Greetings beloved souls! We are overjoyed to speak to you Now.
Today, We wish to discuss the nature of pain. Pain takes many forms and can manifest in any of the realms of embodied human existence - physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. It goes by many names in your language and manifests in seemingly endless ways. So, while you may identify a part of the human experience as something else, ultimately it is another manifestation of pain. And pain is ultimately a manifestation of fear. In duality, fear is the opposite of Love. In Ultimate Reality, there is no separation between fear and Love--it is all the same energy that radiates throughout the Universe. Fear is not the absence of Love, but rather the dis-memberment from it. For a while in the human experience, you forget that All There is is Love and All You Are is Love, and thus, you feel separate from your Source, which creates fear. When you re-member Who You Are and rejoin Source, the fear falls away and once again, you rejoin (re-member) with the only true experience in the Universe, which is Love. All of humanity's deepest issues arise from pain, which is a manifestation of fear. When you experience pain, it can feel all-encompassing. And it's true that from a vibrational standpoint, pain is a low-frequency energy. Ultimately, however, pain has a high-vibrational purpose: it propels you to re-member. But that high-vibrational purpose is lost in the experience of an embodied human having pain. We understand this and have deep Love and compassion for you in your pain. In our Love for you, we extend ourselves to you. You may notice Our Love and compassion as Light that seeps around the edges of your pain or peeps through the spaces within it. The low-vibrational nature of pain coalesces into tightly-packed strands of energy that make it dark and dense. To the embodied human, the darkness and density of pain can feel solid and unrelenting. But even the heaviest darkness has edges of decreasing density that taper off into the Universal space of Love. And even the densest darkness has space in between its energy strands through which tiny pinpricks of Light will creep. However, when you are lost in the experience of pain, these cracks, fissures, and edges that let the Light in are very difficult to discern. It's a challenge for embodied humans to step back from the heaviness of pain to notice the Light. We have profound compassion for this, and in your deepest pain, We shine the brightest and reach the hardest to allow glimmers of Love to reach you. We invite you try this. To the extent that you can, take a quiet moment to notice your pain. Start by finding its edges. At first, this may be the easiest to do with physical pain since it is the most concretely perceptible. Notice where your physical pain is. Then, notice where it isn't. Without judgment and from a space of awareness, simply notice the pain and the lack of pain. Shift your perspective back and forth between the two - spaces of pain, spaces of no-pain. Then, move your awareness to the edges of the pain. Notice whether they are sharp and defined, or whether they slowly taper into no-pain. Once you've explored the edges, move into the pain and notice it. Is it solid, or can you locate spots within the density where there is no-pain? Once you've located the spaces of no-pain within the density of pain, notice the edges of that. Do this with another space of no-pain within the density, and then another. Next, notice the solidity of the pain. Is it steady and relentless, or does it come and go? Does it pulse? Does it vibrate? Are there momentary lapses? Does it rise and fall? Strengthen and abate? This exercise allows you to explore the permeability of pain, and it can help release pain's hold on you. It also helps you to recognize pain's impermanence. When you notice this, it shifts your perspective. What originally seems solid, steady, and permanent reveals itself to be permeable, intermittent, and temporary. What you notice with physical pain, you can also notice with mental, emotional, or spiritual pain. It is always permeable. It is always intermittent. And it is always temporary. And so, in noticing your pain, We also ask you to notice Love. Notice the spaces and moments where the Light slips through. Find these and allow yourself a moment of peace. At first, these moments may be fractions of a second; tiny, nearly-imperceptible flashes. But as you invite them, seek them, notice them, allow them, and appreciate them, the moments of Light will become larger, more frequent, and last longer. This is the path to re-membrance, which is the ultimate purpose of pain. Know that no matter how large or dense your pain is, We are reaching to you around the edges and through the spaces, sharing Our Love and Light to help you on your path to re-member. We are always with you no matter how deep, dark, and unrelenting your pain feels in the moment. We encourage you to also be there for each other in a similar way. Never let someone else's pain push you away. Hold space for another's pain. Surround them in Loving Light with the intention that in the moments they can find the edges and permeability of their pain, they will be nourished by the Light of your Love and compassion. We Love You. Read the first message from The George Collective. Read the next message from The George Collective.
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