Many people who take my dream interpretation class mention they have trouble remembering their dreams or they don't feel their dreams are meaningful.
The truth is everyone dreams, and everyone has symbolic dreams, which occur during REM sleep. However, not everyone is able to remember their dreams because they can be so ephemeral. If you don't record your dream as soon as you wake up by writing it down quickly or speaking it into a voice recorder, there's a good chance you'll forget it or details of the dream will slip away quickly. It's unfortunate because dreams are an excellent source of wisdom from a higher source. They can provide guidance or alert us to issues in our subconscious that we need to bring into consciousness so we can deal with them and heal. Dreams are an important tool for people on a spiritual path seeking guidance and growth. There are some things you can do to support meaningful dreams and dream recall. The first is to state your intention nightly before you go to sleep. Every night as I drift off, I say, "Tell me what I need to know." For me, that's enough because I have always dreamed vividly and had good dream recall. Others may need a more clearly stated intention such as, "Tonight I will receive guidance in my dreams and when I wake, I will remember them" or something similar. Keep a dream journal or a voice recorder next to the bed, and as soon as you wake from a dream that seems significant, write it down. If you wake in the middle of the night, even a few descriptive words of things from the dream can be enough to spark recall. Then, in the morning, write everything you can remember from your dream in your journal and see if you can translate what the dream is telling you. Another great way to remember dreams is to place amethyst next to your bed, under your pillow, or between your mattress and box spring. Amethyst can trigger meaningful dreams and help you remember them. Cleanse your amethyst once or twice a week using smoke or another method. Finally, try this essential oil blend. If possible, put it in a roller bottle with chips of amethyst and an amethyst roller ball. Apply to your third eye before you go to bed, massaging it into your forehead in a counterclockwise direction (clockwise dispels, counterclockwise draws or nourishes) as you repeat your affirmation for dreaming and dream recall. Dream Serum
Image by TanteTati from Pixabay
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