Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Today we wish to talk to you about your media. What once served as a tool to inform humanity has become a method of manipulating you. Humans around the world are being lied to, and your media is spearheading these misinformation efforts. Your media once served as a watchdog of governments, corporations, and corruption. Now, it serves as a source of disinformation, inflammation, and propaganda. What once exposed corruption now actively engages in it. The media of the world is largely owned by corporations or governments. And while your media professes to maintain independence, it also functions to enhance the bottom line of the conglomerates of which your media organizations are a part. This creates conflicts of interest, for how can your media serve the public interest when they also exist as part of organizations with the sole goal of profiting from or gaining power over the public? In a society focused on the acquisition of wealth, a free press is currently not possible. Instead, the conglomerates that own your media weaponize them to manipulate people into serving their own quest for power or financial gain. Your news media, which you freely allow into your homes every day, is the tip of a spear used to push you in the directions that those in power want you to go. Many members of the media are honest souls who sincerely want to inform the public. However, their livelihoods rely on the goodwill of their employers, which have different goals in mind. Therefore, even the most honest journalist is subject to the whims of his or her employers. We acknowledge that there are many hardworking and honest souls who take their roles as watchdogs seriously. However, even those honest people are only able to share the news their employers allow them to report. Others in the media actively and consciously engage in spreading misinformation for personal gain and power, whether it is for fame, notoriety, political influence, personal enrichment, or something else. The flow of misinformation has been growing exponentially in the past five decades on your planet, and this explosion of misinformation, while it may originate with those in power, has infected the media all around the world. Please hear us when we tell you this: There is not one media source that humanity turns to for its news that does not disseminate misinformation. Many members of the media are unaware of the sheer amount of misinformation they circulate, as members of the media are also being lied to. Others simply lack the understanding of how your world truly works and therefore naively report world events through their own lens, which is deeply flawed in its understanding. Therefore, the misinformation coming from your media is both intentional and unintentional, but it is there, swirling around you and creating the false narrative under which all of humanity operates. The COVID-19 opportunity is revealing this truth to more people than ever before. Thousands of untruths, both large and small, are being reported daily, and people seeking a reliable source of information are quickly awakening to this fact. Never before in your history has this misinformation had such dire consequences; humans are dying because of it, and many more are becoming gravely ill. The misinformation from your media has become the background noise of your lives. It distracts you from your truth and generates fear, because a fearful populace is a controllable populace. The fear your media spoon feeds you every day is the tool the megalithic corporations and oligarchs use to control you. The COVID-19 opportunity is showing you how the structure of your society no longer works for humanity, and your news media is part of this crumbling structure. Humanity needs to rethink how you are informed and who informs you. It is important you find independent voices to communicate, and that you learn to listen to your intuition in order to determine who is telling you the truth and who is lying to you. It is also important that your news media is run by only the most trustworthy among you, and that it is kept apart from any systems associated with barter or power. Until then, it is important that you listen to your guts, because you are being Divinely guided. Put very little trust in any of your news reports as you are being misinformed. Ask yourself, “Who benefits from this information?” and follow the trail of money and power to discover who will gain and is therefore the likely source of the misinformation. To the best of your ability, do not allow the media reports to thrust you into the vibration of fear. While this period on your planet may feel frightening on a human level, don’t allow the media-generated fear to take you by the hand and lead you, or you will not be open to the important guidance you are receiving from the realm of the Divine, which seeks to serve your greatest good. Fear will not lead you out of this crisis; it will only lead you more deeply into it. Fear will block your most important attributes - love, kindness, compassion, honesty, harmony, balance, and peace. Seek truths that lead you more deeply into these qualities, because it is in them where salvation for humanity lies. Listen to the whispering of your soul and drown out the noise of media-generated fear. Know that we love you deeply, and we walk beside you in this opportunity. We are here to remind you who you really are and what your work on planet Earth is truly all about. You are supported and unconditionally loved as we cheer you on in your quest to evolve. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by jggrz from Pixabay
Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective Karen's note: As my friend Carolyn pointed out this morning, the term "channeling" can be off-putting. Trust me, it has been a hard-sell for me, as well, and I've been in contact with The Georges since I was a child when they were my "imaginary friend" who would channel simple poetry through me. It's why I kept this aspect of my life to myself for so long - because it's difficult for many to understand or relate to the process of channeling. But, I feel the messages The Georges are sharing are so important, I am willing to step way outside of my comfort zone to deliver them. The Georges are far wiser than I will ever be. They have perspective that is supportive of humanity while being removed from it. Experiencing their perspective allows me to step outside of my own myopic, deeply human vision. After a channeling session, I have to go back and read through the messages several times so that I can fully absorb their wisdom. I am honored and humbled The George Collective is choosing to share their wisdom through me. I frequently feel unworthy of the task and frustrated by the fact I am not getting the message out to as many people as I believe need to hear it. The Georges have asked me to share their messages with as many people as possible, yet I am a single person with a relatively small platform. If their wisdom resonates with you, I ask that you consider sharing it with others so we can spread their message of hope for humanity. BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Today we wish to discuss systems. Systems are tools humanity originally put into place to serve your needs. However, what once served as tools to empower you and enrich your lives have now become entrenched behaviors and structures you engage in without thought or consideration about why you follow them or whether they support your greatest good. Your