Who is The George Collective?
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. It is our joy to share with you Now as you move into the vibration of Who You Truly Are. Allow our energy to suffuse you, and as you do, we invite you to notice its origins. Where does our energy come from? Where do you notice it within you as you reconnect with the vibration of Self as Source? You may be surprised to notice that we are not external to you. That is, when you notice our vibration as you engage with our energy and messages, please also notice that the vibration you connect with comes from inside of you. Our vibration intermingles with yours, coming not just from within every cell of your body, but also filling all of the seemingly empty spaces that exist between each cell. We invite you to notice this because it is our desire for you to recognize that our vibrational energy is not separate from yours; rather, it is a part of all aspects of your body, mind, and spirit. For we are Source energy and so are You. We come not from outside of you, but from inside of body, mind, and spirit. When you are most deeply caught up in the illusion of separation, you can quiet yourself and notice that we are there. There is no place where you end and we begin. Instead, we flow seamlessly together into One infinite energetic body. Now, notice the solid parts of you that touch the solid parts of something else. Probe the apparently impermeable boundary between you and whatever your body is touching. Then, notice as you give it your attention how that boundary softens. Where does your energy leave off and the energy of that object begin? Notice that it doesn't. Rather, your energy flows into the energy of that which you make physical contact with. What you perceive as a barrier separating you from it is an illusion. Even as you touch another seemingly solid object with your apparently solid self, your energy flows into it, and its vibration flows into you. The energy co-mingles until you can no longer notice any separation at all. Try this with any object you wish. Hold something in your hand. Close your eyes and breathe as you place all your attention there. Now notice whether you can find a true boundary between that object you hold and you. Next, do this with another embodied being. Sit facing one another, gazing into the other's eyes. Where does your gaze end and theirs begin? Synchronize your breathing and notice that it is impossible to know where your breath ends and theirs begins. Place your hands in front of you with your palms touching theirs. Now, close your eyes and breathe, focusing on the place where your palms are touching and notice that it is impossible to know for sure where you end and they begin. Any belief you have in separation from this other being is merely an illusion. What you notice and experience as you engage in these exercises is the reawakening of your awareness of the Oneness. You can do this any moment of any day in any activities and with any experiences, objects, or Beings. When you find yourself longing for Home, do this. Close your eyes briefly and breathe in. When you recognize the vibration of Source within you, open your eyes and look around with a soft gaze. See how the boundaries that moments ago seemed so solid now seem soft and permeable. When you find yourself caught up in the dramas of ego, do this. As you go about your daily tasks, close your eyes briefly and breathe until you recognize the vibration of Source within you. Then open your eyes and return to your task, noticing the physical boundaries of the objects you were working with that you previously believed were so distinct have softened, and they flow into you as you flow into them. Do this with each of your senses. Do this with each of your tasks. Do this with each of your thoughts, words, and actions. Engage in this practice as often as you think to do it and slowly, the boundaries of ego that create the illusion of separateness will begin to blur and fade, and you will know that regardless of where you are or what you are thinking, saying, or doing, you can entirely change your experience by allowing yourself to slip outside of the imaginary separation of ego and into the reality of Oneness with Source. When you connect to that Oneness, those parts of you that have forgotten will fill with the peace and joy of re-membering Love and returning your attention to the awareness of self as part of the All That Is, Was, and Ever Will Be. For it is as we have told you. There is no separation, only the illusion of it. Thus, all that you notice with your five physical senses is Love masquerading as solid objects. What you truly are is Love pretending to be separate for a while so you can once again find the joy of truly re-membering that you are pure Love, and that all that is within you and surrounding you is that same Love. You are the I Am That I Am. We are the I Am That I Am. And everything around you is the I Am That I Am. Even in your illusion, you are whole, we are whole, all is wholeness, and We Are All One. We Love You. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Gabriela Piwowarska from Pixabay
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Who is The George Collective?
