Who is The George Collective?
Go to the first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. It is our great joy to speak with you Now and to walk with you always. For though you perceive yourself as separate from each other, from us, and from Source, the truth is that you have never left. You exist with us always in the Eternal Moment of Now, for you are, as we are, All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. Our message is brief today. It is a message of Love and a reminder of Who You Are. Therefore, we invite you to close your eyes, place your hands together as if you are praying, bring your fingertips to your brow, and simply feel. Create this silence, and you will feel our vibration. For while we share words with you through these channeled messages, we also activate each message with vibrational information that will reach resonance with your frequency so you can sit within it and and feel our energy as you read our words. This is a foundational exercise we recommend those of you seeking to re-member your essence as Source do frequently. Do this before you read a channeled message from this channel or any other. Do this while you state intention or pray. Do this while you express gratitude. Do this when you absorb our messages. Do this when you struggle, before and after you meditate, and at any time you wish to feel the Love of Source. For this is a signal both to your small I and to the Oneness that you wish to connect with the Truth of Who You Are. Then, sit with it. Sit with it for a second or a minute or an hour or however much "time" you need to feel that connection. For it is our sacred vow to you that when you connect in this way, we will infuse you with the vibration of All That Is. Do this Now, at the end of this message. And do this in any moment you feel alone or frightened or angry or grief-stricken. Do it when you feel joyful or grateful. Do it when you visualize. Do it when you notice you're judging or feeling judged. And as you do, allow the frequency of Universal Love to fill you and re-mind you that We have never left You, and You have never left Us. We are unbreakably connected Now and Now and Now and Now. And so it is. We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Christelle PRIEUR from Pixabay
1 Comment
Steve Thomas
6/6/2021 09:41:25 pm
Thank you for much for this wonderful connection!!!
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