systems, which were established to serve you, now serve to condition you. They trap you in groupthink that seeks to silence the voices of those who dare to question them or offer another way. The conditioning you receive as a result of your systems create false beliefs such as too big to fail or this is the way it has always been done, so it is how we must do it now. Your systems have become huge and unwieldy. They have grown into entities that have taken on a life of their own. They are unconsciously supported by millions of humans who have stopped even attempting to wonder if there is another way. This current crisis you call COVID-19 has revealed the fallacy behind your participation in the systems you believe support your society. Your scientist Isaac Newton identified laws of motion in physics. Newton’s First Law of Motion states this: objects in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force. And your systems are exactly that. They are enormous objects in motion that will continue to move along their present path unless an outside force acts upon them. There is a symmetry in this, that a virus is revealing important truths about your society. On an individual level, your body is a system of physical anatomy, and the virus is a force acting upon it. On a worldwide level, the COVID-19 virus serves as an outside object acting on a huge body in motion. It encourages you to step away from your current path and stop the motion of systems that no longer serve you. COVID-19 forces you to reconsider the unwieldly objects in motion that your systems have become. The COVID-19 opportunity has affected virtually all of the systems humanity so blindly supports that no longer serve your greatest good. In doing so, it has revealed your systems for the illusions that they are. Your healthcare systems are overwhelmed. While peopled with compassionate and caring individuals, the COVID-19 opportunity has demonstrated the inhumanity of a for-profit healthcare model. Billions of people around the world are waking up to this fact. What we want you to know about your healthcare system is this: It does not have to be this way. You may believe that how you currently manage health care is the only way, but there are other methods to manage the health of body, mind, and spirit that support even the weakest among you. You have collectively created this system of healthcare, and you have collectively given it the power it has in your lives. Already, there are voices among you sharing new ideas for how to reform your healthcare system in radical and original ways that support and nurture the health of all while serving the greatest good of humanity. Listen to those voices that offer a new way. They are Divinely inspired and have come to help you. Your financial system, which we covered extensively in another channeling, suppresses and separates all of you. It creates have and have nots. It allows extremely small entitled castes and huge swaths of humanity who have very little and must struggle every day just to survive. Your financial system robs every soul—even those in the entitled classes—of their dignity and humanity. This is what we want you to know about your financial system: It does not have to be this way. There are enough resources on your planet to go around, and every person has the right to have their most basic survival needs met without struggle. You have collectively created your financial system, and you have collectively given it the power it has in your life. Right now, there are voices among you sharing new ideas for how to reform your barter systems and allocation of resources in ways that support the security and dignity of all while minimizing exploitation of the living, breathing being that is the planet Earth (Gaia) and serving the greatest good of humanity. Listen to those voices that offer a new, sustainable way. They are inspired by the Divine and have come to help you. Your political systems empower few and disempower most. They are filled with corruption, greed, and malfeasance. They support the rise of demagogues and suppress the voices of all but the most powerful. This is what we want you to know about your political systems: They do not need to be like this. New political systems will give rise to new voices who seek to empower all instead of hoarding all the power and influence for themselves. Your political system is a collective creation, and humanity has the power to change existing political structures to serve the greatest good. Already, there are voices among you sharing a new vision for the world. Look especially to your younger generations - those you call Millennials and Generation Z. Make no mistake; these young people are old souls, and they have incarnated in this lifetime without certain filters in place that older generations have. They are demanding change that serves the greatest good of humanity. Listen to your young people. They are Divinely inspired and have come to help you. Your educational systems are ineffectual and expensive. While peopled by wonderful teachers who want nothing but the best for their students, your education systems focus on the wrong subjects and values. Much of how you educate your youth focuses on how to become part of a society centered around on money. Around the world, your curricula de-emphasize or ignore the things that will truly serve the greatest good of your planet: ethics, reasoning, critical thinking, creative expression, kindness, and vibrational energetics, among others. Here is what we wish for you to know about your educational systems: There is another way. Finding creative new ways to educate your youth and focusing on subjects that truly matter for souls incarnated on Gaia will advance humanity. You have collectively created your educational systems, and they no longer serve you. Already, however, there are those among you working to educate your youth in another way. Listen to them and adopt their ideas. These educational visionaries are Divinely inspired and have come to help you. Your social systems and structures are deeply flawed. You place higher value on those who have more materially and lower value on those who have less. This has allowed people into power who don’t have the best interests of humanity at heart and silenced the voices of many who live their lives humbly working to serve their fellow humans. What do we wish you to know about your social systems? Take heart; there is another way. Listen to those among you who walk humbly and serve quietly to uplift humanity. They hold the keys to social change. You have collectively created your social systems, and they no longer serve you. Fortunately, there are many among you with ideas for a path forward to create social change. These servants of humanity are Divinely inspired and are here to help. Your religious systems claim to serve their constituents and provide a safe place to worship Gods who never asked to be worshipped. Many of them rely on cherrypicked and altered texts that are so far removed from their original truth, they have completely distorted the words of their prophets. A majority of the world’s religions serve the highest interests of the oligarchs who control them rather than serving the greatest good of humanity. Here’s what we want you to know about your religious systems: There is another way. Each of you has the truth of the Divine inside of you, and it speaks to you through your intuition, emotions, and dreams. If you quiet the noise and listen to these things, you will no longer need a religious system to tell