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Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Today we wish to talk to you about your media. What once served as a tool to inform humanity has become a method of manipulating you. Humans around the world are being lied to, and your media is spearheading these misinformation efforts. Your media once served as a watchdog of governments, corporations, and corruption. Now, it serves as a source of disinformation, inflammation, and propaganda. What once exposed corruption now actively engages in it. The media of the world is largely owned by corporations or governments. And while your media professes to maintain independence, it also functions to enhance the bottom line of the conglomerates of which your media organizations are a part. This creates conflicts of interest, for how can your media serve the public interest when they also exist as part of organizations with the sole goal of profiting from or gaining power over the public? In a society focused on the acquisition of wealth, a free press is currently not possible. Instead, the conglomerates that own your media weaponize them to manipulate people into serving their own quest for power or financial gain. Your news media, which you freely allow into your homes every day, is the tip of a spear used to push you in the directions that those in power want you to go. Many members of the media are honest souls who sincerely want to inform the public. However, their livelihoods rely on the goodwill of their employers, which have different goals in mind. Therefore, even the most honest journalist is subject to the whims of his or her employers. We acknowledge that there are many hardworking and honest souls who take their roles as watchdogs seriously. However, even those honest people are only able to share the news their employers allow them to report. Others in the media actively and consciously engage in spreading misinformation for personal gain and power, whether it is for fame, notoriety, political influence, personal enrichment, or something else. The flow of misinformation has been growing exponentially in the past five decades on your planet, and this explosion of misinformation, while it may originate with those in power, has infected the media all around the world. Please hear us when we tell you this: There is not one media source that humanity turns to for its news that does not disseminate misinformation. Many members of the media are unaware of the sheer amount of misinformation they circulate, as members of the media are also being lied to. Others simply lack the understanding of how your world truly works and therefore naively report world events through their own lens, which is deeply flawed in its understanding. Therefore, the misinformation coming from your media is both intentional and unintentional, but it is there, swirling around you and creating the false narrative under which all of humanity operates. The COVID-19 opportunity is revealing this truth to more people than ever before. Thousands of untruths, both large and small, are being reported daily, and people seeking a reliable source of information are quickly awakening to this fact. Never before in your history has this misinformation had such dire consequences; humans are dying because of it, and many more are becoming gravely ill. The misinformation from your media has become the background noise of your lives. It distracts you from your truth and generates fear, because a fearful populace is a controllable populace. The fear your media spoon feeds you every day is the tool the megalithic corporations and oligarchs use to control you. The COVID-19 opportunity is showing you how the structure of your society no longer works for humanity, and your news media is part of this crumbling structure. Humanity needs to rethink how you are informed and who informs you. It is important you find independent voices to communicate, and that you learn to listen to your intuition in order to determine who is telling you the truth and who is lying to you. It is also important that your news media is run by only the most trustworthy among you, and that it is kept apart from any systems associated with barter or power. Until then, it is important that you listen to your guts, because you are being Divinely guided. Put very little trust in any of your news reports as you are being misinformed. Ask yourself, “Who benefits from this information?” and follow the trail of money and power to discover who will gain and is therefore the likely source of the misinformation. To the best of your ability, do not allow the media reports to thrust you into the vibration of fear. While this period on your planet may feel frightening on a human level, don’t allow the media-generated fear to take you by the hand and lead you, or you will not be open to the important guidance you are receiving from the realm of the Divine, which seeks to serve your greatest good. Fear will not lead you out of this crisis; it will only lead you more deeply into it. Fear will block your most important attributes - love, kindness, compassion, honesty, harmony, balance, and peace. Seek truths that lead you more deeply into these qualities, because it is in them where salvation for humanity lies. Listen to the whispering of your soul and drown out the noise of media-generated fear. Know that we love you deeply, and we walk beside you in this opportunity. We are here to remind you who you really are and what your work on planet Earth is truly all about. You are supported and unconditionally loved as we cheer you on in your quest to evolve. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by jggrz from Pixabay
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