exploring what they mean and how you wish to respond to them. We urge you at this time to, as much as you can, take the time to sit with your shadows. Ask them what they have to share with you. Meet them gently with compassion and love. And, after you have explored your own shadows and know them as an important and valid part of you, we urge you to meet the shadows in others in a new way. We ask you to interact with others’ shadows in a manner that doesn’t involve judgment or criticism, but rather comes from a spirit of love, compassion, and allowing. Only when you recognize your own and other people’s shadows, and only when you learn to love and see purpose in the shadows as much as the light, will you begin to shift, grow, and emerge from your self-imposed sense of separation and isolation. What you may not yet recognize is this: though your bodies are apart right now, your souls exist as One. There is no separation in ultimate reality; there is only the separation you choose to experience when you are embodied. In Source, we are One. And in Source, you are part of that Oneness. Yet, intrepid souls have chosen time and time again to leave the harmony of love and Oneness to enter into the world of duality for the chance to experience the paradox of being both an individual and an important piece of the whole. A part of that which you recognize as “you” always remains here in the Oneness, but your consciousness when you are embodied is focused on the part of you that is navigating duality. It is important to recognize your existence both in the Oneness and in embodied duality, because it provides important reassurance that regardless of what your physical body experiences, that which you call your soul is always safe, and it is inextricably co-mingled with every other soul incarnated on Gaia alongside you right now. Because you are One with us, we not only understand your discomfort; we feel it just as strongly as you do. And this is why we walk beside you in compassion, love, and understanding; because you are us and we are you, and any sense of us and you as being separate is merely an illusion you are experiencing in your current experience of duality. Finally, we urge you to sit with the discomfort for as much as you can. The more you distract yourself from the discomfort and try to ignore it, the longer it will be part of your embodied life and the more slowly the shift will occur. However, instead of meeting the discomfort with judgment, try to meet it with a sense of curiosity, compassion, and love. It has much of value to share with you if you will allow it. We are One with you. We love you deeply and are in awe of the adventurous spirits who have chosen an embodied life in order to expand the love of Source and the understanding of Oneness. We feel and acknowledge your struggles as our own, and we continue to sit with you and bear witness as you seek to create powerful shifts among humanity. The outcome of this opportunity for humanity is up to you, and we know you are up to the task. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by GLady from Pixabay Image by dungthuyvunguyen from Pixabay
Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are honored to speak to you today as you adapt to this powerful opportunity for humanity that you call COVID-19. We wish to remind you at the outset of our message how deeply we love you, and how much we honor and respect each of you as you reach for a new way of being during this current opportunity. Over the past several days, we have communicated through our channel in order to help you identify the opportunities that are becoming clear to many of you as a result of the COVID-19 virus. The opportunity represented by COVID-19 is a new way of being and relating as a species that honors all beings with whom you share your time on Gaia. We were paused for a few days because we wish to avoid overwhelming you with too much talk of change, and we wish to avoid exhausting our channel as well. She is, alongside of all of you, reading our words and working to integrate new understandings she has received from our messages. We wish to take this moment to point out that Karen is not the only one receiving messages for humanity. In fact, most of you are receiving guidance (now and in the past) in some way or another. It is up to you to understand how you receive those messages from us and others like us. We speak to you in many ways. We come in your dreams, as persistent thoughts in your mind, in flashes of insight, in your emotions, in your art and literature, and in many other uncountable ways. Please listen to these voices and share them, for they are there to guide humanity, and you are the bearers of Divine messages for all who will hear them. We urge each of you to let the voice of truth ring out from you. Moving forward, we wish to identify traits that will keep you from making changes if you allow them to. In identifying these traits, you can begin to make the changes your world needs by recognizing certain qualities inherent in embodied souls that keep you stuck in the old energy if you allow it. Outlining these qualities brings your awareness to them, and when a light is shined, darkness is vanquished. So, we seek to light a match for you to shine into the darkest corners in order to chase away your shadows. We provide the match; what you do with it is up to you. Some may use it to illuminate the darkness. Others may use the match to burn it all down. The first way is the way of love. The second is the way of fear. You get to choose, both individually and collectively, which way you will go. Today’s topic will be brief, but it is so very important for you to begin to recognize in yourselves. The human trait we wish to point out to you today is conditioning. Each of you has multiple layers of conditioning, not only from this lifetime, but from your cellular memory of previous lifetimes as well as your species’ memory of hundreds of thousands of years on Earth. And yet, one of the reasons you have entered into human bodies over and over again is for the opportunity to overcome your conditioning. Many – in fact most – embodied humans maintain this false belief: It has always been this way, so it must always be this way. This is a fallacy, and it is one that arises from fear. Conditioning is what keeps humanity locked in supporting systems and institutions that no longer serve you. It arises from set belief systems, how you educate your young, how you parent your children, how you choose to worship, your forms of government, your cultural backgrounds, your set roles in how you self-identify and relate to one another, your racial and gender identities, and in your world religions, among many other forms of conditioning too numerous to name here. How do you recognize conditioning? Every time you notice the thoughts It has to be this way, it’s always been this way, and/or there is no other way to do this, your conditioning is speaking and not your soul or your Divine Guidance. Acting from conditioning feels numb. It feels automatic. And it makes you feel helpless rather than empowered. Today, we invite you to examine your conditioning. As each thought enters your mind, we suggest you step away from it and evaluate it from a detached distance. Ask yourself:
Then, allow yourself to imagine other things that may be equally true if humanity had the boldness to try a new way. The voice of your conditioning is strong, but the COVID-19 virus is providing the opportunity for you to decide on something else on a massive scale. Be bold. Imagine what life on Gaia could be if you chose another way. We are here, handing you the match to light up your darkest corners. It is up to you what you do with that match. Will you choose to use it in fear, or will you choose use it with love? Whatever you decide individually and collectively, remember that we are here with you, we support you, and we love you unconditionally. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Steen Jepsen from Pixabay |