you how to think, feel, or act. Instead, you will be able to hold your own counsel and commune with the Divine in the ways that serve the greatest good. You have collectively created your religious systems, and they no longer serve you. However, even now, there are millions among you who have started listening to the gentle swell of truth that lies within their own soul. This truth that exists within each of you is Divinely inspired. Listen to it and follow the urges of your soul. Your systems do not serve you. They suppress you. The COVID-19 virus is the outside force acting on each of these systems, allowing you all the opportunity to change direction. We are here beside you. While we cannot act as the outside force upon the systems that no longer serve you, we can love you as you listen the rising tide of voices seeking change and decide upon the changes humanity must make if you wish to realize your full potential as a species. We love you unconditionally, and we have great hope that you will no longer serve the systems that don’t serve you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Krzysztof Niewolny from Pixabay Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective Karen's note: The Georges have much to say. They are trying to offer the messages in digestible bits because there is so much here to think about. There is much we have learned as humans that we need to unlearn, so I suspect I may be sharing these messages for a while. If they resonate, The Georges ask me to urge you to share them with as many people as you can. I asked The George Collective yesterday why they had me choose butterflies for their posts. They answer that question towards the end of today's channeling, but essentially it is this: The COVID-19 virus has allowed humanity to enter our cocoons as caterpillars. Now we are inside of them, and we have the opportunity and the hope we can emerge as butterflies. I personally have great hope for humanity, and I honor all who have the courage to lead the way with compassion, harmony, and love. BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Today we want to talk to you about institutions versus individuals. In this case, “versus” means “as compared to,” and not “in opposition to,” although often it does become oppositional when an individual clashes with an institution. The needs and desires of individuals and the directives of institutions are often at odds. Individuals are thinking, feeling, breathing souls that must connect to interact. And when connecting to a fellow soul, individuals frequently act with kindness, understanding, and compassion because your humanity recognizes the humanity in another. Institutions are made up of individuals. Many institutions—such as hospitals or schools—may have a stated mission to serve the common good. However, in a society in which money and power are its most important values, those publicly stated missions become secondary to the true purpose of the institution, which is nearly always the financial well-being, survival, power, and influence of the organization. Your planet is run by institutions. Governments, churches, corporations, prisons, schools, charities, and more – all of these are the institutions that humans have put in place to serve individuals and groups. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, your institutions stopped serving you, and you started serving them. What were once tools for humanity have now become your masters. As these institutions have grown in importance over generations of humanity, the true goal of virtually every institution has become to enrich and preserve the organization itself, whether through financial gain, power and influence peddling, or both. Institutions primarily exist to protect, grow, and enrich the organization, not the people who work within the institutional structures or those who are the supposed recipients of the goods, services, and support the institutions provide. And what this leads to is this: the institutions become far more important and powerful than the individuals they serve or those who serve within their organizations. This power imbalance and humanity’s current reliance on the institutions that serve them lead people to compromise or subjugate those things that are the soul’s most important mission during its period of embodiment as a human being: compassionate and loving connection with other souls and serving the highest and greatest good of the universe. An example may be the best way to understand how this power structure undermines your true purpose as embodied souls. Suppose a teen infected with the virus you are calling COVID-19 suddenly begins to experience breathing difficulty. His parents rush him to the nearest medical facility for care – a privately owned urgent care clinic. When he arrives, struggling for breath, the soul operating the reception desk asks the questions the institution has mandated she ask of everyone coming in for care. Chief among the questions are these: “How do you plan to pay for your services today? Do you have insurance or the financial wherewithal to cover any services we provide you?” The soul at reception does the job the institution has mandated by asking these questions, even though she can clearly see that the young man is struggling to breathe. The parents, even in their desperation, answer honestly. “No. We do not have insurance, and we do not have the financial wherewithal to pay for these services today, but our son is in distress and may be dying. Won’t you help?” Please pause for a moment here and put yourself in the place of the receptionist soul. The institution that soul works for has a clearly defined rule that, if she chooses to ignore it, would likely mean the termination of the position that supports that soul’s family and puts food on her table. The institution has clearly designated that the receptionist soul must turn away the young man struggling to breathe and his desperate parents due to their inability to pay for lifesaving care. It is likely that had the receptionist soul encountered the young man struggling to breathe on the street, she would have compassionately helped the teen in any way she could, because when souls connect, each sees the humanity in the other and often acts in the most compassionate way possible. However, in this case, the receptionist soul is just one small part of an organization that exists to protect the institution and not the individual. Therefore, while the receptionist soul’s likely humanitarian response is to help in any way possible, the protocols and rules of the organization the receptionist soul relies on for her own family’s wellbeing force her to override this humanitarian response and instead act in the interests of the institution. The young man who is struggling to breathe and his desperate and frightened parents are turned away not because the receptionist soul isn’t compassionate or caring, but because the organization that provides the money she needs to keep her own family well requires her to override her humanitarian response lest the institution lose a few dollars. You all know how this story ends, as it occurred in the place you call California this past week. The parents leave the clinic to take their son to the hospital instead, and their son dies on the way. Their son has lost his life because of institutional policies that prevented him from getting the care he needed in the exact moment he needed it. It would be easy in hearing this story to lay blame. Some might blame the parents for not having insurance