Go to the first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. It is our great joy to speak with you Now and to walk with you always. For though you perceive yourself as separate from each other, from us, and from Source, the truth is that you have never left. You exist with us always in the Eternal Moment of Now, for you are, as we are, All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. Our message is brief today. It is a message of Love and a reminder of Who You Are. Therefore, we invite you to close your eyes, place your hands together as if you are praying, bring your fingertips to your brow, and simply feel. Create this silence, and you will feel our vibration. For while we share words with you through these channeled messages, we also activate each message with vibrational information that will reach resonance with your frequency so you can sit within it and and feel our energy as you read our words. This is a foundational exercise we recommend those of you seeking to re-member your essence as Source do frequently. Do this before you read a channeled message from this channel or any other. Do this while you state intention or pray. Do this while you express gratitude. Do this when you absorb our messages. Do this when you struggle, before and after you meditate, and at any time you wish to feel the Love of Source. For this is a signal both to your small I and to the Oneness that you wish to connect with the Truth of Who You Are. Then, sit with it. Sit with it for a second or a minute or an hour or however much "time" you need to feel that connection. For it is our sacred vow to you that when you connect in this way, we will infuse you with the vibration of All That Is. Do this Now, at the end of this message. And do this in any moment you feel alone or frightened or angry or grief-stricken. Do it when you feel joyful or grateful. Do it when you visualize. Do it when you notice you're judging or feeling judged. And as you do, allow the frequency of Universal Love to fill you and re-mind you that We have never left You, and You have never left Us. We are unbreakably connected Now and Now and Now and Now. And so it is. We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Christelle PRIEUR from Pixabay Who Is the George Collective? Go to the first message Today's message from The George Collective is a little different. It is a channeled meditation the Georges guided me through and asked me to guide you through. They call it an "activation meditation" and tell me it is infused with their energy to help activate your memory of Source. I have also infused it with Reiki to activate any deep healing you need on your journey. I recommend you go someplace where you won't be disturbed, make yourself comfortable, and allow yourself to be guided on a healing journey. Run time is just under 36 minutes Go to next message
Music Frozen Star by Kevin MacLeod Image by Gabriela Piwowarska from Pixabay It's perfectly normal to feel whatever you feel, especially now during a time of uncertainty and fear. Many people have shared their stress with me, and I completely understand where it comes from and why it lingers.
I'm feeling anxious, too. That anxiety arises from dwelling in the future "what ifs" surrounding the current COVID-19 outbreak, as well as grieving for our past and the lives we feel we have lost. All of our lives have been inevitably altered forever. Regardless of what happens, we will emerge from this into very different world. And it's up to each of us individually and as species collectively to decide what type of world we choose to step back into. Right now is our opportunity to create that world, as The George Collective pointed out during yesterday's channeled message about the COVID-19 Opportunity. Making the most of this opportunity as a re-set button for humanity requires each of us to care for our own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Living in constant stress creates a cocktail of hormones that affect not only our physiology, but also how we think and feel emotionally. That's why it's important to find spaces of peace, love, and joy, even in the midst of perceived darkness. When you move into your own personal space of positive emotion, you create a place where others can find their own higher vibrational energies, too. You are an important piece of the energetic puzzle of the whole. When others are temporarily unable to find or experience higher vibrational energies, you will hold that space them through your own inner work. And in turn, when you are stuck a space of fear or anxiety, others will also hold the high-vibration space for you until you are able to find it again. In this way, we, who are all part of the collective One that makes up the fabric of the entire universe, support and uplift not only ourselves and each other, but the energetic circumstances of everything that surrounds us. And so, I have been trying to offer you simple tools during what, for many, is a period of unprecedented stress, fear, worry, and anxiety. Use as many or as few as you need. Adapt them to suit your own intentions. Share them with others. The ultimate goal here isn't to shame you for feeling down or to cause you to run around blind to everything that is happening in the world, but rather to find the opportunity that lies within every challenge. The tools I offer provide a path to move into higher vibrational energies that serve not only your greatest good, but also the greatest good of the planet, humanity, and the universe. 