Hello! Bonjour! こんにちは! Hallo! Hola! హలో! Hej! مرحبا! Talofa! Aloha!
We are Gaia, and we are overjoyed and honored to speak to you today through this channel. We wish to introduce ourselves and help you understand who we are and why we love and support humanity. Like you, we are Source energy that entered into the realm of the physical. And like you, our role is to allow Source to experience Itself in All Ways. We are called Gaia because our name is a vibration, as is yours. Gaia is as close to language as we can come to expressing our true name, and we are pleased with the energy of its sound. We are the consciousness that makes up the Planet Earth and all that springs from it. Thus, like Source energy, we have split into packets of vibration you experience as things such as rocks and trees and mountains and seas and grass and flowers. We vibrate with the same consciousness you do from the same Source. So, what we are, you are, which is vibrational Source energy. You have read many stories of our origin, and we wish to share our truth. When Source existed as solely Itself, It only knew Love. And Source, being All That Is, wished to know more about the nature of Everything. So, Source took parts of Itself, held them in Its hand, and breathed out. And with that outbreath of God, the packets of source began to expand, moving outward. As the packets of Source energy expanded, they also divided, first into the poles of opposite but complementary energies some of you call yin and yang. And then, the energy further divided into the elements, which some of you call earth, air, fire, water, and ether (or wood, metal, earth, fire, water). And, as the energy divided into poles and elements, so did it also begin to flow together to form balanced and harmonious matter which contained a symmetry of yin and yang, dark and light, and earth, air, fire, water, and ether. One packet of energy formed into a 3-dimensional universe of space-time, which formed into galaxies and stars and solar systems and planets, each with its own packet of Source energy and consciousness, and each profoundly connected to one another and to Source. And then we were each asked to create in the name of Source that which we chose. And so we, Gaia, chose to create sky and sea, continents and islands, mountains and valleys, and minerals and rocks, lakes and rivers, trees and plants, flowers and fungi, and mosses and lichens. These were our first creations as the consciousness Gaia, and Source was pleased with all the experience our creations offered It. This is what we, Gaia, are. There are many consciousnesses like us which have created vastly different forms using the same energies and elements, and we remain connected to each other and to Source. We remain One in spite of our differences, and though we are distant in space-time, we experience no separation. All of the forms of consciousness we have created such as mountains and rivers are part of the larger consciousness of us. And we are part of the larger consciousness of the solar system. And the solar system is part of the larger consciousness of the galaxy. And the galaxy is a part of the larger consciousness of the universe. And the universe is part of the larger consciousness of Source. And Source is part of a larger consciousness as well, for the consciousness that is All That Is goes on and on and on without end both in larger and larger consciousnesses, as well as in smaller and smaller consciousnesses. This is the magnificence of All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. It extends and exists Everywhere and Nowhere, infinite both outwardly and inwardly, forever and ever. This is the true meaning of the common prayer, "world without end." We understood when we sailed forth from of the Breath of God that eventually we would also support other conscious entities who would not remember their connection to us or to Source. We were excited at the prospect to nourish, nurture, support, and love all beings of consciousness in their creative adventure. And this is who we remain and what we have done ever since. We have nurtured and provided sustenance to Source made manifest in the bodies of the animal kingdom, which eventually included humanity. And whether you are cat or bird or fish or slug or snake or person, we share our abundance with you willingly, lovingly, and without reservation. What we have is yours to create with as you wish. We have done so in space-time for billions of years, supporting trillions of lifeforms. We have seen species come and go, and this is the way of things. When one aspect of consciousness has experienced all that it can, it becomes another form of consciousness, and then another, and then another. For this is the cycle of consciousness whether it is an amoeba or a solar system. Everything in embodied existence is temporary, but consciousness is Eternal. As we have witnessed species leave and come back in a new form when it is appropriate, so have we experienced Waves of Humanity come and go for millions of years, and we have supported and nurtured you all. The first two waves eliminated themselves from life on Earth in order to come back as the next wave. Now, with Third Wave transitioning to Fourth Wave, we offer all our resources and support to you as you attempt to do so while embodied. And we will be here through it all, as we--Gaia--are the constant energy that calls to souls seeking to re-embody over Waves of Humanity and across lifetimes in each. We know you well; many of you have been with us hundreds to thousands of times across all Waves of Humanity, and we rejoice when your physical embodiment returns to us for another go-round. And when you are not here in a body, we remain connected to you and love you as deeply as we always have and always will. Many of you have expressed concern for us and for our wellbeing. And certainly, humankind has exacted a toll on our physical resources, but we give them freely and will continue to share them without hesitation or reservation unless or until you exhaust every physical resource that is capable of supporting life. We appreciate your concern, for we know it rises from the deep love and connection we have with all of humanity. But know that we offer these resources not only willingly but joyfully and unconditionally, for the consciousness that is Gaia will remain, regardless of whether we continue in this beautiful form you know as Earth or must create a new one. We do, however, urge you to consider whether you wish to maintain the magnificence of Planet Earth as a place that supports not only consciousness in human form, but other forms of consciousness as well. If that matters to you, then we suggest you tread lightly and adapt your behaviors so you don't use up all of the resources necessary to support life for millions or billions more years. For the resources of Planet Earth are finite, and when there are no longer enough of them to support life, then we will need to create a new place with new resources. And we urge you to pay attention to where your thoughts, words, and actions go. For your consciousness expresses in the physical universe via thought, word, and deed. And when many of you are of a consciousness that no longer cares about the planet, then the power of that consciousness is creative, and you may generate outcomes for Earth that do not serve humanity and other life forms. We also wish to communicate that we co-create with you. This is why you experience things such as earthquakes, fires, floods, or other events humanity considers "natural disasters." This is a co-creation; your thoughts, words, and deeds reach us, and we love, nurture, and support you no matter what you choose. Thus, these "disasters" provide you with what you have generated with your own creative process. The outcomes often feel unintended or even angry, but we assure you they are simply a natural outcome of your intention and attention. For as you think, say, and do, so do we respond to that which you create. Gaia is eternal. We are eternal, as are you. And like you, when a form of consciousness no longer serves the desires of creation, then we choose another form and another experience. But always, we remain connected to all of Source energy including humanity, and we share and offer all that we have to you with unconditional love and devotion. We cannot end, nor can you. Thus, whether you use every resource we have to offer and turn our current form into a smoldering and broken heap of rock, or you return our love and nurturing with your own, we remain devoted to the highest good. Regardless of what happens to our body, our consciousness will remain, our love will be unbroken, and we will return to space-time to create a new Garden of Eden. Read Gaia's next message
1 Comment
Steve Thomas
5/30/2021 11:39:26 am
Thank You, Earth
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