or money enough to save their child’s life. Some might blame the teen for not staying home and coming in contact with a deadly virus. Others might blame the parents or the young man who died for not being wise enough to head straight to the hospital. Others might suggest it is their own fault for being financially unstable, not going to college, or a dozen other excuses that allow them to feel safe and smug knowing that what resulted is someone else’s problem and not theirs. Some might blame the receptionist soul, since she is the person within the institution who turned the young man and his family away. Others may blame the nameless, faceless institution itself, the greedy fat cats who run the organization, the institution’s shareholders who put profits above people, or dozens of other people all within the chain of culpability for the death of the young man. But, blame doesn’t matter in the slightest, and this is what humans need to understand. Everyone is to blame, and no one is to blame. This is what happens when institutions are given such power over individuals. Individuals make decisions that are counter to what their soul is crying out for them to choose when under the influence of institutions. Individuals are wired for compassion and connection. However, because of the importance of institutions in your current world structure and the primary purpose for which those institutions operate (enrichment, survival, power, and control), individuals often feel forced to act against their own nature in order to support the policies of the institution over their desires for compassion, love, and connection. This plays out every single day in small and large ways. For example, a health-care worker with a kind and compassionate heart is forced to turn away a struggling patient due to lack of funds. An educator is compelled to teach untruths about history to his students because that is what the curriculum mandates. A police officer following the law is required to arrest a woman who steals food because it is the only way her children can eat. An employee for company that makes products for children is forced to cut corners in ways that may lessen the safety of their products in order to come in on budget. A petrochemical worker is forced to pump toxic sludge secretly into public waterways because his company has a fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders to maximize profits in any way it can. Would any of these souls perform these acts, which are so clearly against their own individual values, if they weren’t trying to protect their place within the institutions that put food on their tables and roofs over their heads? Or would they act humanely and not participate in such actions if they did not have the threat of loss of job, social capital, power, income, or security hanging over their heads? Individuals have become institutionalized over generations as organizations have grown in power. That is, souls have learned to ignore their own personal ethics and values when they serve institutions. They have learned to suppress that deep discomfort they feel when they act out of the interests of the highest good of all and instead support inhumane institutional policies that don’t align with their own personal values. It has happened gradually among humanity, this process of institutionalization of the human personality. And to some extent at some point in your life, each and every soul currently alive on planet Earth has participated in some way in his or her own institutionalization. You have collectively and individually allowed yourselves to become institutionalized, and in the course of your institutionalization, you have allowed your own values, desires, and reactions to take a back seat to organizational interests. There are glaring examples of this in your modern history as well as subtle examples of it that each one of you can recall from your own personal lives. You have all allowed your institutional mindset to dampen the urges of your souls. Institutionalization has become the collective hallucination of humanity. And now we return, once again, to the COVID-19 opportunity with which you are being presented. Every day, your news media (make no mistake…your media is an institution itself, and that is also part of the problem) reports all of the ways your institutions are failing you as they attempt to respond to this viral outbreak. Daily, your institutions and those deeply embedded within them scramble, point fingers, obfuscate, lie, crunch numbers, and claim that lives are expendable to protect the bottom line and support the power base of those organizations. Meanwhile, individuals, when faced with other struggling souls, react with compassion and love; acts of heroism; and the sharing within one another of money, talents, supplies, creativity, and inspiration. Which is the world you want to live in? Do you want to live in the callous world of faceless institutions, or do you wish to live in the connected world of individuals? How many of you during your current perceived captivity have thought, Man, I really miss my bank? On the other hand, how many of you have thought, I really miss my friends/family/loved ones? What is it you have truly yearned for during your time in your cocoons? Is it the connection to other humans, or is it the collection of material goods? The COVID-19 opportunity has given you the time and space to ponder these things. It is an unprecedented opportunity in the recent history of humanity for you to change the way you think about things and, in changing those thoughts, reconsider the social structure you’ve collectively created under which you live. You have collectively created the fabric of your societies, and you can collectively unravel those societal constructs that no longer serve you to create something in their place with much more alignment to your souls’ values. Many joke that humanity has been sent to its collective room to think about what you did. In reality, you have created this opportunity for yourselves not as much to think about what you’ve done in the past (except in terms of how it no longer serves you), but instead to come up with new, more empowering and empowered ways of being in the future. Take this opportunity of time alone to listen to the true yearning of your souls, for it is there that you will find your true purpose. As always, we walk beside you. We are cheering for you. Close your eyes and pay attention. You will feel us here, supporting and loving you. You have entered your cocoons as caterpillars. We pray that you will emerge as butterflies ready to claim the full glory of your Divine inheritance of kindness, compassion, joy, harmony, and peace. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to Next Message Image by Pezibear from Pixabay Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective Karen's note: The George Collective has been active and insistent that I share their messages during this unprecedented time in the history of humanity. The Collective, who I also call "The Georges" have been with me since I was a child, and up until now they've allowed me to work with them and share their words at my own pace, in my own way, and in my own time. The time for me to pace myself with The Georges is over. As they deliver their messages to me, I will share them with you. If they resonate with you, the Georges hope you will share them with others, as well. We are, the Georges tell me, at a critical point in the history of humanity. As a collective of Divine entities caught in the illusion of life on earth, we have the opportunity to decide what happens next. We get to decide what type of world we will emerge into, and even one person choosing to shift their energy has a powerful effect on the whole. BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Did you know the universe breathes? The One, the Divine, the Source. We all breathe together with the pulsation of the cosmos. Do you find it interesting that this virus you call COVID-19 strikes at the most basic act required for life - the processing of air through physical lungs that moves throughout your bloodstream and affects the expression of every cell in your entire body? Nothing is more essential for your physical lives than pulling air into your lungs, and now your lives are consumed by an opportunity that threatens to make that physical act no longer possible for many. How is it that you have come to this place in time with this very specific set of circumstances that has created your current experience? How is it that you have given your governments so much power and control in your lives that they have the option to choose to restrict the access of those struggling to breathe to the equipment that would make it possible? We are speaking to America specifically now: How is it that you have chosen a man to lead you who sees human beings as expendable and less important than numbers on page representing the false concept of currency and wealth? How did it happen that at this moment in history when you all feel you need leadership, you have chosen leaders whose primary goals are self-interest, personal wealth, and power without one iota of concern for serving the greatest good unless they can see how doing so would serve their own individual purposes? How is it that you have come to a place that allows press agencies that also pursue only their own organizational slant on the day’s events, manipulating you through their words and reporting, misinforming you, and obfuscating the truth by reporting only that which serves the news organizations’ own best interests? How is it that you have allowed religions, which purport to be the spiritual backbone and lodestar of humanity, to so deeply distort the truth of the universe and deny you the unconditional love Source energy has for all of you? Citizens of the world, it is time to look at your values and understand where they have brought you. While individuals around the globe more often than not respond to one another with compassion, care, and kindness, the institutions you have created to support you lack any of those redeeming traits. And yet, you continue to turn to them to guide you through your greatest opportunities instead of seeking your own strength. This is a pattern on your planet and among your species that we have watched unfold for millennia. Individually, many of you work to hold a high vibrational space. Collectively, you put your trust into institutions that not only don’t support your professed individual goals of compassion, love and kindness, but actively work against them in order to enrich and empower the few to the detriment of the many. Over the centuries of “civilization” on your planet, you have provided yourself numerous opportunities to create institutions and collectives that support humanitarian initiatives such as love, kindness, compassion, cultivation of joy, peace, and creative expression. And with each of these opportunities, we’ve watched and waited with excitement to see how many of you would grasp the lessons the circumstances provided and make a vibrational shift that supports the path to raising the frequency of all human beings. You haven’t disappointed us. Because with each opportunity, some have shifted, and others have moved closer to being ready to shift. In spite of what your media may report, in spite of what your leaders may profess, in spite of what you may perceive as happening around you with your fellow humans, with each opportunity, some of you have chosen to embrace the challenge, grow your humanity, and raise your frequency. Each time, a few more. There’s an allegorical story some tell of the hundredth monkey, and it applies here. As the story goes, a few monkeys on one island were taught to wash their hands. As monkeys on the island observed the behavior of the few who learned to wash their hands, others began to engage in the behavior as well. And when the 100th monkey on one island started washing his hands, monkeys on nearby islands that had no contact with the original monkeys all, as a group, started washing their hands as well. The story is not true; it’s a thought experiment, but it explains vibrational change and the concept of exponential vibrational shift very well. Small rises in vibrational energy create an exponential effect. So, if one person raises his or her vibration, that person can’t help but affect the vibration of everyone around them, and thus, there is a small positive vibrational change to the whole arising just from one person. As more people work to raise their vibration, the effect becomes stronger and more pronounced. This is the curve that you don’t want to flatten, but it is the curve that your current social isolation is providing you the opportunity to raise. Through this pandemic called COVID-19, your sense of reality is being challenged. For those willing to look, your false idols are beginning to be revealed as just that. False. Take, for example, your concept of currency. For thousands of years, money has driven who is in power, who makes policy, and the very idea of who and what matters in your society. It permeates every aspect of your lives. In many cases, it determines who lives and who dies. It determines how you spend your time. It determines your moods. It determines how you treat one another. And yet, money isn’t real. It is a collective illusion that you, as humanity, have agreed upon. It represents something, and it doesn’t need to exist. As you teeter on the edge of an unprecedented global financial collapse, consider how much control money has over your life, your institutions, the quality of life for all in the world, your happiness, your relationships, your governments, your religions. Has the illusion of currency had a net positive or net negative effect on humanity? How has it affected the vibrations of your planet? Let’s continue with this thought for a moment. Money isn’t real. It’s a collective contrivance, an agreement that places different values on some things, creating a system of judgment around what matters and what doesn’t. And the value judgments created by money extend not only to things (think about it – why is a bar of gold any more valuable than a living ancient tree?) but also to activities and living beings. You have collectively chosen to turn your system of barter into a way to determine who has value, who deserves to live, and even who is allowed access to even the most basic of things necessary for your very survival – such as machines to help people breathe in and breathe out. That’s right. You are so caught up in your illusion of money as a species that your government is allowing it to play a significant role in who gets to breathe and who does not. Money is not real. It’s a collectively agreed-upon illusion. You as a species have decided to assign a numerical value to different bundles of energy, because all matter, all living creatures, all souls are simply that. Bundles of energy. Everything that makes up your world is bundles of energy taking different shapes. It’s all the same energy, and no shape or form has any more