In my classes, books, articles, and blogs I frequently talk about the "highest and greatest good." It is a driving principle in my life. When I do energy healing treatments, I always ask the energy flows in the highest and greatest good of everyone involved. When I write books, blogs, or articles, or when I teach classes, I always ask the information I provide serves the highest and greatest good by reaching the people who need the information I offer. Each day when I wake, I intend that my thoughts, words, and deeds serve the highest and greatest good.
It is my way of relinquishing my desire to try and control every aspect of my life by trusting the universe will deliver those things that serve the highest and greatest good for all. However, I've had to learn that sometimes what I think should serve the highest and greatest good isn't what will support it. Here's an example. When I learn someone is ill, I always ask the universe to provide energy and support that serves the highest and greatest good of the individual, the people around them, and the universe as a whole. That's often a difficult ask, because what I want to be the highest and greatest good is for that person to be made well again. But sometimes, that's not what will serve the highest purpose in that person's life or in the universe. Sometimes illness comes with lessons. Sometimes it's a call to enlightenment. Sometimes it's something else. And I can't know what purpose someone's illness will serve. All I know is that I want them to be well, but what I want doesn't matter. So I return to the only thing I can truly ask; that the energy of the situation supports the greatest good, whatever that may be. There is wisdom in the universe, and I can't always know the purpose for something. Nor can I impose my will upon others or upon Divine will. And so, I do the only thing I can; I send energy and love that supports the highest good trusting there is a reason, even if I can't clearly see what it is. Image by Cindy Lever from Pixabay
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