Kunzite (a.k.a. spodumene) has a gentle energy and a soft pink to lovely violet color. You may also find it in a soft green or yellowish colors, as well. It is a monoclinic crystal, classified as a lithium pyroxene.
Metaphysically, its monoclinic structure makes kunzite protective and expansive. Expansive crystals are good to work with when you need to facilitate personal growth, and kunzite can help you grow emotionally. It can also help you protect your emotions, so it's a good crystal to carry with you when you're feeling emotionally unsteady. Pink kunzite is a stone both of the heart and the head. It can help bring negative thoughts into your heart center to help begin to heal them. It can also help you grow and expand love energy in your life. Violet kunzite supports the expansion of intuitive or psychic energies as well as providing psychic protection. Green kunzite is similar to pink in that it supports both the mind energy and heart energy. Yellow kunzite strengthens self-esteem and can protect you against negative thoughts you have about yourself as well as negative self-talk.
I've never been particularly drawn to peacock ore - also known as chalcopyrite. I mean, I always knew it existed, and I've even written about it, but it was never part of my personal collection.
So if I was somebody who believed in coincidences, I'd think it was a fun consonance that peacock ore showed up in the mail for me unbidden and unasked for not once, but twice on the same day in two separate packages delivered by two different carriers. However, I'm not someone who thinks that way. If peacock ore showed up twice in the same day, perhaps there's something in the vibrational energy of peacock ore I need in my life right now. In the past few years, I've actually been drawn to peacock colors of vivid teal and purple. I even had highlights of those very colors in my hair for a while, and when we redecorated our living room a few years ago, I chose variations of blue from muted to dark with 4 peacock accent pillows. A few days before the peacock ore showed up, I also ordered an item from an artisan that was in peacock colors. Of course, until the peacock ore showed up, I made no connection. Our soul sends us signals like that, and sometimes we just think of them as creative urges or imagination until something happens that finally causes us to recognize the pattern. Clearly there is something here in this energy that will support me on my path right now. On the day the peacock ore arrived, I was working on an article about mysticism and the path of the mystic. The packages both arrived while I worked on it. And one of the alternative names for peacock ore is the Stone of the Mystic. Chalcopyrite has an orthorhombic lattice structure. Orthorhombic crystals are blockage clearers and cleansers. They can help unstick you. The primary colors in peacock ore - teal blue and purple - vibrate in ways that affect all three of your upper chakras - throat, third eye, and crown. Especially potent is the combination of the blue and purple. This can facilitate connection between psychic or intuitive vision, inspiration, and communication, which allows you to be better able to share your own unique and vision with others in whatever way you communicate, whether it's in writing, verbally, or through any other form of expression such as art or movement. As a blockage clearer, chalcopyrite can also remove energetic blockages so you are able to receive intuition and communication more clearly from your higher self and from higher realms. It truly is the stone of the mystic in the way it facilitates the process of receiving information from your higher self, guides, and even the Source, and it helps you create an effective means of communicating those inspirations with the world. So why is peacock ore in my life right now? Recently, I've felt channels of inspiration open up far more quickly than I've been able to communicate them, and there are times I struggle with expressing some of the information and inspiration I receive. This is especially true with channeled information, which is of a high vibrational nature. While I receive the channeled information effortlessly, knowing when and how to communicate it and with whom to share it is definitely something I could be better at. My guess is peacock ore has come into my life right now to help me in this process. It is clearing blockages and opening me up so I can receive and channel more information and then express it in the way it needs to be shared so it reaches the people who need to hear it. I'm always grateful when the universe provides me with such a clear path and obvious message. It helps me to continue my own spiritual growth in ways that I believe genuinely serve the greatest good. Image by CoffeeVampire from Pixabay Many people who take my dream interpretation class mention they have trouble remembering their dreams or they don't feel their dreams are meaningful.