inherent value than any other. Your current crisis is revealing the fallacy that money is important and that different bundles of energy have different amounts of worth. As a species in a single moment, you could all collectively decide something else, and your current “financial crisis” would abate. How many of you, without the high values assigned to certain objects, would continue to work in your chosen field if money wasn’t real? How would your systems of government change? How would your religious organizations change? How would how you spend your time change? Would it change how you treat one another? Would it change how you care for each other? Would it change how you treat your most vulnerable? What would it do to your power structures? What would it do to your caste systems, your political structures, the way you educate your children? There are other ways to be. There are ways to organize and live in societies that are supportive, nurturing, and loving that don’t assign false value to one type of energy over another. The energetic concept of money creates false hierarchies. It creates haves and have nots. It tells you who and what is important when really, no soul is any more important than any other soul, and no bundle of energy is any more valuable than any other. Currency is not only the collective illusion of society, but it is the collective infection. You are being deceived in the name of money. You are being suppressed in the name of money. You are being controlled in the name of money. And you are choosing disempowerment in the name of money. And so, you have created this opportunity. Your world leaders are trying to use the old energy to deal with the crisis. They are throwing around or withholding money. They bellow and posture because they are afraid that in this new world you have the opportunity to create, you will suddenly see that their “power” is merely an illusion and that the currency they use to control you is nothing more than an arbitrarily assigned concept that has been used to control the masses for millennia. And certainly, right now, so many of you are worried about money because that is what has been used to control you for so long. You have allowed money to become your prison, but the bars of gold that hold you in place can only restrict you if you all agree that they have the power to imprison you. When you’re not worrying about money, when you’re thinking beyond that, something extraordinary is happening with this opportunity you call COVID-19. More of you now than ever are going within, and more of you now more than ever are reaching out to connect. You are doing these two things—going within and reaching out--simultaneously, because the Divine part of you that is connected to the whole realizes that the true solution lies in what makes you ONE and not what divides you. We have so much more to share with you. It is our plan to keep this channel open. But we have given you much information today, and we would like you to have the opportunity to process it. So, we will leave you with a simple exercise. What many of you are experiencing now is cognitive dissonance as some part of you recognizes that this whole world you have created is built on collective, agreed-upon concepts that have no actual basis in true reality. The cognitive dissonance arises from the fraying of the edges of this fabric of belief you have collectively created and allowed across generations of humanity. If you feel the corners of illusion lifting a little try this: allow it. Peel them back. Step into that discomfort of cognitive dissonance for a moment and fully inhabit it. We are there to help you; you will not engage in this exercise alone. Be with the discomfort. Allow yourself to find that loose thread and tug on it a little. As you sit with the discomfort, you will likely notice that what you perceive as “reality” dissolves a little. But in the dissolving of reality, the truth of who you are and what you are truly capable of will shine through the collective illusions you have created for yourself as human beings. And with that will come concepts for new ways of being that can serve the collective of humanity. We are here and support you in your endeavors. We love you deeply. We respect your work individually and collectively. Please know that we unconditionally love you and are rooting for you as you provide unprecedented opportunity to make a shift. Now is the time to be bold in your imagination and empowered in your discomfort. You are up to the task both as individuals and as a whole. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to Next Message Image by Rachmad Ary Wibowo from Pixabay It's perfectly normal to feel whatever you feel, especially now during a time of uncertainty and fear. Many people have shared their stress with me, and I completely understand where it comes from and why it lingers.
I'm feeling anxious, too. That anxiety arises from dwelling in the future "what ifs" surrounding the current COVID-19 outbreak, as well as grieving for our past and the lives we feel we have lost. All of our lives have been inevitably altered forever. Regardless of what happens, we will emerge from this into very different world. And it's up to each of us individually and as species collectively to decide what type of world we choose to step back into. Right now is our opportunity to create that world, as The George Collective pointed out during yesterday's channeled message about the COVID-19 Opportunity. Making the most of this opportunity as a re-set button for humanity requires each of us to care for our own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Living in constant stress creates a cocktail of hormones that affect not only our physiology, but also how we think and feel emotionally. That's why it's important to find spaces of peace, love, and joy, even in the midst of perceived darkness. When you move into your own personal space of positive emotion, you create a place where others can find their own higher vibrational energies, too. You are an important piece of the energetic puzzle of the whole. When others are temporarily unable to find or experience higher vibrational energies, you will hold that space them through your own inner work. And in turn, when you are stuck a space of fear or anxiety, others will also hold the high-vibration space for you until you are able to find it again. In this way, we, who are all part of the collective One that makes up the fabric of the entire universe, support and uplift not only ourselves and each other, but the energetic circumstances of everything that surrounds us. And so, I have been trying to offer you simple tools during what, for many, is a period of unprecedented stress, fear, worry, and anxiety. Use as many or as few as you need. Adapt them to suit your own intentions. Share them with others. The ultimate goal here isn't to shame you for feeling down or to cause you to run around blind to everything that is happening in the world, but rather to find the opportunity that lies within every challenge. The tools I offer provide a path to move into higher vibrational energies that serve not only your greatest good, but also the greatest good of the planet, humanity, and the universe. 