Who is The George Collective?
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are overjoyed to communicate with you today. You know us as "The George Collective" because that is a name you use to identify us, which is part of your nature. Humanity labels things in order to identify them. We have told you before we are pleased with this label, but it only shares part of who we are, as we are vibration and thus our "name" is vibration instead of a label. Due to the nature of the way you interact within duality, you require labels in order to help you quickly categorize and understand that which you encounter. However, we wish to remind you (for you already know even if you do not remember) that regardless of what labels you apply to something, those names can only convey one minuscule part of the entirety of that which you label. This is because all is energy, and all vibration is dynamic and can quickly re-form, shift, and change. Likewise, all vibration can switch frequency in any given moment whether it's the energy of a plant, an animal, a rock, the planet, a situation, a thought, or a human being. Thus, in ultimate reality, labels are rendered useless, since energy can take any frequency and any form in any given Moment of Now. Why is this important for you to understand? Because to label something and insist on maintaining that label limits your ability to experience it for what it truly is. For example, once you have labeled another soul as "rude" or "mean" or "ugly", then your judgment about that designation quickly solidifies that vibration within your own experience. Then, regardless of how much the vibration of that soul shifts and changes, to a great extent it becomes tremendously hard to shift your initial label to something different, which keeps you from experiencing the other soul as being anything other than the label you have already applied. Some labels, such as a name like "The George Collective" or "Bob" or "Mary" serve a purpose for rapid identification of another. The trick, then, is to remain in the Now of that other's vibration instead of insisting that the soul you have labeled must only be the "Bob" or "Mary" you have come to know and judge as such. Most in humanity fail to realize that labeling things in such a way is creative; that is, those labels not only create and solidify that energy in your experience, but to other susceptible forms of consciousness, your belief in those labels and insistence on viewing another to fit within them can also affect how that other consciousness views and experiences itself as you begin to use the label you have created as a tool for conditioning the other. Here is an example of how this may work with an embodied human soul. Imagine that you are about to have a child. You go to the doctor and discover it's a girl! This is the first label, because regardless of the chromosomal patterns of an unborn baby, the truth is it is simply an energetic, vibrational soul that is without any current human identity as it relates to gender. It is merely a beloved piece of Source embarking on the human journey. However, with this initial label, even before the soul enters the living, breathing world of duality via birth, labeling and conditioning have already begun. Perhaps there is a pink nursery. Possibly there are some frilly dresses and hair bows awaiting the child. The gendered name is chosen. Thoughts, dreams, and wishes for a girl's future are already forming. Then, the soul is born into the body of a biological female, and the conditioning continues. From the moment of birth, how the soul is treated and the societal expectations of that child are pre-set based merely on a pattern of chromosomes. The soul, newborn into a human body, arrives with no preference of what they will be, what they will wear, how they will dress, or what they will be interested in. Rather, the soul comes for the pure creative experience, and from the very moment they are born and labeled "girl", all of society--every human being they encounter both personally and through media--creates a set of expectations about how that label should express in every aspect of the soul's life. But what if the soul chooses something different from what the chromosomes express? What if the label "girl" and all of the societal expectations and conditioning that come with this label feel counter to that soul's embodied truth for this lifetime? Is the soul wrong for wishing to live their truth in spite of what society is trying to condition them to be? Does that soul deserve a lifetime of scorn, derision, and rejection for merely wishing to live their truth, even if it falls outside of societal expectations? It is the deepest desire of every soul in a human body to live authentically, creatively, freely, and joyfully without trying to fit within the narrow definitions generated by various human individuals, families, religions, cultures, and societies. Even if you do not realize it, this is your deepest desire. Imagine if you could be in the world exactly as who you are without fear of judgment or reprisal. What would it feel like if you never needed to hide anything in your shadows, never felt you had to behave in a certain way or make choices merely because your social structure and the labels you apply say you should? Imagine your life for a moment, free of the expectations, constraints, and limitations of all the labels that others have placed on you and that you have placed on yourself. Close your eyes, center yourself, and feel this. Feel the empowerment and freedom in living an unfettered life where you can be exactly what you choose. Notice that feeling of pure joy, creativity, and expansiveness that comes from this. Allow yourself to truly dwell within this space until you feel its vibration. Then, notice how different that energy feels from how you currently believe you must live under expectations and labels that say you should be this way or that way, wear this thing or that thing, believe one thing or another, and do this or that. This is the desire of every soul, to live an authentic, truthful, and unrestricted life. It is a freedom you can find, but it takes courage to claim it and live it. Due to the nature of the labels and expectations you apply to yourself and other humans, the act of being who you truly are takes great courage under the present circumstances and conditions of the world you have co-created with your fellow humans. But you have the power to change this, and it begins with one intrepid soul being brave enough to set aside labels, step away from conditioning, and embrace the joy of their true, authentic being and live it fully in their lives. For when one soul finds this vibration and this joy, another sees and does the same. And the two souls living their joy affect two more. And then the four souls affect four more. And soon, as this energy grows exponentially, you begin to find enclaves of souls all living authentically. And as these souls begin to live authentically, they lose their need and desire to force other souls into the boxes created by labels and conditioning. Thus, more souls now live lives much freer of conditioning, labels, and expectations and can begin to find their own authentic expression while inspiring others through their example. But those first souls...they must be brave, and they must have the courage to be who they are. They must have the tenacity to do it proudly and openly, knowing that there are others who will try to force them back into the box of conditioning and labels. And while this may sound frightening (thus, the courage), the truth is that if you are that intrepid soul, you can still live joyfully regardless of how others treat you, speak to you, judge you, or talk about you. How? By recognizing that you are of Source, and thus, regardless of what happens to your physical body, you are always safe and deeply loved. It's true you may need to find this peace and support within yourself without the expectation of acceptance from other souls. And it's true that there may be those who try to do you physical harm because they fear your peace, joy, and bravery. But without the souls who are fearlessly living their truth regardless of societal expectations, humanity would never grow and evolve as they seek to re-member themselves as Source. The man you call Jesus was one such soul. He lived his life authentically, and his deep truth sparked a movement "practiced" (often imperfectly) by millions which has lasted thousands of years. Of course, his messages have been shifted and co-opted by people seeking power over centuries and used as a cudgel for conditioning and control, but he was a simple man living a simple truth who inspired many and terrified many others afraid of losing their power. His messages, although altered and often misinterpreted, have lived on for thousands of years after his death. Jesus was a man of courage. He lived his truth even knowing he would be killed for it by those in power. However, he also recognized himself as Source and knew that regardless of what humans did to his body, his true joy was in his Oneness. And he also knew that the only way to shift the energy that created the circumstances resulting in his crucifixion was to live in a world that wasn't ready for him or his message, but to be who he was anyway. Because if his authentic being-ness of living his truth affected even one other soul in a human body, then the world would forever change. You have this power as well. In fact, it is alluded to in your holy book, The Bible, which contains wisdom albeit often greatly misunderstood. In John 14:12, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father." (NLT) This was Jesus's call to live your truth and be who you are. For even after you are gone, those you have affected with your authentic being-ness will feel safer and freer to find their own peace and joy in living their own truth. And in doing so, they will continue to shift consciousness, which allows more embodied souls to begin to re-member though living their own truth. This, then, is your call to courage. We invite you to be who you are, to resist conditioning (both being conditioned and conditioning others), and to help others also find the joy of their own truth through your example. We love you, we are in awe of you, and we know you are up to the task. You are deeply loved. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Image by nguyen hoang trong from Pixabay
1 Comment
Steve Thomas
6/15/2021 07:59:32 pm
:::Looks Around:::
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