5-Minute Mental Re-Set The tool I have for you today is one I have shared before, but it is so effective that I will share it again. It requires no special materials; you don't need crystals, a singing bowl, or any other spiritual items, although if you have them and you want to incorporate them in this practice, you can. It initially takes about five minutes (or longer if you've got the time or inclination) and provides a way to enter a place of peace or joy and to recall that exact feeling whenever you need to reduce anxiety and stress. Sit or lie quietly and comfortably somewhere that you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and begin by breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you breathe, place your hands over your heart. Notice the warmth from your hands entering your chest and filling your heart. With each breath, intend to breathe in peace. With each exhalation, visualize tension, stress, anger, pain, uncertainty, or any other negative emotion as black shadows gently entering your breath stream and flowing out into the universe, where it will be neutralized. When your body, mind, emotions, and spirit feel peaceful, visualize something or someone you love that brings you joy. It can be a beloved friend, family member, or child. It can be a pet. It can be the image of traveling, visiting a sacred space, or romping in the ocean. It can be the memory of digging your toes into warm sand. It can be a memory of the last time you sat with your best friend and laughed so hard your ribs hurt. It can even be the memory of a sacred experience you had in the past, one that left you feeling peaceful, awestruck, and joyful. Move deeply into whatever experience you are visualizing. Allow yourself to feel the warmth of that emotion. Feel it growing as a ball of warmth in your heart under your hands. Feel it entering into and out of your body on your breath. Feel your heart beat causing that warm emotion to flow with your blood throughout your body into every cell and every corner of your physiology. Sit in the warmth and glow of that emotion, allowing it to permeate every fiber of your being. Allow it to expand outward with your energy. When this emotion reaches its peak, make a simple gesture with your hands. Make it a gesture you don't make every day, such as stacking your hands one on top of the other with palms up or holding a mudra that speaks to you. Hold that gesture as you bask in the glow of your positive feeling for as long as you can. Once that feeling begins to fade away, release the gesture. A Daily Practice Make this a part of your daily meditation; do this for just five minutes a few times each day. And then, as you move through your world and through your life, when you anxiety, fear, stress, or other lower-vibrational thoughts and emotions creeping in, make your gesture. The gesture will bring the vibration you felt during your meditation back to you, allowing you to pause and release the stress and tension. Do this as often as you need throughout the day. Make this your happy place, an oasis of peace you can return to no matter what is happening in the world around you. Image by Holger Feulner from Pixabay I'm a big believer in maintaining some kind of a spiritual practice. Having a practice you do most days of the week allows you time to tune in your higher self. It's essential for people working on any kind of spiritual growth, energy healers, empaths, and people wishing to develop their psychic or intuitive abilities. In other words, pretty much everyone.
A spiritual practice can help you heal past trauma, release suppressed emotions, detoxify emotionally and spiritually, and tune in to higher guidance. It can help you calm the constant stress that comes from daily life, be more focused, breathe in a way that is more beneficial to your body, mind, and spirit, and restore energetic balance. It can soothe and repair a frayed or damaged auric field that comes from being out in the world and balance your chakras and meridians so energy flows throughout and around you freely. A spiritual practice doesn't have to mean sitting and meditating, although for many that is exactly what it means. A spiritual practice is anything you can do that focuses you on the present moment, quiets your mind, and connects you to your higher self. I recommend finding the practice that clicks with you. If it's something you don't enjoy or stress out about doing, it will never be sustainable. Some suggestions for a spiritual practice:
You've probably heard it takes 21 days to establish a habit. Research shows this isn't exactly true. In fact, it can take as long as ten weeks to make something habitual. So establishing your spiritual practice and getting it set may take a bit longer than three weeks. But it's necessary for your growth as a soul that you do. Setting aside time for yourself everyday helps you to make your own growth and healing a priority. It is the best way to detoxify from life in a stressful world and connect to higher guidance, allowing you to inhabit your life with more flow, grace, purpose, and joy. Image by Silentpilot from Pixabay Karen's note 5/29/21: As I was going through old blogs, I discovered this, which is an early The George Collective channeling. I've channeled them for years, but I didn't start formally and publicaly channeling them until 2020 except in rare instances like this.