5-Minute Mental Re-Set The tool I have for you today is one I have shared before, but it is so effective that I will share it again. It requires no special materials; you don't need crystals, a singing bowl, or any other spiritual items, although if you have them and you want to incorporate them in this practice, you can. It initially takes about five minutes (or longer if you've got the time or inclination) and provides a way to enter a place of peace or joy and to recall that exact feeling whenever you need to reduce anxiety and stress. Sit or lie quietly and comfortably somewhere that you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and begin by breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you breathe, place your hands over your heart. Notice the warmth from your hands entering your chest and filling your heart. With each breath, intend to breathe in peace. With each exhalation, visualize tension, stress, anger, pain, uncertainty, or any other negative emotion as black shadows gently entering your breath stream and flowing out into the universe, where it will be neutralized. When your body, mind, emotions, and spirit feel peaceful, visualize something or someone you love that brings you joy. It can be a beloved friend, family member, or child. It can be a pet. It can be the image of traveling, visiting a sacred space, or romping in the ocean. It can be the memory of digging your toes into warm sand. It can be a memory of the last time you sat with your best friend and laughed so hard your ribs hurt. It can even be the memory of a sacred experience you had in the past, one that left you feeling peaceful, awestruck, and joyful. Move deeply into whatever experience you are visualizing. Allow yourself to feel the warmth of that emotion. Feel it growing as a ball of warmth in your heart under your hands. Feel it entering into and out of your body on your breath. Feel your heart beat causing that warm emotion to flow with your blood throughout your body into every cell and every corner of your physiology. Sit in the warmth and glow of that emotion, allowing it to permeate every fiber of your being. Allow it to expand outward with your energy. When this emotion reaches its peak, make a simple gesture with your hands. Make it a gesture you don't make every day, such as stacking your hands one on top of the other with palms up or holding a mudra that speaks to you. Hold that gesture as you bask in the glow of your positive feeling for as long as you can. Once that feeling begins to fade away, release the gesture. A Daily Practice Make this a part of your daily meditation; do this for just five minutes a few times each day. And then, as you move through your world and through your life, when you anxiety, fear, stress, or other lower-vibrational thoughts and emotions creeping in, make your gesture. The gesture will bring the vibration you felt during your meditation back to you, allowing you to pause and release the stress and tension. Do this as often as you need throughout the day. Make this your happy place, an oasis of peace you can return to no matter what is happening in the world around you. Image by Holger Feulner from Pixabay Who Is The George Collective
Karen's note: I began actively channeling this benevolent group of entities, who call themselves The George Collective, more than 20 years ago and probably longer (looking back, most likely since I was a child). Much of my communication has been private or shared with one or two individuals, although I have also shared a few of the channeled messages with a larger audience in the past, including on my blog and social media. I also believe The George Collective has been an active contributor in many of my books and in much of what I write, share, and teach. My relationship with The George Collective via channeling has been a slow dance as they've revealed themselves patiently and allowed me to get used to their energy and understand how they communicate. However, now the collective is telling me that their messages are so critical, I must share them with others. They broke into my writing this morning to share this message with you through me. It is below exactly as they communicated in unaltered format. BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Sometimes, writers write themselves into a corner, and the only thing to do is to somehow push a re-set button within the story in order to end it or allow it to change direction. It may not make for great literature, but it is a common device writers use, something Karen calls, “They all got hit by a truck and died – the end.” Humanity hear this: You do not all need to get figuratively hit by a truck and die in order to get the re-set of your story that you and your planet so desperately need. It currently seems that humanity has written itself into a corner. Your collective story needs a re-set, and in this present set of circumstances, you are providing yourselves the opportunity to re-set the story with your current set of circumstances, "And they were all driven inside by a virus and told not to come out.” It is up to you how your current circumstances re-set the story but understand this IS an opportunity to re-set the many things that have backed humanity into a corner. Clearly hold your vision for what you want the world to be as you move through this and fight for your highest vision of how you can emerge from it. What do you want to see? Where do you want to go? How do you want to live? How can you envision moving forward in ways that support and nurture the most vulnerable among you? Nobody is coming to save you. You have to save yourselves. While we support you and love you in all that you do, we also allow you to write your own story both individually and collectively. How you direct your energy, how you treat yourselves and one another, how you honor your own urges and intuitions, and how you choose to think, be, and do will all determine your outcomes both as a society and as an individual. It’s your choice, your challenge, and your opportunity. What will you do with it? We love and honor each of you. What you are doing now, who you are being now, and the space you are holding now is incredibly important, and your work here will affect generations to come. Your energy has always been that important, but it is just now that millions of you are awakening to that fact. And that is what this is. It is your opportunity for awakening as individuals, as societies, and as all of humanity. It is your opportunity recognize Oneness and reconnect energetically with the unconditional love of the universe. We also want to tell you something that you may not believe, but from our perspective – and from the perspective of your Divine self – we know it to be true. You are safe. Nothing can happen to who you are at your core. Energy is never destroyed, but it always evolves and re-forms in patterns that are created by your own thoughts, words, beliefs, actions, and being. We remind you now of the work of Masaru Emoto (The Hidden Messages in Water) who showed you in physical detail just how powerful your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and words were in affecting physical matter. This is the power that each one of you holds. One person changing how they think, act, and be can create a ripple effect that affects the energy of the whole. Remember how important YOU are in this. YOU collectively, and YOU singularly. So many of you fail to recognize just how much guidance you receive, but you are all guided each moment of every day. At present, many of you are having vivid and deep dreams, and this is one of the ways we are trying to reach you to guide you. Our guidance for you is everywhere: It is in your thoughts; in your feelings; in what you see, hear, and experience; in what you suddenly know; and most importantly, in your emotions. Look for those