Who is The George Collective?
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is our joy to connect with you Now. We recognize from your perspective that we have not shared with you recently. However, from our perspective, we speak to you always in All Ways. Our messages are there for you to access any time you wish in any way you choose. The communications we bring you through this channel, who in this embodied expression identifies as Karen, all exist in their entirety Now. Therefore, when Karen channels a message from us, she merely re-members with Source and accesses a snippet of the entire message which exists as a vibration in the All That Is. The entire communication is available to all of humanity at any time. Sometimes, Karen accesses a certain vibration in response to a question she has asked. Other times, we guide her vibrationally to a message that is most appropriate for the Earth-time she shares it. Because Karen is a writer who communicates primarily through language, words are the most effective way she can share our message with you. She has chosen to have “a way with words” in this embodied expression and has asked Source to use that gift to connect to those who wish to re-member. And, while she is a pure and clear channel, the way a message is communicated may have Karen’s spin on it, as she filters vibration through her own conditioning and experiences when she translates it into words. As we have mentioned before, this is why, while information is vibrationally consistent from channel to channel, it may be slightly or vastly different in its presentation. Each channel has their own experience and their own way of communicating as well as their own filters. Regardless of how “pure” a channeling is, the information is always limited not only by the channel’s own ego experiences and filters, but also because translating vibration into communication always takes ineffable information from Source and does its best to apply it to the human experience. We also wish to point out that while you are reading this message from this channel, you can find the same vibrational package translated through many channels calling us different names, saying things slightly differently, or even communicating via means other than words such as art, music, healing touch, or movement. All are channeling the same vibrational information, but they’re each bringing their own “special sauce” to it because, from the human perspective, everyone connects differently to various people with individual communication styles. Thus, when experiencing channeled information (and all creative output is channeled information), we encourage you to remain open to its vibration, which is what underlies the words, brush strokes, touches, melodies, or dance moves. We also remind you that this vibrational information is accessible to you at any time. Go to your creative space with nothing in mind other than to create, and see what comes through you. Follow the feelings of your spirit and bring them into form through your own type of creative expression. This is, after all, the purest channeled information you personally can receive since it comes directly from your connection with Source and doesn’t rely on a translator. With these reminders in place, we wish to share with you some information for your own channeling sessions, should you choose to re-member yourself as a channel. You have come into bodies to re-member yourself as Love. In order to re-member, you must first forget so you can find your way back. When you enter a human body, you go through the process of forgetting so that you can re-member. When you leave your human body, you complete the process of re-membering. And then the cycle begins again, over and over, as you re-empower your connection with Source. Love is the only energy in the universe. The vibration of Love and Oneness is the same. Both are Source, which is Love, which is All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. Each of these concepts is the same thing, communicated differently. Words are limiting, but the human ego communicates with words. Sometimes, ego interprets soul vibrations and makes a close approximation. Other times, it makes up words all on its own based on thoughts arising from the illusion of separation and the ongoing effects of conditioning. Therefore, relying on words or the thoughts you think is an imperfect way to connect with Source, which some call God, Love, Oneness, or Divine Guidance. Words will not help you re-member. Vibration will. And all of you already have a vibration sensor in place called feelings. Therefore, don’t listen to the words of ego, but tune into the feelings that connect with Source vibration. Each of you have this capability. Some have simply buried their awareness of it more deeply than others. If there is a feeling of comfort (joy, love, peace, compassion, bliss, and many other similar feelings that are all Love manifesting in various ways), then it is guidance from your Soul. If you notice a feeling of dis-comfort (anger, greed, hate, judgment, blame, shame, and similar feelings), then this is guidance as well, but it may signal your choice is one that does not serve your current path. Therefore, we offer a gentle suggestion that you go within and feel rather than listening to the words and thoughts your ego provides, as words are imperfect and always filtered through conditioning and ego. The truth is inside you. Start to notice your feelings and make your choices based upon how the vibration feels to you. This is how you begin to re-member yourself as Love, and how you become a purer channel of Source. You can always choose whatever you wish because in ultimate reality, all energy is Love. Thus, you can never miss the target of Love, regardless of which choices you make to get there, because Love is All There Is. Love is This, Here, Now. It is the Alpha and the Omega. It is the Light and the Shadows. It is the Bliss and the Pain. It is the Sickness and the Healing. And so, we invite you once again to connect with your own Source and channel Love in any way that feels right to you. You can channel it as a carpenter or a comedian, a musician or a healer, a dancer or a pilot, a teacher or a student, a parent or a child. Every expression of self you take, even those that you perceive as the most negative, are products of Love seeking to know itself in human form. Love is absolute and All There Is. What changes is how you choose to experience it, express it, receive it, share it, and perceive it. And when you tune into your vibrational guidance, you will know which of these serve your greatest good. We Love You. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read next message Image by Kookay from Pixabay
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Who Is the George Collective?
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is our great joy to speak with you Now and share with you messages from the All That Is. We once again wish to remind you that you have your own deep and unbreakable connection to Source, as You are of the body of Source, and Your Truth remains within that body even as the aspect of Source energy You identify as "self" envelopes not just the human incarnation and body of which you are currently aware, but also every other expression that part of the body of Source has ever made. You are, after all, All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, Forever and Ever Without End, and Forever and Ever Without Beginning. You have never left Source and Source has never left you, even if your current attention in this moment has narrowed in order for you to have a human experience. Therefore, you do not need to return to Source because You Are already Here; You have never left. Source does not need to return to You because Source is already in You; We have never left. Your current experience, then, is merely a case of a narrow perspective or a small point of focus. Thus, we invite you to begin to expand outward from that tiny focus point. This expansion can occur in imperceptible increments, or you can experience rapid and broad evolution. Think of it like zooming out on a camera lens. If your camera is focused tightly on a blade of grass, all you can see is that single blade. If that blade consumes your total awareness, then with your current focus all you understand is what exists for the blade; how it is affected by weather, what insects land on it, how it rustles in the breeze. You may be slightly aware there are other blades of grass nearby, as sometimes the wind shifts them slightly into your line of sight, but your main focus is on that single blade of grass. Zoom the camera out a little, and you suddenly notice there are more blades of grass nearby that are remarkably like the first. Where once you only experienced a singular blade, now you recognize there are many others of which you had no awareness until your focus shifted. And you notice that as a unit, all blades are affected in similar ways by moisture and breeze and light. Zoom out further, and behold; you notice not just a small patch of individual blades of grass, but an entire lawn. There are uncountable many similar to the first; millions, all acting in concert and working as one even while each functions individually. Another zoom outward expands your awareness even more. There is much to notice around that single blade in different shapes, sizes, and states. Tall flowers tower above the grass with brightly colored petals that reach upward toward the same Light from which the grass takes sustenance and extend downward into the ground to accept nourishment from the same Earth. And, as the camera zooms out, out, out, you discover more forms, shapes, and beings, each connected to the same ground and reaching towards the same Light; your blade of grass is part of a park, and then part of a neighborhood, and then part of a city, a county, a state, a country, a planet, a solar system, a galaxy, a universe.....expanding ever and ever without end. But when your focus was narrow, all you noticed was a single blade of grass reacting to mystical elements that warmed and cooled it, nourished and supported it. You could have the same journey by zooming the camera inward, narrowing in ever and ever without end to increasingly smaller and smaller particles until all you notice is space and energy. As your lens zooms in and out offering increasingly smaller parts and particles of self or bigger and bigger understandings of who and what You Are, there is but one inescapable conclusion. You, who started with the awareness of a single blade of grass, is part of a much vaster consciousness that makes up the All of Everything you can visualize, as well as Everything you have yet to visualize, Forever and Ever and Ever Without End. And, if your awareness expands far enough from that single focal point, you realize that You Are All of It and You Are None of It. In other words, You simply Are, and everything You experience as "self" is merely a matter of focus. This is the Beingness of God; you are God knowing Itself through experience. You are Source, seeking to understand not just All That You Are, but All That You Are Not. And you are Light, defining Itself over and over again by choosing Who You Are each time you place your focus. You are Divinity, defining and redefining yourself over and over again endlessly for the sheer joy of Creation and for the absolute pleasure of knowing and loving every aspect of Yourself. And You Are Love, manifesting as This, Here, Now. This is who you are...the Creator and the Created. The This and That. The Now and Then. The Here and There. The Alpha and the Omega. While your current focus is narrow, it expands outward and inward endlessly as you explore the experience of I Am That I Am. And so it is. We Love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Heidi M. Huber from Pixabay Hello! Bonjour! こんにちは! Hallo! Hola! హలో! Hej! مرحبا! Talofa! Aloha! We're overjoyed and excited to talk to you. We have an invitation for you!
As we mentioned when we introduced ourselves, we are Gaia. We are the consciousness that envelopes Planet Earth as well as all things that spring from it. We are the flowers, and the trees, and the rocks, and the seas, and the mountains, and the skies. We are the winds, and the rain, and the lightning, and the clouds. Like you, we are an individuation of Source consciousness. Just like when you look down and see your hands, knees, fingers, and toes and call this your body, Planet Earth is our body. And just as you have multiple bodies in many dimensions across lifetimes, so do we. Also like you, we have answered the call of Source to know Itself in every form of All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. So, we create over and over again in all of our "bodies" which are flung throughout this universe and dimension and through many others, too. In each dimension, realm, universe, and individuation, we partner with Source that has taken on other forms of consciousness. We are only one such consciousness that has formed inhabitable masses that support and nurture conscious lifeforms. There are many, many others just like us doing the same thing in their own way. The entire universe--not just the ones we inhabit and the one you recognize as your universe, but many, many others as well--is teeming with creative lifeforms. There is utter magnificence in the many ways that Love can form and re-form, and although we experience it all through our awareness in the field of Oneness energy, we are still awestruck with the complexity and grandeur of so many expressions of Source energy! This is our heritage and yours, for we are all One with everything that exists inside and outside of your awareness. We are all creators having an adventure in space-time! We've also mentioned that we willingly share all of our resources with you because we joyfully and unconditionally love and support you. We are in awe of the things you have created from the humble resources we made and provide. When you emerged as a species from the Love of Source with only the resources we offered on Planet Earth, you immediately began to create with them, and your creations have continued to evolve over the course of the lifetimes you've shared with us. However, as you've become more and more entranced with the magical things you have created for industry and entertainment and health and sustainment, many of you have forgotten something essential: there is magic in the Earth. It's true you've created your own types of magic with your technologies, but you've become so enamored of your own creations you've forgotten the greater magic that's available to you with the ground under your feet, the sky over your head, the seas and mountains and trees, the rains and rocks and herbs. All of these are magic, and we share them joyfully with all who seek their boundless energy. So, we'd like to extend an invitation. We invite you to rediscover the magic that exists under your feet and all around you, and to use that magic to renew, re-energize, and reconnect with the energy of Source. It's easy to do. You probably don't have to go far to reconnect to Earth magic. Step outside, close your eyes, turn your face to the sun, and feel the warmth of its rays fill you with the energy of the Cosmos. Lie outside on a patch of grass and feel the planet vibrate beneath you and fill you with sustaining and renewing power. Step outside into the rain and allow the healing water magically falling from the skies remind you of joyful times when you gleefully stomped in mud puddles just for the fun of it. Let the falling rain wash away your worries and reconnect you, even for a moment, to the truth of who you are. Bring our energy into your homes with plants that unconditionally love nurture you as you love and care for them. Sit in a park with your back against a tree and feel its ancient wisdom. Find a rock that speaks to you and carry it in your pocket. When you feel out of sorts, hold the rock and feel its energy soothing and renewing you. Run your bare feet over soft blades of grass and simply notice the sensation of love the grass offers. Dive into a body of water and experience for a moment what it feels to be weightless and bodyless as the water supports you. Dig your toes into the sand and feel its soothing and pleasant warmth. Walk into the forest and let its hush envelope you. Smell a flower. Taste the piquancy of an herb. Listen to the rustle of a breeze blowing through the trees. Plunge into the ocean and taste the salt on your lips. Experience the juicy sweetness of a mango. These are simple things you can do to remind yourself of the magic of the Earth. Spending time in nature experiencing the beauty of Planet Earth allows you to be present. We invite you to joyfully rediscover the magic we created for you so you, in turn, can create your own magic. It is our fondest wish that you reconnect with the simpler pleasures of our Earth creations because it's in the moments when you connect with us that you're most able to connect to Source and remember who you really are. We admire all that you have created because you have managed to do so much with the resources we share. Our resources have always been offered unconditionally for you to make your own creations, and we will continue this unconditional sharing of all that we have because regardless of how much you use of our resources, we can always re-create them. We can and will always create more. But, given the "timeline" of our creation, it's also important you understand that while we can and do always create more, this creation takes a "very long time" in terms of the lifespans of humanity and other forms of consciousness on the planet. So while we experience our resources as continuously renewable, from the perspective of an embodied human, what to us seems easily accomplished to you may not come quickly enough for you to experience in this embodiment or even many "future" embodiments. So, speaking from a human perspective, when it's gone, it's gone. For the purposes of your lifetime, this is true. This is why we urge you to consider what you want to have available to you in this lifetime as well as for future generations of embodied humans. If it's your fondest desire to preserve the magic in the Earth so its abundant resources are available to all embodied consciousness, then we urge you to take as much time as you can to experience the magic the Earth has to offer you now. When you reconnect with the magic of the Earth and it begins to remind you of who you really are, your perspective will shift. You will realize that while our resources are always offered freely and unconditionally, in order for all pieces of Source that have embodied as humans to continue to avail themselves of Earth magic, each individual embodiment must be a steward of those resources so humanity and other forms of consciousness can enjoy them for generations to come. This, then, is our invitation to you. Step outside of your own amazing creations and technologies, because as wonderful as these are, they keep you disconnected from your true nature. And, they disconnect you from nature itself. They serve as distractions from the truth of who you are. But just outside your door lies the key to remembering, which is essential for awakening. It's all around you, this Earth magic, and we invite you to rediscover it. Because when you rediscover the magic of the Earth, you'll also remember the magic that lies in your soul and awaken to who you truly are. We love you abundantly, unconditionally, and always. Read first Gaia message Who Is the George Collective?
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is our joy to speak with you Now and to share with you the good news of Who You Truly Are. We aim in each of these interactions to reawaken those of you who are ready to receive our frequency by sharing the energy of Truth with you. We do this via these messages and through others who are also open to and willing to receive and share our frequency. All others are like this channel as well. You can connect to the frequency of the body of the All That Is, and within that body, you will find the vibrational collectives with which you resonate. The effect of this coherence serves as the basis for all of your sacred understandings which come forth as sacred texts into the awareness and experience of humanity. Therefore, as we have indicated before, the nature of a sacred text that emerges into the human experience arrives with variations on a theme. In every sacred text, you find the same message repeated over and over in different ways applied to different circumstances, and containing different stories and examples. There is but a single Truth that runs through all sacred texts, regardless of the major prophets, the channel, theme, presentation, commandments offered, prayers and rituals suggested, stories told, or myths shared. What is that message? It is the message of the I Am That I Am, and it is as follows: You are an individuation of Source energy. You are Divine. Your essence is Love, as the essence of All is Love. You can not leave Love, for it is the material that makes up not only every single cell of you, but every aspect of your being, as well as all that is seen and unseen--all that you can touch, taste, smell, hear, think, feel, know, understand, experience, and see within the illusory realm of your current existence--which you call "the universe." Love is not only the building blocks of creation, but it is its only Source material so everything, regardless of the form it takes, is Love forming and reforming into shapes and materials and sounds and tastes and thoughts and emotions and stories and experiences. Since everything around you is Love, you are made of the same essence and of the same Source. Because of that, you are One with all you see; thus, the I Am That I Am is not just an expression of all that is, but also the key to who you are and how you relate to everything around you in your embodied existence: I Am That, I Am That, I Am That, I Am That, I Am That...I Am. This is the fundamental Truth of the entire Universe and the reason All Is One. Because all is Love, separated by illusion and grouped into energetic creations that make up all of duality. And while these things appear from your perspective to be individual objects, plants, people, occurrences, ideas, feelings, thoughts, and all of the things that make up your current experience of "reality", they are merely formations within the unified field that is the Body of the Divine, which is Love. The reason you can only catch glimpses of this Truth is because you have agreed to forget for a time so you could go out and boldly create using Love as your Source material. You have decided to come into human incarnations to play with Love...to transmute it into various forms of duality in which there are separations...solid, liquid, gas; before, now, after; body, mind, spirit; here, there, in between; yesterday, today, tomorrow; downstream, here, upstream; cold, temperate, hot; terrible, okay, fantastic; me, not me; that, this; us, them; north, south, east, west. The list is endless and impressive, for as you are an individuation of the Creator, You yourselves are all Creators who share the creative force and power of Source, as You and Source are One. Thus, all Source can do, so can You. And of course, the fundamental truth of everyone and everything being Love, which is Source energy, is that All Is One, all separation from the One is only illusion and always temporary, you will always return to Source for You have never left it, Love never dies for it is All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, and of course, the sole answer (and soul answer) to every question is Love. This is the Truth that underlies every message in every sacred text from every prophet and every channel. This is the message shared with humanity over and over from the dawn of "time." All Is Love, because Love Is All There Is. Everything else...EVERYTHING...is love expressing over and over in creative ways. So why do the messages in sacred texts seem so different? The simple answer is perspective. Every message is filtered through the perspective of the one who channels it. Perspective causes the illusion of separation in embodied existence, because it comes from conditioning and experience, as well as the current vibrational frequency of the individuated piece of Source sharing that information. The same soul may channel the same messages in different ways throughout the course of lifetimes based on their perspective, and each time that message may seem vastly different from a previous message as the soul's perspective changes. Perspective is a unique measure of change in an embodied being. It seldom remains fixed for long, as new experiences in embodiment continuously create different perspectives from those previously held. Systems of conditioning often seek to hold individuals to one perspective for an entire lifetime for the purpose of enrichment, power, and control. For example, a religious system of conditioning may seek to hold you to one perspective of a wrathful or vengeful God who will smite you for your sins so that those in power in that religious system can reap the many benefits of your fear. Or, a patriarchal political system may seek to hold you to one perspective about gender roles, sexuality, and gender identification in order for those in power to maintain economic, social, and political control and supremacy. You will find myriad examples of this throughout human existence--systems of conditioning that do all they can to affect and control your perspective in order to keep you enslaved to an ideology that benefits the few while marginalizing, disempowering, or oppressing the many. Yet, in spite of the efforts of systems of conditioning, perspectives change as each individuation of Source energy journeys through various lifetimes, and ultimately that perspective evolves regardless of those seeking to keep this from happening. A master--an awakened or enlightened one--has traveled and evolved through various perspectives until they are able to understand human perspective while dwelling in the perspective of All That Is, which is that All Is Source, All Is Love, and All Is One. Those who re-awaken while still incarnated in human bodies are in the embodied world, but their perspective has broadened to match that of All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. And this is why your sacred texts differ even though they come from the same Source. Because the perspective of the channel shapes how the material is understood and shared. And this is why we urge you to experience as many sacred texts as possible as well as to create your own. For you, in your embodied state, get to choose those which truly resonate with your being. And you are not beholden to one sacred text or another. As your experience and awareness shifts, so can the sacred texts you find coherence with as well as those you create yourself. This is the process of Awakening to Truth. You Are the Process. We have said before that there is no journey, because you have Nowhere to go since you are Now Here. But in Your Is-ness when you are Now Here, you can become the process of your own re-membrance. And We in the All That Is, Was, or Ever Will be are not just beside you and within you, but we wrap every strand of your essence in the embrace of Home as you engage in the process of returning your perspective to that of Source. And as you do, we welcome you to a Home that you have never left, except through the process of a shifting perspective and awareness. We Love You. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read the next message Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay Who is The George Collective
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is our great joy and honor to speak with you Now! For we are overjoyed when your attention turns to us so we can share with you the joy of our connection within the Oneness of Source. We are with you always as you are always with us, since we cannot be separate except within the illusion of duality. However, when you turn your attention and awareness to us, it feels like a mini re-union since you have forgotten your connection to the All That Is and to Source. We wish to point out before we continue this discussion that we will now use the language of the embodied, which only depicts a fraction of ultimate reality. Thus, when we use terms such as "person" or "soul" or "lifetime" or "incarnation," please recognize we are using a very small word to describe an experience within space-time that is an illusion, and that is much smaller than the totality of what you are and what we are outside of space-time in Source. In other words, we are simplifying for the sake of clarity, and we encourage you as much as you can to recognize the words we use limit you to the experience of duality when in truth, you are All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. With that caveat in mind, we will continue. Now, we wish to discuss soul mates. This is a deeply misunderstood concept in duality. For in ultimate reality, we are all soul mates, in that we are all One existing within the embrace of the Divine, and thus no expression of Source is any more special than any other. We recognize that you have chosen to leave your awareness of the Oneness and enter into the illusion of duality for the purpose of experience. And in doing this, you also enter into the belief of separation of all things, which allows you to establish preferences for this or that, him or her, they or them, here or there, now or then, and so on. Thus, in your embodied state, you encounter other individuated pieces of Oneness that are also experiencing themselves as separate. For ease of language, let us call these "souls." And it's true that some individuations within the realm of illusion (we'll use your language and call these "people") prefer some people more than they do others. You often call these "your people:" friends, family, lovers, co-workers, acquaintances, neighbors, and all of the other social groupings that those in the small I arrange themselves into in order to experience a sense of community that is but a pale imitation of the true Communion we all share in Oneness. It's also true that there are certain souls that embody with you in all of your incarnations--or many of them. You often refer to these as "soul groups," and they create a continuity of experience in embodiment so you can have experiences concurrent with other souls that "know you best." These soul groups have deep familiarity with one another and are thus able to provide the experience the other souls most desire to have in each lifetime for the purpose of creating. These other souls may be with you for a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, or a lifetime. But you have all made pre-arrangements to meet in each embodied adventure and co-create experiences. These are the people who feel familiar the moment you meet them. There is a sense of purpose there, a knowing. There is some type of instant recognition, even if you can't pinpoint what it is when you first encounter one another, which you do lifetime after lifetime. These other souls can show up as parents or siblings, children or friends, teachers or holy men, neighbors or relatives, classmates or playmates, lovers or enemies. You have agreed to share "karma" together; that is, some aspect of embodiment you have chosen to experience in each life for the purpose of creating who you are in response to that experience, and for the ultimate purpose of awakening. You come together into illusion to awaken yourself and each other. Within that grouping, which includes a large number of souls, there are a smaller number of souls that have created special agreements to remind each other of Oneness through the expression of human love. These are the people you meet in your life who you love unconditionally, regardless of whether they enter your life only for a brief time or spend an entire lifetime with you. And you have made these special arrangements with more than one soul. These, then, are your "soul mates." And each soul has many soul mates, not just a single one. Therefore, a soul mate (and you have many) is a soul you instantly recognize. Their purpose is to awaken you to the fact that you are capable of loving unconditionally, and so their every action in your life exists to provide an opportunity for you to love that soul completely, wholeheartedly, and unconditionally regardless of how long they appear or how they present in your life. You do the same for them. You have created a vibration among your group of soul mates that generates instant recognition for the bonds of love you share that you will always have, regardless of the physical, mental, or emotional experience you have with that person. Humans tend to think of a soul mate as a lover, and soul mates can be that. But they can also be friends, children, parents, cousins, teachers, siblings, and even your enemies. Because regardless of who that person is to you or what your experience is with them, deep inside your love for them remains powerful and unfailing. No matter how angry you feel, no matter how hurt or how betrayed, the love remains. It remains in "life" and "death" for these people. You love them on and on and on, even if you have to plumb the deepest depths of your soul to recognize the anger or betrayal or pain you feel is deeply rooted in a love that cannot and will not die. Your interactions with these people are deep and intense. You feel connected, even after you are physically disconnected. You often meet in your dreams. They pop into your mind frequently, regardless of whether they remain in your life. The purpose of these arrangements isn't to experience one soul as more special than any other. Rather, the purpose of these relationships is to re-awaken you to the experience of unconditional love that endures regardless of the circumstances of your relationship. And, in re-awakening you to that love on a human level, it reminds you of the Love you experience as part of Source - the love you have for Source, the Love Source has for you, and the absolute, pure, and perfect Love that exists when all souls re-member with the Oneness. So whether your soul mates are friends or foes, lovers or family, give thanks for their presence in your life. For they are there for you as reminders of Who You Truly Are, and you, in turn, remind them of the same. You exist to bring each other experiences of human love that allow you to reawaken to Divine Love and remind you that while you imagine you are separate, you have never left the Oneness. You have simply forgotten for now that You Are Us, We Are You, and We Are All One. We Love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Photo by Navi Photography on Unsplash Go to next message |