So this happened today. I have some Reiki students who are far away, so I correspond with them. Today, I was writing a letter to one of my students and responding to some queries. I finished the letter but kept thinking about something he had asked me that I didn't feel I had answered to my satisfaction when I started to get a persistent message. As background, I actually believe much of what is in my books and blogs is channeled. I can always tell something is coming via channel because I get a feeling of pressure in my ears and a persistent thought starts pushing in my brain until I sit down and write it. A few times, sitting down and writing it took several days with only sleeping, eating, and basic personal care until I had written a whole book. I'm sure my family and dogs love it when that happens. Anyway - that occurred this afternoon, and when I was done, I had a meditation. I sent it to my student, but I also want to share it with you because it may help others as well. BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE You dread the density that is part of being embodied. That’s why you’re feeling resistant to grounding. It’s because Earth energy is dense, sticky, and slow moving, and the body is dense and vibrates slowly as well, and you desire only high vibrations and lightness. You feel the density holds you down and keeps you from realizing your true potential. To understand that even in a body, and even grounded, and even on Earth, you are not as dense as you believe, you are to listen to the space between the breaths as a meditation. When you focus on breath, notice the space that is neither breathing in nor breathing out. Focus on those spaces and see how vast they really are. Notice that even in those spaces which are neither inhale nor exhale, you are there, and it’s vast and wide open. Home is in those spaces. Your essence is in those spaces. So while you feel “confined” in a body, you carry Home inside of you in those spaces that are neither inhale nor exhale. You are in a body but not of the body, but the breaths can’t exist without the spaces and the spaces can’t exist without the breaths as long as you are embodied. From there, you can start to notice other spaces. For example, start with your heart. Notice the space that is your heart, but notice the space that is not your heart: the space inside of it, the space outside of it, the space in the muscle and outside of the muscle, the space in the blood and outside of the blood, the space in the vessels and outside of the vessels, and then the space all around it. Shift your focus back and forth – the space that is physical you, and the space that isn’t physical you but is still part of you. Notice how much space there truly is and how little matter there truly is. You can do this with any part of your physical body. With a hand, a foot, an ear, your nose, your liver…it goes on. You can do it with pain. Pain, no pain. Notice where the pain is. Notice the spaces and gaps in the pain. Notice where the pain isn’t. Notice the pain’s edges: where it begins and ends. Where it intensifies and fades. Notice the pain is mostly empty space with vast distances between points of pain. Notice where the pain dissolves into NO SPACE until it is no longer there at all. You can even do it with a thought or belief. Notice the edges of the belief or thought. Notice the vast open spaces it contains. Notice how the thought doesn’t have a sharp edge, but rather fades away particle by particle until there is a lingering of tiny bits of that belief. Notice how the thought dissolves into NO SPACE until it’s no longer there. As you do this--notice the spaces and shift from the space of matter to the space of NO SPACE--you’ll realize that while part of you dwells in the dense and physical, you aren’t trapped here. The dense and physical is your partner and your vehicle, much like your car. It helps you to accomplish what you came here to do so you need to care for it and maintain it, but you can always, even embodied, return to the spaces between to experience the NO SPACE that is home. Ground after each such meditation and carry the knowledge you gained with you as you go about your day. You still need to partner with your body so you can do what you came here to do. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Image by Tài Thiện from Pixabay I woke up this morning at 3 AM with tightness in my chest, a a cough, and congestion. Given it's cold and flu season, it doesn't take much for me to understand what's happening in my body physiologically, and it's easy to reach for the nearest symptom relieving medication so my body's signals don't bother me as I go throughout my day.
It has been my solution for years; take care of the symptoms so I can power through. In the Western world, this is often how we deal with physical discomfort - a.k.a. symptoms. We ignore the invitation for rest and contemplation they provide and instead go straight for suppression because having symptoms during our busy lives just feels so darn inconvenient. I came into adulthood in the 1980s when the motto was, "No pain, no gain," and I took that crap seriously. No matter what my body signaled, I powered through it either ignoring or suppressing any symptom that arose. Perhaps not surprisingly, the messages from my body grew louder and more intense until my first chronic illness entered my life: Hashimoto's thyroiditis. That was my body sending messages loud and clear to me, and yet I continued for a few more decades to power through until I discovered a kinder approach. Even today, powering through is my first instinct, arising from my ego which loudly proclaims, "Show no weakness! Pain is for wimps!" In Ayurveda, there is a principle called samprapti, which describes six stages in the progression of disease. Each stage progresses from the one before it, offering you the opportunity to heed a signal (symptom) before it becomes systemic. Ayurveda focuses on doshas, or forces, comprised of the five elements. These dohas, Vata (air and space or ether), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (earth and water) must be in balance for emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health to be optimal. When imbalance between the elements occurs, it first shows as a symptom. If the imbalance is ignored instead of addressed, then the progression of disease begins. These six stages include:
Therefore, it's in our best interests that, instead of powering through, we accept our body's invitation to bring it back into balance when the first symptom, no matter how mild, arises. When you have a symptom (physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual), no matter how mild it is, your body is issuing you an invitation. It's alerting you to an imbalance that is present and inviting you to discover how and why it has occurred. During these times, the best thing you can do for yourself is to take a moment to sit quietly with the symptom instead of ignoring it and forging ahead with your day. Close your eyes for a moment, focus on the symptom, and ask, "What is it you are trying to tell me?" Then, breathe deeply, empty your mind, and listen. Your innate intelligence will tell you what you need to do to return to balance because your body, mind, and spirit always seek to return to a harmonious state before imbalances can set in, get stuck in your body, and manifest as illness. BJ Palmer, the son of the father of chiropractic Daniel David Palmer said, "The power that made the body heals the body." In other words, your body has an innate intelligence to return to balance and wellness if you remove the forces that are causing its dis-ease. And sitting with discomfort of any type (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual) as soon as it arises allows you to listen to the invitation being issued in order to address an imbalance long before it ever has the opportunity to progress into something catastrophic you can't ignore so your body, mind, and spirit can return to a place of optimal wellness through its own innate intelligence. And so I laid in bed at 3 AM, with my eyes closed and my Reiki hands resting over the area of tightness in my lungs. I listened to my body's invitation for balance, and I listened to what it told me was out of balance. I breathed deeply and allowed my mind to go where it needed to in order to release emotions that had stuck in my chest. I didn't try to suppress the discomfort. Instead, I moved into it and allowed it with all of the attendant thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that came with it. If the symptoms arise again, I'll need to do it again, sitting with my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical symptoms alerting me to the opportunity to recognize imbalance and release it so my body, mind, and spirit can heal themselves. Image by Bhikku Amitha from Pixabay This daily singing bowl meditation is adapted from recommendations and a poem by Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh as relayed by author Frank Perry in his book Himalayan Sound Revelations. Thich Nhat Hanh recommends performing this short meditation twice each day in the morning and in the evening, and that you view the bowl as a sacred friend who is there to help you be mindful. You can use any type of a singing bowl, although the Himalayan bronze singing bowls are believed by Buddhist monks to transmit the frequency of OM, which is the fundamental sound of the universe and are what were originally intended for use with this meditation. Ringing or singing the bowls transmits the dharma, or the principle of cosmic order.
Here's the audio so you can hear what it sounds like: Body, Speech, and Mind in Perfect Oneness
by Thich Nhat Hanh Body, speech and mind in perfect oneness, I send my heart along with the sound of the bell. May the hearers awaken from forgetfulness And transcend the path of anxiety and sorrow. Those who are listening to the sound of the bell silently recite the following gatha: "Listen, listen, This wonderful sound brings me back to my true home." As we listen to the sound of the bell, the voice of the Buddha inside, calling each of us back to our true home, the place of peace, tolerance and love. Reiki Master-Teachers have my permission to use this meditation with your students provided you keep it as is and attribute it appropriately. This 25-minute meditation is for Second Degree Reiki practitioners, taking them to meet their Reiki guide and allowing them to find and create their Reiki distance healing room. First degree practitioners or Reiki Masters can use the meditation, as well, although First Degree practitioners will only be able to use the room for meditation and to meet with their guide until they are attuned to Second Degree Reiki, which attunes them to the frequency of distance healing. Meditation: Written and recorded by Karen Frazier ©2018 - all rights reserved Music Relaxing Piano Music Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Meditation TranscriptClose your eyes and relax. Breathe deeply into your stomach, noticing your breath as it flows in through your nose, traveling down through your lungs and deeply into your stomach. Now, exhale through your mouth. Focus on your breathing and allow the sounds of the music to relax you deeply.
Image you are standing on a sandy beach. Gulls fly overhead, and you can see dolphins leaping in the ocean at a distance. Notice how blue the sky is. Feel the warm, gritty sand sifting between your toes and notice the pleasant heat of the sun warming your head and your shoulders. Breathe in the salty air as you listen to the crashing of the waves on the beach. When you feel relaxed, ready, and comfortable, begin walking along the beach. As you walk, notice the sights and sounds all around you as you alternately gaze out at the ocean and at the rough, rocky coastline on the other side of the sand. Notice in the distance the opening to a cave appears in the rocks. As you walk towards it, see the cave’s opening drawing nearer, and a glowing, red light is coming from it. Cross the sand to the opening of the cave and stand in the red light at its entrance. Allow the light to bathe you as you stand at the entrance. Notice the cool, damp air coming from the cave on your front while the heat from the sun still warms your back. Step into the cave, into the glowing, red light and allow it to surround you. Take a moment to adjust to the light as you notice you can still hear the distant sound of the ocean waves cutting through the cave’s deep hush. Ahead of you, you spot the source of the red glow – it is coming from a cavern. When you are ready, walk forward and enter the cavern. The cavern is full of glowing, red crystals. They are everywhere – on the walls, on the ceiling. They are all shades of red and all shapes. There are deep red stalactites, lighter red stalagmites, and crystals in every size, color, and opacity. Feel the power of these red crystals and allow it to surround you. Notice how their vibration and energy affects every cell of your body, causing you to vibrate in tandem with them. Bathe in the light and vibration of the cavern, allowing it to surround you completely. When you are ready, step out of the glowing red crystal cavern and back into the cool cave. Notice in the same direction you were traveling that up ahead you can see a faint, orange glow coming from further down the cave. Step away from the red glow and walk towards the orange glow, noticing as the red fades and the orange intensifies. The air grows cooler here and the distant roar of the ocean fades even more as the cave’s hush takes over. Walk closer and closer to the orange glow until you can see its source – a cavern off to one side that is emitting a vivid orange light. Step out of the cave and into the cavern. Notice it is filled with vibrant orange crystals in every shade, size, shape, and opacity. They cover the walls. They cover the floor and the ceiling. They are lit from within, emitting a deep, orange glow and vibration. Close your eyes and bathe in the glow and vibration of the crystals, feeling them enter through your naval region and permeate into every cell in your body until you are vibrating in tune with the orange crystals. As you vibrate in tune with them, you become the orange light, and you no longer know where your light leaves off and the light from the crystals begins. Take the time to fully enjoy the feeling here in this cavern. When you’re ready, open your eyes and step out of the cavern and back into the cool depths of the cave. Continue walking, away from the orange glow. Ahead of you, notice there is a golden yellow glow. It’s faint at first, but as you walk towards it the glow intensifies until it starts to envelope you completely. You can no longer hear the sound of the ocean. Instead, you are immersed in the deep silence of the cave, where all you can hear are your footsteps and your deep, relaxed breaths. As you approach the golden yellow light, you notice it is coming from a cavern off to one side of the cave. Step into the cavern and allow the golden light to surround you completely. Notice the cavern is filled with golden and yellow crystals in every shape, size, shade, and opacity. The crystals are everywhere – not an inch of that cavern is free of the beautiful crystals. Close your eyes and allow the light to fill all of you, entering through your solar plexus and on your breath as it flows through your lungs, into your heart, and your heart pumps the vibration of the yellow crystals through every cell of your body. Become one with the golden light. Bask in it and allow it to fill you completely. When you’re ready, step out of the cavern and back into the main area of the cave. Give thanks to the golden light and travel more deeply into the cave, noticing the darkness and cool air around you as the golden light fades behind you. Notice as you travel the cave floor has started to slope upward now. Ahead, you see light from outside entering the cave and notice there is a small crack, just big enough for you to fit through and back out into the light. When you’re ready, approach the crack to the outside and squeeze through. It’s a tight fit, but you can just wriggle through. Suddenly, you’re surrounded by the bright light of the sun. Allow the time for your eyes to adjust and feel the sunlight warm your cooled skin and the light fill you. Notice a path continues from the cave, up the rocky hillside at a steep incline. Follow the path and observe up ahead a plateau off to the side of the path with green light streaming from a copse of trees. Approach the glowing green light. Step off the path and through the small copse of trees. As you pass through the trees, you step into a clearing. In the clearing is a garden of green crystals. Green crystals of every shape, size, and shade are everywhere – carpeting the ground on which you step, growing up the trunks of trees, and forming a canopy over your head. In the clearing is a green crystal bench underneath a tree made of green crystals. Walk across the carpet of green crystals and take a seat on the bench. Close your eyes and bask in the vibration and