Who is The George Collective?
Go to first George Message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE We bring you Greetings from Source, with which you are One. For all who inhabit human bodies and identify with egos have mostly forgotten that what We Are, You Are. Therefore, you and all traveling in the realm of the space-time are the same as Us. You Are All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. You have simply forgotten this is so. Now, we wish to discuss with you a question Karen asks us frequently, and one that was asked in our conversation with some of you: "How do I stop doing that?" What is That? Whatever it is you wish to not be doing because you would rather be doing This. Please do not fear. We will not pull you into another discussion of This and That, as we have covered the topic at length. Our answer to the question, "How do I stop doing that?" is deceptively simple: Stop doing that. You stop doing that by stopping. But we do understand the nature of the question, and we wish to offer you some more information about it, as it now time for us to help you understand thought. All embodied souls experience the Holy Trinity of Thought, Word, and Deed. Therefore, all creations in your embodied existence solidify through this Trinity. You think it, then you speak it, then it is made manifest through the experience of being, doing, or having. This is the process through which pure energy manifests into either solid form or embodied experience. You are creative beings. You love to create, and you have created so much in your embodied lifetimes! Thought is the beginning of the creative process because thought is what starts the experience of bringing Source energy into embodied existence. And because the ego-identified, who believe they are separate from Source, have a fundamental misunderstanding of thought, it often brings about outcomes that do not please you given who you wish to be. What is this fundamental misunderstanding? You believe your thoughts are absolutes. To you, they are intractable and powerful. You believe you can't help but think what you do. While you believe this within the embodied existence, it is untrue outside of duality. It may be more true to know this: All thoughts are neutral. No thought is inherently good nor bad, dark nor light, kind nor mean, beautiful nor ugly. Thoughts contain neutral energy. Likewise, you are not the source of your thoughts. Let us explain. Thoughts are neutral. They are energy, and you have the opportunity every time you encounter energy to choose to attach to it or not. The primary way you attach to the energy of a thought is by judging it. Every time you place a value on thought energy (that is judge it as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative, and so on), you attach to it. Your thoughts come from multiple sources. Some do, indeed, come from you; that is, they come from the physical part of your human biology that thinks, which is your brain. Therefore, it may appear that these thoughts come from you, and in a physical sense they do. Your brain fires off a response to some stimulus, which results in a thought. What you do not understand is that the thoughts that "come from you" are largely controlled by the conditioning you have received through all of the systems, institutions, and people that have conditioned you from the moment of your birth. Thus, when a thought comes from your brain, such as a fact you learned in school, a judgment about yourself or another, or a belief you have about politics or religion, these are merely conditioned responses. The people, systems, and institutions that have conditioned you are the source of those thoughts. They have planted them in your brain without you knowing it was happening. The thoughts of your brain, which come from your biology, are physical conditioned responses that came from somewhere else. They are not you. You do not own them. The thoughts are creations of the society in which you live and the experiences you have had. These are the thoughts of the small I, and they are illusions. They are, as the whole of everything in the universe is, energy. And, they only solidify and become intractable if you attach to them. You get to choose whether you do this. And you get to choose how much energy you give these thoughts. If you attach to the energy of a thought by judging it, it begins to solidify as you think it over and over again, parsing it, looping it, repeating it, and starting the process of bringing it into creation. When a thought becomes intractable, then you begin to speak it, and you have moved onto the next step of manifesting. And as you begin to speak it more and more, you also start to give it action; that is, your thought and your word become deed, and you have completed the cycle that allows you to manifest the result of that thought. And once a thought is made manifest in solid form, it becomes something you use to continue to condition yourself and others, perpetuating the cycle by which you were also conditioned. Therefore, we recommend that before thinking becomes doing, you stop thinking that by not attaching to the thought. And if you have attached the thought, we suggest that before the speaking becomes doing, you stop speaking that, and once you've stopped speaking that, you can work on no longer thinking that. And once you do that, you have reversed the process. But what if your word becomes deed, and the thought form solidifies in your experience? If it is an outcome you desire and it serves who you choose to be Right Now, then there's nothing you need to do until that experience no longer pleases you. However, if the outcome is something you don't wish to experience, then to stop doing that, you need to stop doing that. Once you have stopped doing that, you need to stop speaking that. And once you have stopped speaking that, then you need to stop thinking it. This is why we say that before thinking becomes doing, stop thinking that. Recognize the thoughts from your brain come from conditioning. Catch yourself as you have those thoughts. And instead of attaching energy to them, acknowledge them for the illusion they are and choose a different thought. And if you have already attached to the thought and are speaking it, then we suggest you notice what you say, and when you notice yourself speaking it (or communicating it through any other form of expression - for in this case we conflate speaking with expressing), then change your expression. Express that which you wish to Be instead of the thought you have attached to whenever you are about to express a thought that does not serve you. Then, when you have removed the energy pattern of that expression, you can move back to the previous step and once again pay attention to your thoughts to remove the pattern of the thought as well. And if you have already attached to the expression and have begun acting it out in deed, and it doesn't serve you, then we suggest you maintain awareness, and every time you notice yourself engaging in the deed that does not support who you wish to be, replace it with a deed that does. Then, when the deed no longer is part of what you do, focus on the expression, and then on the thought. So if you are already doing that, your first step is to stop doing it. Your next step is to stop expressing it. Then, stop thinking it. Finally, detach from the energy you give the thought by sitting in the Eternal Moment of Now and recognizing it as an illusion of the small I. We wish to mention there are other places thoughts can come from as well. For example, you may energetically notice the thoughts of another. You might also notice thoughts from other energies in other dimensions or realms, such as lower vibrational energies. How can you tell if it's the thought of another? The short answer is it does not matter if it is your thought or it belongs to another. If that packet of energy does not serve your highest vision for yourself, then simply recognize it for the illusion it is, refuse to attach to it, and allow the energy to drift away. If someone expresses a thought you do not feel serves your energy, do not judge it, because judgement brings attachment. Instead, recognize their expression or thought as their attachment, bless it as what they choose, and refuse to make it your own. Someone else's thought never has to become your choice or experience unless you want it to. There are also thoughts that come from Source. These are the thoughts you have of the highest version of yourself. They feel like Love, and peace, joy, compassion, and Grace. The thoughts that come from Source aren't really thoughts at all; they are feelings, but your brain often translates them into thoughts. The information from Source comes from everywhere and nowhere because Source is All That Is. If source is everywhere, then you might wonder how Source can also be nowhere, and so we invite you to separate the words to reveal the true meaning of nowhere: Now Here. The thoughts from Source come from the Now Here or, the Here Now, which is the Present. And this is why Presence is such an effective way to start to recognize the fundamental truth or illusion of all thoughts, regardless of their source. By being Present and tuning into your highest self, you can, at any time, recognize the truth or untruth of what you experience as thought. And for those which do not serve what it is you Truly Are, which is a Perfect Expression of Divine Love, you can simply notice them, observe them, and let them drift away without ever energizing them with attachment. For you, Masters-in-Training, have all of the tools you need to have for Ascension. However, you gave yourself opportunities for experiences in duality, which often come in the form of thoughts. But these thoughts are never intractable. They only have the power over you that you allow them. And the less power you give them, the closer you come to re-membering Who You Really Are, which is the Perfect Expression of the All That Is. That is how we see you Now. Your opportunity is to re-member to see yourself that way. We Love You. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Pezibear from Pixabay
1 Comment
Steve Thomas
5/28/2021 10:00:54 pm
Beautiful As Always
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