Who is the George Collective?
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. It is our honor to speak with you Now. For those of you who have been asking us questions in the quiet of your minds, in the peace of your hearts, as you drift off to sleep, as you meditate, and as you cultivate Presence in your day-to-day life, know that we hear you, and we have answered. Have you felt our vibration? Have you noticed our messages? For we want you to know that you can feel us and receive our communication any time you open yourselves to it. All of Source stands ready to answer you from the Eternal Moment of Now. And because we exist outside of space-time, we know who will ask. We know what you will ask. And we have already answered; it's up to you to re-member that this is so. Before you in space-time have asked, we in the Eternal Moment of Now have answered. For this is the nature of space-time. Because you live in a realm of This and That , Now and Then, and Here and There, you also must perceive This and That as being separated by distance. And because you move in a linear progression from Here to There, you must perceive that line along which you move from Here to There as a progression of Now to Then, which is time. This is the nature of human embodiment. You must travel in experience between one piece of polarity and another, and thus you perceive yourself as progressing through space-time, which is an illusion. If you hold something in your hand and someone asks you what it is, your answer is some variation of "This." For This is what you can perceive, and That is everything that is not This. What is This? This. What is That? Anything that isn't This. Thus, your concept of This changes based on what you focus your attention on, as does your concept of That. And since you can only define This by what is right Here right Now, it changes from moment to moment based on where you place your focus. And That, which is everything that isn't This, is experientially unknowable since your attention isn't on it. Which means This is concrete and real, but That is an illusion. If someone calls you on the phone and ask you where you are, your answer is Here, wherever Here is. And the person asking is There. Where is Here? Wherever you Are. Where is There? Wherever you Are Not. Thus, Here and There seldom stay the same place for long because the moment you move from Here to There, There becomes Here, and Here becomes There. There is no There there, because There shifts based on Here. So when someone asks, the only answer to where are you is I Am Here. There is an illusion. If someone asks what time it is, your answer is some variation of Now, which is usually stated as an arbitrary number on a clock that humanity has agreed on based upon the progression and rotation of Gaia in space. However, even as soon as you have answered with what your Now is, it is no longer the Now that it was when you were asked. The question was asked Then, but you can only answer Now. And that Now has already passed before you can communicate it, thus your answer to what time is it Now is actually an expression of Then. If it is 3:33 and 33 seconds when you look, by the time you have said the entire phrase, it might be 3:33 and 34 seconds or 3:33 and 35 seconds. Thus you are expressing a statement of Then rather than Now when you tell someone the time, and you are always chasing an accurate answer, which cannot be accurate because by the time you answer, the Now you are describing is already Then. Thus, the only true, genuine answer to the question of time is that it is Now. Because Now is all there is, and Then is an illusion. We have already, of course, discussed Tomorrow and Yesterday; or Past and Future. All you know of Yesterday is the stories you've told yourself about it. The experience has already passed. You are Here Now, and experientially you can know that because it is concrete. You can tune into every sense and observe it. Try it Now...slip out of your mind and into your senses and notice that you are, indeed, Here. Now. You can see it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it, feel it, and know it through not only your five senses, but through your True Self as well. Can you be so sure about Yesterday? Can you see, touch, taste, smell, hear, or know it, or can you only tell yourself a story about it which may or may not be true? And can you be so sure about Tomorrow? Can you have a sensory or knowing experience of it when, indeed, you have no idea what will unfold between Now and Then, whether you will be Here or There, and whether you will encounter This or That? And can you be so sure about There? Even if you were There yesterday (when it was Here and not really There because that is where you were), everything could have changed between Now and Then if your story about being There Then is even true. So, There could be entirely different. The only way to know is to make There Here by returning to There so it becomes Here. Experientially, there is no Between for Now and Then since Between becomes Now when you are on your way to Then. And there is no Between for This or That because as soon as you encounter That, it becomes This. And there is no Between for Here and There, for Between becomes Here when you are on your way to There, and There becomes Here when you arrive. You will never reach Then. You will never encounter or have That. You will never be There. Why then, do you spend so much of your time thinking about Then (which you will never reach because once you get to Then it becomes Now), hoping to have or find That (which you will never have since it is only That which is not This), and hoping to go There (which you will never do because once you are There you are Here). That, Then, and There are all extrapolations based on stories you tell or ideas you project. Thus, they are illusions. This, Here, Now you can know experientially. Thus, they are real. We go on and on, speaking in puzzles that aren't really riddles at all if you stop to contemplate them. The experience of Duality tricks you into believing in There, That, and Then, which can only ever be projections of your mind because the only thing you can truly know when you are in a human body is what is This Here Now. This is how it is in Source too. There is only Here. There is only This. There is only Now. And This Here Now is All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, which we have told you before is Love. To enter duality, you take parts of your energy of the All That Is and you package it together and surround it with the illusion of the small I so you can, at least for a time, believe in the experience of Here and There, This and That, Now and Then (and even Love and fear...guess which one isn't real?). But all of these are mere projections of the illusion of the small I that allows the Master-in-Training to create an experience so that all of Source can know itself experientially through the illusion of duality. And this continues until, as you slowly begin to expand outside of the boundaries of ego-identification, you start to remember that there is only Here, there is only This, and there is only Now, and it is all Love. Thus we urge you, as much as you can within the experience of the small I, to place your attention on these three things: Here, This, Now, because these are All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, which is Love. And so, although you are having an experience that suggests you exist within a container of a small I, in truth you have never left Home. You have merely forgotten your profound connection to Source. If you want to remember it, then be This, Here, Now. This is always what you need to re-member when you ask us questions. To know our answers, which we always provide, be This, Here, Now. We Love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to the next message Sign up for the free live The George Collective Q&A
5/24/2021 08:03:04 pm
5/24/2021 08:04:58 pm
And of course I've felt you. You touch my heart and make me cry.
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