See what I did there with that title? I do enjoy a good pun….
But seriously, this may be my shortest and simplest metaphysics article ever for PUG. People ask me all the time, “I want to make a change, how do I do it metaphysically?” What they are asking me about is how to make things happen – such as a shift in perspective, a change in vibration, remembering dreams, receiving a message from guides, conversing with loved ones who have passed, discovering your path, learning the lessons of karma, or even just manifesting something that is really, really important to you. It seems like each might have their own super complicated process, right? I have good news. There’s a single, simple answer for all of them – and the process is exactly the same. Get your pen and paper ready so you can take notes, and the next time you find yourself looking for an answer – or for change – you can follow these steps. Step 1: Intend it and tell the universe that’s your intention. Step 2: Nope – that’s it. Intend it. Intention is the start of every process. It’s how you let the universe know you’re ready for – well, whatever it is you’re ready for. It’s how you ask the universe for a sign. It’s how you make sense of things. It’s how you discover your lessons. It’s how you slip into your contract – that is, what it is you came here to do. You intend it and state that intention aloud to the universe (you can whisper it in the shower if you don’t want anyone to hear you). Then, step back and allow the process. Eliminate expectations about how your intention will manifest – just trust it will because you have intended it to be so. It’s a powerful secret for leading a powerful life, but I have one admonition. Don’t state your intention unless you are absolutely certain it is what you desire, and you are willing to accept the outcome of your intentions in any way it comes to you. When you state your intention, be ready because it will come to you exactly as it should, and it may not look a thing like you think it will. It may not come instantaneously; there may be what you perceive as a lapse of time between asking and receiving, but unless you cancel out your intention with opposite intentions, trust that its on its way. State it and the universe will send it. That’s how you make shift happen.
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