It's been a few days of difficult news - some personal, some coming to friends, and some related to local and world events. As each new piece of news has come, I've experienced some people I love and some I don't know cry out in pain. Their pain is mine.
Life can sometimes feel bleak, unbearable, difficult beyond measure. However, even in these darkest times, there is a light that's there for you if you choose to find it. Sometimes when it's dark, it's more difficult to see that than others. During those times, if you are one who can see the light, then hold it. Hold it for yourself, and hold it for others. Be the one that carries the light for everyone who needs it until they can carry it for themselves. Today is the shortest day of the year. It's the day we allow darkness trusting the light will return. And each day from here, there will be a little more light, and a little more, and a little more. Trust the light is there, even when it is dark. Trust it will return. And if you have even a glimmer when someone else has none, hold the light for them as I hold it for those who are crying out in pain believing there is nothing but darkness. The light is always there. It is your truth and your legacy, and it always returns. Sometimes in our pain, we turn away from its truth until we are ready to let it in once again. If you can't see it right now, know I'm holding the light for you until you're ready to pick it up once again and shine as the glorious being of light you truly are. Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
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