The truth is everyone dreams, and everyone has symbolic dreams, which occur during REM sleep. However, not everyone is able to remember their dreams because they can be so ephemeral. If you don't record your dream as soon as you wake up by writing it down quickly or speaking it into a voice recorder, there's a good chance you'll forget it or details of the dream will slip away quickly. It's unfortunate because dreams are an excellent source of wisdom from a higher source. They can provide guidance or alert us to issues in our subconscious that we need to bring into consciousness so we can deal with them and heal. Dreams are an important tool for people on a spiritual path seeking guidance and growth. There are some things you can do to support meaningful dreams and dream recall. The first is to state your intention nightly before you go to sleep. Every night as I drift off, I say, "Tell me what I need to know." For me, that's enough because I have always dreamed vividly and had good dream recall. Others may need a more clearly stated intention such as, "Tonight I will receive guidance in my dreams and when I wake, I will remember them" or something similar. Keep a dream journal or a voice recorder next to the bed, and as soon as you wake from a dream that seems significant, write it down. If you wake in the middle of the night, even a few descriptive words of things from the dream can be enough to spark recall. Then, in the morning, write everything you can remember from your dream in your journal and see if you can translate what the dream is telling you. Another great way to remember dreams is to place amethyst next to your bed, under your pillow, or between your mattress and box spring. Amethyst can trigger meaningful dreams and help you remember them. Cleanse your amethyst once or twice a week using smoke or another method. Finally, try this essential oil blend. If possible, put it in a roller bottle with chips of amethyst and an amethyst roller ball. Apply to your third eye before you go to bed, massaging it into your forehead in a counterclockwise direction (clockwise dispels, counterclockwise draws or nourishes) as you repeat your affirmation for dreaming and dream recall. Dream Serum
Image by TanteTati from Pixabay ![]() For all the ladies of a certain age (or partners and family of ladies of a certain age who want to help), if hot flashes are a thing in your life right now, I've found something that works amazingly well. I was at Celestial Awakenings in Vancouver, WA yesterday (one of my favorite crystals stores - they also have a Portland, OR location on Stark) chatting with the store's very helpful owners Jeff and Kim. I started to have a hot flash and asked them what they recommended for hot flashes. Jeff handed me a piece of indigo Gabbro (also called blue Gabbro and Magic Merlinite), and as soon as I held it in my receiving hand (which is my non-dominant hand), all of the rising heat drained from my body. It stopped the hot flash dead in its tracks. It was a pretty neat trick, so I bought a piece. Every time I felt a hot flash rising for the rest of the evening, I grabbed the Babbro and BAM - hot flash thwarted. Jeff suggested holding it in my hand while I sleep, putting it under my pillow, or placing it between the mattress and box spring. I know myself. Nothing is going to stay in my hand all night, and it probably won't stay under my pillow either. Jim offered to put two-sided carpet tape on my hand and stick the piece of Gabbro to it, but I had visions of all sorts of things I would wake up with it stuck to my hand in the morning, such as my dog Monkey. Instead, I put the Gabbro between the mattress and box springs. I typically wake several times during the night to throw off covers (hot flash) and then again to put covers back on when the hot flash becomes a not flash. It only happened once last night. Now for the geology geek bit: indigo Gabbro hasn't been mined for long (a few years). It comes from Madagascar, and it is an igneous rock with a chemical makeup that's pretty much the same as basalt. There's Gabbro in the earth's crust, especially the oceanic crust. While it forms as one rock, it is made up of several crystalline minerals including chlorite, serpentine, magnetite, feldspar, muscovite, and pyroxene in a silicate (quartz) base. Physically, along with hot flashes Gabbro may be helpful for other heat conditions in the body, including fever and inflammation. Spiritually, Gabbro is a stone of balance. It helps integrate the dark and the light inside of you, so it's a good stone for meditation and shadow work. It can help to bring balance to your life between the physical (body and mind) and the ethereal (emotions and spirit). It can also help unify and integrate other aspects of the yin and the yang (duality). It's a good stone to have if you're doing integration or balancing work of any kind in your life. Finally, a quick reminder. If the Gabbro is working hard for you, don't forget to cleanse it. For people in the throes of intense hot flashes (or similar conditions), I recommend cleansing it daily with smoke or sound. The cleaner energy will help it help you more efficiently. If you're not using it as much, a once a week cleansing when you cleanse your other crystals should suffice. I picked up this amazing piece of smoky quartz last weekend at Pisces Trading Company in Portland. Smoky quartz is a quartz variant that is strongly grounding, protective, and cleansing. It also transmutes negative energy to positive, so I use it a lot. I actually have smoky quartz near my front door so all energy that comes into the house is positive, and I've sprinkled smoky quartz chips all around the perimeter of my house and property so the energy that crosses to my home and property is cleansed and positive.
You pineal gland, which is located in the center of your brain, has a strong association with your third eye (sixth chakra). It is responsible for the production of melatonin, a hormone necessary for restful sleep and achieving the brainwave states associated with deep meditation, mystical experience, connection to higher realms, and psychic visions.