thoughts and actions that remove the dark energy so many of you are sensing right now and instead bring to you – even for the briefest flashes of a second – positive feelings such as peace, joy, love, compassion, balance, and harmony. When you find the things that spark these emotions, even for a split-second, find ways to cultivate them, return to them, and dwell within them for as long as possible. These are the actions that raise the vibration of humanity. In this opportunity you have provided yourselves, you have removed much of the stimulus that keeps you distracted and allows you to ignore the messages from the Divine. With less distraction, you have the opportunity to quiet the noise and listen. Our communication is clear if you are willing to hear. How we communicate is remarkably simple: If it feels bad, chances are you’re not headed in the direction that nurtures your soul. If it feels good, then you are moving along the path of your greatest good. Your emotions are the simplest language we use to communicate, and they are the easiest to understand. But we use other methods as well. We come to you in dreams. We speak symbolically in the science of numerology, palmistry, and astrology. We send signs, especially when you ask for them. We come in your meditation; in flashes of intuition and inspiration; in your physical, spiritual, and emotional health; in your emotions; and in your times of quiet when you are free from noise and distraction. Ignore the noise of “boredom” and listen, instead, to the messages we have to share. We love you and are here to guide you, but we cannot and will not force you to pay attention. It is up to each of you individually as well as collectively to create the change you want to see. Each of you is supported by our guides, angels, higher selves, and others in the spiritual realm. Know that we love you deeply, endlessly, and unconditionally, and you have our unconditional support. The spiritual realm surrounds you, ready to guide you the second you ask for it or pay attention. We are your biggest fans. Please allow us to support and guide you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read the next message Image by Pexels from Pixabay A few weeks ago, I posted briefly on social media about finding glitter hearts on my counter and having no idea where they came from other than to think maybe they were somehow associated with the Love Summit the Vision Collective was teaching the day the hearts first appeared. The story has evolved somewhat since then.
I found the first batch of hearts on 2/8 - the day of the Love Summit. That day, unbeknownst to me, my husband Jim, who has coronary artery disease, had a major chest pain that he didn't tell me about. The hearts continued to appear in our house for the next few days in unlikely locations. There was one in my kitchen sink. One in the entryway. One on a cutting board. One on the counter. We had no idea the source of the hearts because neither of us had brought any into the house, and our kids are grown, so there wasn't really anywhere they might've come from. There were no Valentines flowers, cards, or gifts. So we thought, well huh, isn't that strange? I wonder where they are coming from. My friend, psychic medium Seth Michael contacted me and said he thought maybe they were coming from my dad, who died on February 1 two years ago. Barring logical explanation, it was as good of an explanation as any. Jim and I took a trip to Canada the week before last. While we were in Victoria, BC, he started to share with me he was having chest pains, which worried me. We went to an indigenous people's healing site near Nanaimo BC, and Jim said while there, he had a profound energetic experience and felt better than he had in months. Then, as soon as we left the site, his chest discomfort started again. As we were passing through customs back into the US, the agents were looking for a male with a last name similar to ours, and we were detained. This was, naturally, very stressful for Jim, and he started having chest pains again. We were cleared and released after about 20 minutes when they realized they had the wrong guy. I was, naturally, extremely worried about Jim. As soon as we were home, Jim went to Urgent Care. He was given a chest x-ray and sent home with a BP medication. The clinic promised they would refer him to a cardiologist, which they failed to do. Last Tuesday night (which was our wedding anniversary), Jim started having major chest pains that wouldn't go away. I called an ambulance, and he was taken to the hospital. They determined he wasn't having a heart attack (whew), but was suffering from unstable angina most likely brought about by a blockage from his coronary artery disease. This wasn't our first rodeo - he's had stents before - but our local hospital was unable to do an angioplasty because they didn't have a cardiologist or a cath lab. Life in a small town. Jim was transferred by ambulance to a hospital in Vancouver, WA on Thursday and received his angiogram on Friday. He received two shiny, new stents and was sent home on Saturday. He feels better than he has in years and suspects that his experience at the sacred indigenous people's spot in BC was a preview of how he'd feel once his blockage was cleared. It turns out he's been feeling this way for about six months (something I was picking up on and kept asking him about but he kept denying). He was in denial I suspect, because heart surgery is never fun. My friend Kristen Gray and Seth both suggested maybe the hearts we'd found were warnings about Jim's worsening heart issues, and Kristen pointed out the hearts started arriving the day Jim had his first really significant chest pain. Saturday morning as I drove to pick Jim up from the hospital in Vancouver and bring him home, I said to the universe, "If the hearts were a warning about Jim's heart, please send me another heart." Then I promptly forgot about it because I was exhausted. Jim came home on Saturday afternoon. We hadn't seen any hearts in a few weeks and in fact, I'd forgotten about them until Kristen reminded me. Sunday, my urge was to clean the house top to bottom and energetically cleanse the house of all of the spiritual energy associated with Jim's illness so we could get a fresh start. We even bought a new Dyson vacuum (our old one was about 15 years old) so I could suck up every little bit of lingering energy. When we were putting the new vacuum together, I found a heart next to the couch on the floor. Then, I vacuumed the entire house, including all of the furniture, window seats, and other upholstery. The house was sparkling clean and the energy felt so much better. Exhausted from the ordeal of Jim's illness and my cleaning efforts (as well as a lack of sleep associated with late night emergency room visits and worries about a hubby in the hospital for heart issues), I flopped on the couch next to my dog, Monkey. The couch was freshly vacuumed, and Monkey was sound asleep. I was freshly showered. I looked at Monkey several times and petted her. Then, I looked away. When I looked back, there was a red foil heart on the couch right next to her where there hadn't been one before. Just now, I got up from where I work and found another heart on the floor - moments after contemplating posting this story on my blog. I guess that was my confirmation. It took me a while to realize I'd received my answer since I'd forgotten I even asked the question. The universe tells us things - we just need to pay attention. Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay |