Go to the first George message
Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are pleased to share that many of you have accepted the challenge that comes with the COVID-19 opportunity for humanity, and you have begun to make an energetic shift! We are so humbled and overjoyed by the strength and willingness so many of you are showing to step into a new way of being, and we encourage you to stay at this important work. You may not recognize in this moment how powerful your efforts are in the shifting for the whole of the Oneness, but down the line you will look back and recognize that your choices and shifting energy paved the way for changes that benefitted generations of humanity. For, each person making a vibrational shift creates ripples in the pond that expand higher vibration outward exponentially. You do yourselves and all of us in the Oneness great honor. Today, we have come to encourage you to step away from the noise as much as you possibly can. For it is the noise that is distracting many of you from the task at hand, which is the process of transformation to the new energy and the alignment with that energy, a process we call alightment in which you align with the power of Light from the Oneness that is available to you should you choose to discover it. We hear you ask, what is the noise? The noise is all around you. It's the fearful information about this virus you call COVID-19. It's the political information calling out various entities and figures. It's the fear of measures being taken to protect you from the virus. It's the anger surrounding the words and decisions of those you do not agree with. It's the frustration at those who are not behaving in ways you feel they should. It's the desire and tendency to point the finger of blame somewhere - anywhere. It's the worry about money and the discussion surrounding whether currency is more important than human life. It's the frustration and sometimes outright hatred of those who believe differently from you. It's all of this and more. There is so much noise, and it is easy to be drawn into the rising volume of rhetoric, anger, and fear existing under the guise of being informed. But we tell you this, and we hope you will listen. All it is, is noise. We will say it again: It is all noise. We understand why you choose to participate in it. It gives you the sense of being in control and of understanding what is happening in your embodied existence. But we want you to understand it and see it for what it is - noise. Following every piece of noise -- driven by media, social media, political parties and figures, the guy next door, and even the noise of your own mind -- may help you feel more in control and less afraid, but what it actually serves to do is distract you from the process of understanding what this opportunity means for you, and what you can do to raise your own vibration. Participating in or giving attention to the noise will keep you in the old vibration and prevent you from moving into the new frequency. And every person who chooses to accept the new vibration causes an exponential rise in the frequency of the whole, while every person who chooses to participate in the noise is, whether intentionally or unintentionally, fighting to maintain the vibrational status quo. The noise all around you is of a lower vibration. But you get to decide whether you listen to it, absorb it, and participate in it. Your attention and reactions to the noise are a choice; choosing to participate in or give attention to the noise is not involuntary. It is a choice you are consciously making, and we want you to be very clear in your understanding that making this choice is an energetic "vote" for maintaining the vibrational status quo of the embodiment experience that currently exists on your planet. It's up to you to decide whether that's what you truly want, but from the perspective of the Oneness, doing so does not serve your greatest good. We invite you as individual embodied human entities to align with the Light and to step away from the noise. We understand your fear in choosing alightment, for the human condition makes makes taking a leap of faith into the unknown a scary choice. But we are here to assure you that you are perfectly safe in making this choice and stepping away from the illusion of control that arises from paying attention to the noise. For, it is fear that is keeping this virus alive, and stepping away from the fear is the first step to creating a cure. Many of you have realized that you are not being given the full truth surrounding this COVID-19 opportunity. Partial truths are out there, but much of what you are being told is outright fabrication from those who stand to gain in some way from misinformation and from keeping humanity off-balance and afraid. Personal, political, and financial agendas are driving the noise and keeping many from doing the work it will take to align with the new energy. But we say this to you now: paying attention to and participating in the noise may give you the illusion of control, but it is only illusion. Your attention to the noise perpetuates the fear, and that fear perpetuates the virus and its negative effects on humanity. It is in making the choice to step away from the noise and ignore it that you will find the thing that you can control: yourself and your reactions. Deep inside, in your spiritual center from where intuition arises, there is a small flicker of the flame of truth. The noise is keeping you from finding that Light and aligning with it. But once you align with that Light, everything will change in your experience. And the more people that align with their own Light through the processes of intuition and trust and the emotion of love, the less noise there will be, and the more others will be encouraged to follow your example. Contributing to the noise serves to keep more people vibrating at a lower frequency. Allowing your love and peace to be your example lets you to become a beacon of hope and comfort to others, and that, in turn, encourages them to find their own Light. It is no mistake that this is our eleventh message to you. The numerology of 11 is important in this message and woven throughout it. Eleven is a power number. It is a master number that speaks directly to your intuition, encouraging you to step away from external stimulus and go within to discern the truth. And inherent within this master number 11 is the energy of 2 (1+1=2), which evokes duality and relationship. For, once you have stepped within to discern the truth, you are invited to live that truth within the experience of duality in ways that inspire others through your relationships with them and the example you provide with your own way of being in the world. Let your example be your source of Light. You will never vibrationally win hearts and minds by participating in the noise of fear, personal or political agenda, judgment, criticism, or the intentional or unintentional sharing of misinformation. Rather, the way you can encourage others to go within and align with the new, higher vibration currently arising on Gaia is by being still and residing within the truth you discover deep inside yourself. And so we end this, our eleventh message to you, with words of hope and encouragement. As embodied individuals, you each have the power to raise the vibration of humanity as a whole. You are supported by all in the Oneness. We walk beside you and cheer you on. We reside within the quiet flame of intuition that exists inside of all of you, and we invite you to come and find us here. We, in the Oneness, are available as a source of unconditional love and support, and we eagerly await the moment when each of you discovers us and aligns with the Light we are here to share with you. Always know that you are deeply loved, and you are never alone. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Manolo Franco from Pixabay
1 Comment
So powerful..."Let your example be your source of Light. You will never vibrationally win hearts and minds by participating in the noise of fear, personal or political agenda, judgment, criticism, or the intentional or unintentional sharing of misinformation. Rather, the way you can encourage others to go within and align with the new, higher vibration currently arising on Gaia is by being still and residing within the truth you discover deep inside yourself.'
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