Many meditation techniques focus on pineal gland activation, which can help trigger and optimize the neurochemicals necessary for deep spiritual insight. But did you know that the pineal gland also contains microscopic calcite crystals? Calcite (CaCO3) is a hexagonal lattice system crystal that demonstrates the piezoelectric effect. In other words, when calcite crystals are subjected to mechanical stress, they generate a electrical charge or release of light. There is also some suggestion that the presence of calcite crystals in the pineal gland may turn it into a type of receiver that tunes in to different frequencies in a manner similar to a radio receiver (crystal radios use mineral crystals such as galena). This may offer the beginnings of a scientific explanation that ties the pineal gland to receiving messages from spirit. In crystal healing, calcite is used to generate positive vibrations and increase vibrational frequency. Hexagonal crystals also aid in manifestation and increased awareness. So what does it mean that you have calcite crystals in your brain? These crystals can release electrical charges to stimulate your pineal gland from within, helping with cycles of sleeping and waking and allowing you to achieve meaningful dreams and deeper connection with spirit. Activating them may also strengthen the function of your third eye as a receiver, allowing clearer communication with higher realms. With your focus on the pineal gland during meditation, you can activate these crystals from within, raising your vibrational energy. You can also use calcite crystals during meditation, holding them in your hand or placing them nearby, to create resonance with your pineal gland. It's no coincidence that calcite often occurs naturally in amethyst. Amethyst is another piezoelectric crystal (it's a quartz variant) that is known to stimulate better sleep and dreams and to help you connect with higher realms and mystical experience. Keeping a piece of calcite in amethyst on a bedside table or in a meditation room can help you connect with the spirit realm in meditative, dream, and sleep states. Image by PatrizioYoga from Pixabay This is a piece of chrysocolla, azurite, and malachite with chrysocolla druzy. There's a lot going on in a single stone. I've been struggling to be able to get a good photo of this crystal for you since there's just so much to it.
Chrysocolla is a stone of communication, as is azurite. Malachite, on the other hand, is a heart stone that is known for bringing about transformative healing. All three get their color from different copper concentrations, which is why the three of them often occur together in a single stone. Stones like this that combine malachite with chrysocolla and/or azurite are a great way to communicate in a heartfelt manner; thee energy of the malachite keeps you heart-focused while the energy of the azurite and/or chrysocolla helps you share your truth from the heart. A great affirmation for meditating with this stone is, "I speak my truth with love." And in so doing-- kindly and compassionately communicating your truth--you can facilitate your own healing transformation. As you meditate and affirm, hold the stone to your heart. Visualize the energy of the stone filling your heart and then swirling upward into your throat to give power, strength, and compassion to your voice. Try this type of meditation any time you have an important communication coming up with someone where you want to be able to share your truth in a loving and compassionate manner, such as during an intervention, before a counseling or talk therapy session, making up from an argument, or even just chatting with your children or a loved one. It's also a great stone to use during any type of negotiations or when sharing difficult news with someone. This is whiskey quartz - sometimes called whiskey citrine. It is a naturally occurring quartz similar to smoky citrine or smoky quartz, but it has a deep bourbon color. Metaphysically, it combines the properties of citrine and smoky quartz, so it's a prosperity or merchant's stone that can also transmute negative energy to positive.
This is a great stone to use if you're trying to change negative financial energy in your life, and it is also good for helping you change from lack consciousness to prosperity consciousness. So if you are someone who struggles with lack consciousness; that is, even if you're working on prosperity affirmations, your day to day (or moment to moment) thoughts often reflect lack and cancel or override your prosperity affirmations (thoughts such as I can never afford this, This is too expensive, I'm going to run out of money, or How am I going to pay my bills this week?), then carry whiskey quartz with you to help change those thoughts to positive, abundance-based thoughts. For example, the second you catch yourself thinking, "How am I going to afford to pay this bill?" change the thought to, "I have all the money I need to pay my bills." The whiskey quartz can help you catch yourself in those thoughts and change them from lack-based to abundance-based beliefs, thus changing negative beliefs about abundance to positive energy. Image by Sharon McCutcheon from Pixabay
Here are two examples of petrified wood - one natural and polished on the surface and the other cut and polished into a sphere. Petrified wood has grounding earth energies, as well as wood energy, so in feng shui they would work well in both earth and wood areas of your home. You can also place them to nourish fire areas or metal areas. Sectors where petrified wood would be auspicious include east (health), southeast (wealth and money), northeast (wisdom, spiritual growth, and education), or southwest (love and relationships). Place petrified wood in these locations with the intention to strengthen these aspects in your life. |