light from all of the crystals, allowing it to enter through your heart and your breath. Feel the vibration and light fill every blood vessel and your entire body. Bask in the light. When you’re ready, open your eyes. As you sit on the bench, notice a being is walking towards you across the carpet of green crystals. You recognize this being somewhere deep inside, and you feel the love welling up as you remember who it is. This is your guide, one who has been with you in every lifetime and in between. Stand up and greet your guide. Embrace your guide and feel the love and support flowing between the two of you. If you cannot recall your guide’s name, ask. Thank your guide for all of the support he or she has given you. Then, when you are ready, invite your guide to accompany you as you continue on your journey. With your guide by your side, step back through the copse of trees and onto the rocky path once more. Continue moving up the hill, noticing the blue of the sky and the sound of birds singing nearby. Notice the rocks of the path are slowly becoming lush, green grass, and the path while still going uphill is gentler now. Feel the grass gently shifting under your feet, and notice up ahead a small copse of trees off to the side. Walk towards them with your guide. When you get to the trees, with your guide by your side, step through them and enter into an area completely made of blue crystals in every shape, size, shade of blue, and opacity. There is blue under your feet and all around. There are blue crystal flowers growing from the blue crystal ground, and trees that are entirely blue crystals. Close your eyes and bask in the vibration of the blue, allowing the blue light to wash over you and the vibration of the crystals to enter through your throat and in through your breath, flowing throughout every cell of your body. Bask in the light and vibration of the blue crystals. When you are ready, open your eyes and look around at the blue crystals one last time before you step back out through the copse of the trees and onto the grassy path once again. As you look up, notice the path continues up the hill again. Follow the path with your guide, enjoying the sights, sounds, smells, and feeling of nature as you walk. Notice ahead of you is a huge copse of trees directly in your path. From the trees, you can see a violet light glowing between the trunks and branches. Step with your guide through the trees. You are in a clearing completely surrounded by purple and violet crystals in every shape, size, and shade. They are all around you – on the ground, dripping from branches of trees, and growing as trees, shrubs, and flowers. Close your eyes and feel the violet light coming from the crystals enter through your forehead and on your breath. Notice the vibration filling every aspect of you. Become one with the violet light. When you are ready, along with your guide continue through the violet area. Notice a tall copse of violet crystal trees on the other side and walk towards it. Step through the copse and out onto the path. Notice the path goes up steeply now, moving to the hilltop that is covered in a fluffy white cloud so you can’t see it. Walk with your guide on the path, moving up the hill towards the mist. As you get closer to the top, the fog gets thicker, but you can see light coming through from the very top. Step out of the fog with your guide and notice you are in a beautiful garden glowing with white crystals everywhere. Ahead of you is a giant temple made of clear crystal with crystal steps leading up to it. Enter the temple and notice the cool air inside. Take in the beautiful crystal temple, noticing all of the details: the columns, the altar, the beautiful crystal floors. Notice at the far side of the giant temple hall is a door. This is your healing and meditation room. Walk across the cool crystal floor and open the door. The room beyond is your healing room. Notice how it looks. Is there a table? A chair? Are there windows? Are there symbols on the walls, floor, or ceiling? What is the view from the windows? Are their curtains? What is on the walls and on the shelves? This is your space to create as you will, and you can come here during distance sessions to work with your healing partners. You can make this anything you want and come here whenever you want. It may have a comfy chair where you can meditate, or a fireplace where you can go and sit and study important works or have a chat with your guide. What this room in your temple is is entirely up to you. When you are ready, embrace your guide and thank him or her for coming with you to this room. You will part ways for now here, but know you can always return to the temple or any of the crystal gardens to talk with your guide anytime you wish. Take one last look around your room and step back out through the door and into the main hall of the temple. From there, walk across the hall, out the temple door, and down the steps. Go back into the mist and down the hill, passing through the purple garden and heading down past the copse of trees where the blue crystals are, past the copse of trees where the green crystals are. Squeeze back through the hole in the rocks and back into the cave. Walk through the cave, passing the golden cavern, then the orange cavern, and then the red cavern and feeling their vibration reach out to you as you pass. Step back through the cave entrance and on to the beach once again. Notice the warmth of the sun on your face now and feel the sand between your toes. Listen to the crash of the ocean for a few minutes before you return your attention to your breath once again. Notice as you breathe in through your nose, deeply, and then out through your mouth. Take all the time you need to enter your body once again, wiggling your fingers and toes first, followed by larger stretches. When you are ready, open your eyes. |