Who is The George Collective
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is our pleasure to speak with you Now and share sacred messages. As always, it is our desire to help you re-member, at least for a Moment of Now, that We are You, You are Us, We are All Source, and We are All One. Today we wish to share information with you about sacred texts. You may notice that in these messages, we often reference Jesus and the Bible. We wish you to know that this is a function of our channel, as this is the sacred text she studied as a child in this embodiment, and thus it is her frame of reference for sacred and religious teachings. As she receives our messages as vibration and translates them through her filters into words and language, you will often find ideas that come from her frame of reference because it is the best way she can interpret the vibration. A different channel offers messages of the same vibration and meaning, but because that channel's experience is different from this one, the words and references are also likely to be different. So, while the message would feel the same and contain the same vibrational information, it might read completely differently. This is perfectly acceptable because it allows us in Source to share channeled vibration through many messengers. This, in turn brings important information from Source to a broader spectrum of embodied humans of all walks of life and experiences, as some may relate to one channel's sharing more than another's, even though the vibrational information has the same intent and comes from the same Source. Why is this important for you to know? Because we wish you to understand that we are not choosing the spiritual tradition of Christianity, the sacred text of the Bible, or the words of the Christian prophet Jesus as being more appropriate than any other spiritual tradition, sacred text, or prophet. There is value in each sacred text, as all have come through channels such as this one. The spirit and intent of each sacred text is the same, as is its Source. The difference is that the experiences, cultural traditions, spiritual background, regional understandings, and other factors of conditioning change how the message is presented to those who receive it. All sacred texts are channeled through embodied souls. Because the vibrational Source material for all sacred texts is Divine, you may have noticed there is significant overlap between the most important principles, parables, and concepts in each. The noticeable differences in each sacred text are a function of the connection between the channel and the Source vibration, as well as the outcomes of conditioning that have occurred in the experiences, understandings, and embodied minds of the channel. What we are telling you, then, is that there is no single best religion or spiritual tradition, as any that sparks re-membrance is appropriate for you. And there is no pure translation of the channeled vibration because whichever sacred text resonates with you will likely be the most helpful to aid in your re-membrance. And there is no one prophet, for all embodied souls are their own prophets, and any soul whose voice, vibration, actions, and creations find resonance with you can help you re-member. And, there is no single path to Source, for there is no path to Source. There is only each embodied soul's awakening, which is as unique as the soul is that believes itself to be separate from God. And there is no single God, as, "You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High." (Psalms 82:6 NKJV). We wish also to encourage you to expand your understanding of sacred texts, as so many embodied humans turn to them as guidelines for living an embodied life. We fondly suggest that you currently utilize your sacred texts in a way that does not serve your greatest good, nor does the way you engage with them aid in your re-membrance. The reasons for this are twofold. First, many of you read them literally and take them as a book of rules instead of as a creative means of sharing vibrational information received from Source and channeled through embodied souls with their own worldviews. We suggest these texts should be received as guidance and an aid to awakening instead of as a set of commandments or demands. Your sacred texts are not rules or directives. Likewise, as humanity is so deeply enmeshed in the concept of separation and space-time, many of the texts are also a product of the conditioning of society at the "time" which they were channeled. Thus, the further you perceive yourself to be separated in space-time from the channeling of these texts, the less sense they make in terms of how they relate vibrational information from Source that serves you Now. Because of this, the same vibrational information is channeled over and over across space-time by billions of souls, where it is spoken, painted, drawn, sculpted, carved, knitted, written, sung, danced, acted, and shared in ways that can reach, remind, and inspire as many embodied humans as possible. This is why, while you can certainly draw inspiration from ancient sacred texts of one tradition or another, we suggest you don't take them as Gospel (not even the Gospels). For, while the vibrational Source is the same, the information the texts contain is barely relatable to This, Here, Now. Thus, we suggest you find sacred texts that are more relatable to Who You Are Now and Who You Choose To Be instead of clinging to a tradition that may no longer serve you. You get to decide what you resonate with and what does not feel like it serves you Now. The second reason many of your sacred texts do not serve your greatest good is because your definition of sacred text is too narrow. All aspects of embodied life are sacred. All creative outputs are "texts." So, sacred vibrational information is channeled not just into what you now consider your current sacred texts, which are words on a page in guidebook for a spiritual tradition, but they are also all acts of creation made manifest. For each of these creations arises from the same Source vibration that your ancient sacred texts do. Thus, whether it is words carved in stone tablets, written on parchment or paper, or typed on a keyboard and displayed on a screen, it is a sacred text. Regardless of whether it is a painting, a sculpture, a lecture, a dance, a play, a symphony, a sweater, a prayer, a meditation, a karate chop, a birdsong, a sunset, or many other such creative outputs, it is a sacred text. For, each of you are creative beings, and all of you are as equally connected to Source vibration as those who created ancient sacred texts. Each of you has a direct line to the Divine, as you are One with Source. As each of you finds your own forms of creative expression, you are sharing your truths gleaned from connection to the vibration of Source energy not only with yourself, but with all who encounter the vibrational messages you share through your creation. Whether you are a poet or a painter, a carpenter or a monk, a writer or a dancer, a preacher or a bodhisattva, a musician or a healer, a human or another life form...all of you are creating your own sacred texts in every moment. And this is why we encourage you to remain with This Here Now. Because it is when you are in vibrational alignment with Source energy that your sacred texts become the purest and clearest, and it is also when you are best able to align with the energy of the sacred texts of other embodied souls. Your lives are sacred. Your creative output is sacred. You are sacred. And so are all of your fellow sojourners who perceive themselves to inhabit their current bodies. Your sacred texts all weave together in a fabric of your own creation, and they are interwoven with the vibration of Home, which is where we await your Re-membrance that not only do you belong Here, but You have never left. We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Photo by AARN GIRI on Unsplash
1 Comment
Steve Thomas
6/23/2021 07:49:17 pm
Your wisdom is greatly appreciated. A model of love that doesn't extend to everyone completely is not a model of the truest love.
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