Who is The George Collective
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is our great joy and honor to speak with you Now! For we are overjoyed when your attention turns to us so we can share with you the joy of our connection within the Oneness of Source. We are with you always as you are always with us, since we cannot be separate except within the illusion of duality. However, when you turn your attention and awareness to us, it feels like a mini re-union since you have forgotten your connection to the All That Is and to Source. We wish to point out before we continue this discussion that we will now use the language of the embodied, which only depicts a fraction of ultimate reality. Thus, when we use terms such as "person" or "soul" or "lifetime" or "incarnation," please recognize we are using a very small word to describe an experience within space-time that is an illusion, and that is much smaller than the totality of what you are and what we are outside of space-time in Source. In other words, we are simplifying for the sake of clarity, and we encourage you as much as you can to recognize the words we use limit you to the experience of duality when in truth, you are All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. With that caveat in mind, we will continue. Now, we wish to discuss soul mates. This is a deeply misunderstood concept in duality. For in ultimate reality, we are all soul mates, in that we are all One existing within the embrace of the Divine, and thus no expression of Source is any more special than any other. We recognize that you have chosen to leave your awareness of the Oneness and enter into the illusion of duality for the purpose of experience. And in doing this, you also enter into the belief of separation of all things, which allows you to establish preferences for this or that, him or her, they or them, here or there, now or then, and so on. Thus, in your embodied state, you encounter other individuated pieces of Oneness that are also experiencing themselves as separate. For ease of language, let us call these "souls." And it's true that some individuations within the realm of illusion (we'll use your language and call these "people") prefer some people more than they do others. You often call these "your people:" friends, family, lovers, co-workers, acquaintances, neighbors, and all of the other social groupings that those in the small I arrange themselves into in order to experience a sense of community that is but a pale imitation of the true Communion we all share in Oneness. It's also true that there are certain souls that embody with you in all of your incarnations--or many of them. You often refer to these as "soul groups," and they create a continuity of experience in embodiment so you can have experiences concurrent with other souls that "know you best." These soul groups have deep familiarity with one another and are thus able to provide the experience the other souls most desire to have in each lifetime for the purpose of creating. These other souls may be with you for a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, or a lifetime. But you have all made pre-arrangements to meet in each embodied adventure and co-create experiences. These are the people who feel familiar the moment you meet them. There is a sense of purpose there, a knowing. There is some type of instant recognition, even if you can't pinpoint what it is when you first encounter one another, which you do lifetime after lifetime. These other souls can show up as parents or siblings, children or friends, teachers or holy men, neighbors or relatives, classmates or playmates, lovers or enemies. You have agreed to share "karma" together; that is, some aspect of embodiment you have chosen to experience in each life for the purpose of creating who you are in response to that experience, and for the ultimate purpose of awakening. You come together into illusion to awaken yourself and each other. Within that grouping, which includes a large number of souls, there are a smaller number of souls that have created special agreements to remind each other of Oneness through the expression of human love. These are the people you meet in your life who you love unconditionally, regardless of whether they enter your life only for a brief time or spend an entire lifetime with you. And you have made these special arrangements with more than one soul. These, then, are your "soul mates." And each soul has many soul mates, not just a single one. Therefore, a soul mate (and you have many) is a soul you instantly recognize. Their purpose is to awaken you to the fact that you are capable of loving unconditionally, and so their every action in your life exists to provide an opportunity for you to love that soul completely, wholeheartedly, and unconditionally regardless of how long they appear or how they present in your life. You do the same for them. You have created a vibration among your group of soul mates that generates instant recognition for the bonds of love you share that you will always have, regardless of the physical, mental, or emotional experience you have with that person. Humans tend to think of a soul mate as a lover, and soul mates can be that. But they can also be friends, children, parents, cousins, teachers, siblings, and even your enemies. Because regardless of who that person is to you or what your experience is with them, deep inside your love for them remains powerful and unfailing. No matter how angry you feel, no matter how hurt or how betrayed, the love remains. It remains in "life" and "death" for these people. You love them on and on and on, even if you have to plumb the deepest depths of your soul to recognize the anger or betrayal or pain you feel is deeply rooted in a love that cannot and will not die. Your interactions with these people are deep and intense. You feel connected, even after you are physically disconnected. You often meet in your dreams. They pop into your mind frequently, regardless of whether they remain in your life. The purpose of these arrangements isn't to experience one soul as more special than any other. Rather, the purpose of these relationships is to re-awaken you to the experience of unconditional love that endures regardless of the circumstances of your relationship. And, in re-awakening you to that love on a human level, it reminds you of the Love you experience as part of Source - the love you have for Source, the Love Source has for you, and the absolute, pure, and perfect Love that exists when all souls re-member with the Oneness. So whether your soul mates are friends or foes, lovers or family, give thanks for their presence in your life. For they are there for you as reminders of Who You Truly Are, and you, in turn, remind them of the same. You exist to bring each other experiences of human love that allow you to reawaken to Divine Love and remind you that while you imagine you are separate, you have never left the Oneness. You have simply forgotten for now that You Are Us, We Are You, and We Are All One. We Love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Photo by Navi Photography on Unsplash Go to next message
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