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Who Is The George Collective Recently, The Georges asked me to invite questions from readers for The Georges to answer. Some of the questions I received were personal in nature, and The Georges kindly answered those and suggested I reach out privately with their answers to those people who asked the questions. The Q&A below are more general in nature with answers that can benefit all who read them. To those of you who sent questions, thank you! ------------------------ BEGIN CHANNELED Q&A Greetings! We are pleased that some of you have answered our invitation for a question and answer session. We wish you to know that those of us in the realm of the absolute are always here for you and wish to help you to understand your paths as embodied humans more clearly. We are always here to answer questions you have – either in a forum such as this or individually. Each of you has the tools to hear us, and we are always just a thought away. If you have trouble discerning our guidance in your waking lives, then try asking us your questions just before you sleep. We will answer in your dreams if you have the intention to have your questions answered and allow yourselves to receive the information. Why can’t I let go of past trauma? I’ve been trying for years but always seem to navigate back to depression and negativity. I’m recently diagnosed bi-polar but am not on medication for it yet. Had a stress induced seizure and heart issue in mid-June. Hello Carin. Thank you for reaching out to us. Please feel our love and support as you struggle with trauma and depression. Your question is an especially important one considering the current circumstances your world – and especially the United States – finds itself in. Negativity is a place of comfort for many humans because it’s easier to remain in negativity than to find a source of hope. And even though negativity feels uncomfortable, it also feels safe because if you don’t allow yourself to hope or try to remain in a positive state, you also don’t risk losing anything or being further traumatized if the outcome doesn’t match your expectations. We have talked about being trauma-identified in past channelings. Trauma-identification sets in when humans forget who they truly are. It provides a form of self-identification that is then reinforced by your society in multiple ways. One of the main ways that this is reinforced is in the push to “get over” trauma as quickly as possible. That push to get over it disallows your feeling of the full experience of the trauma and the lessons and experiences that come with that. Instead, it creates a sense of low-grade, ongoing trauma that you start to identify with because it’s always there in the back of your mind since you’ve never fully processed it. In this way, your energy becomes about the trauma, which takes up the space that could be filled instead with love. The way to release trauma is to allow yourself to experience its emotional after-effects fully without a timeline of how quickly you “should” get over it. Most humans are uncomfortable and unwilling to sit with the feelings generated by the trauma, as you have a belief that you must put on a brave face. In fact, the opposite is true. When you allow yourself the full feeling associated with the trauma…when you wail and weep and wrench your clothing, you allow the full flower of the experience so it clears more quickly instead of devolving into hurt and depression. The other reason humans are so likely to become trauma-identified is due to the belief, “This shouldn’t have happened to me.” This is very difficult to understand from a human perspective because you’ve forgotten who you really are as souls but believing something “shouldn’t be” is, in fact, a fallacy. There are no should or shouldn’ts in ultimate reality; should and shouldn’t are value judgments unique to the human experience. The belief that something shouldn’t have happened blocks you from understanding that every single experience happens for you…not to you. If you lean into those experiences – including the traumatic ones – and allow yourself to fully experience and express the emotions associated with them, then you will discover what it is they have come to help you experience and understand. It’s never too late to process traumatic experiences. Do so in a safe space around people who support you but don’t try to block it or minimize it. Do what you have to in order for the emotions to pass. Do it for each trauma – allow them to fully flow through you so they don’t build up and become your self-identification. You are so much more than your trauma, and you have a bright light to share with the world once you’re on the other side of it. We are always here to support you in your efforts. Please allow yourself to feel our loving embrace as you process your feelings. How do I know which path to take? How will I know if it is the right one? Thank you for your question, Christina. Many people ask this, and the answer is deceptively simple! The path you are on is always the right path. When it is no longer the right path, you will step onto another path, which will be the right path. It’s impossible to be on the right path. So play. Have fun. If you feel good, the path is right. If you feel bad, perhaps you might want to try another path? It’s okay to wander off on another interesting path for a while, and then another, and then another. There’s no straight line to heaven. You’re here to experience and relate. That’s your path, and you can’t do it the wrong way. How can we help overcome the divide which is occurring in humanity as empaths? How should we develop our gifts to best support this time of transition? Thank you for your masterful question, Sonia. We appreciate the spirit in which it was posed. Right now, you have plenty of opportunity to re-prioritize and sit with your feelings. You have more time now than ever to just “be”. This is by design. Your society needed to slow down so you could re-member who you truly are, and so you could hold space for all humans to “re-member”; that is, to join together for your commonalities instead of allowing your differences to divide you. As to how can you come together and develop your skills? Simply be exactly who you are! Your peace and your love will hold space for those who can’t get there right now. Instead of commenting on the divide or getting upset about it, send it loving energy. Be the calm in the storm. Allow people to see who you are, and if they ask where your calm comes from, share it with them. As more humans do this, things will begin to shift and change. Love is your biggest “weapon” against what is happening, which is the result of fear. We also urge you to follow your curiosity. Your curiosity is a signal from your soul that it is time to learn or develop something new. So, if there is something that sounds interesting to you, learn more about it. Find other humans who can serve as resources. Ask the universe for guidance, and the guidance will appear. Likewise, be a resource to other humans who are curious about what you know and what your special gifts are. Share those with all who ask, because your Light is important, and you have as much to share and teach as you have to learn. Also remember this: One way or another, love will always prevail. Everything else is temporary, but love is infinite. It is the underlying force of the universe. It is the underlying structure of everything you currently perceive as reality, even the stuff that doesn’t feel loving. Allow the love. Sit with the love. Radiate the love. That is how you heal yourself, and this is how you heal the world. There’s a situation and I know I’m right. The other person denies what I know/feel to be true. How do I know if my intuition is off? Can it ever be off? Hello Heather. We understand your question and again, our answer is deceptively simple. There is no right or wrong. There is only right now. Your perception of “reality” doesn’t have to match anyone else’s. You can both be right, even if your experiences and beliefs are diametrically opposed, because your life in a human body is an illusion. It is a manifestation of what the pure love that is your eternal soul has decided will best serve you as you seek to experience the all of everything in duality. In another life or in another time, your “right” may be the exact opposite of what you’re experiencing as being “right” in this moment. Trust your intuition. It exists to guide you. Trust is one of your main lessons in this lifetime. You have many “reasons” why you believe you can’t and shouldn’t trust based on your human experiences in this lifetime, but we promise that you can. Trust yourself. How do I connect to spirit to know/hear my guides? Feeling uncertain of my path and looking for guidance. Thank you for asking us, Kari. Your guides are with you always. They speak to you in dreams, in experiences, and in emotions. They often sound just like your own thoughts, only more persistent, so it’s easy to write it off as your imagination or wishful thinking. However, know this. When you ask, we answer. We always answer, but it’s human nature to not always want the answer you receive or recognize that it is an answer. It’s normal to the human condition to feel uncertain of your path. However, we refer you to our answer above: you can’t do it wrong. Specifically with you, answers come in your dreams and confirmations come in signs. Try asking a specific question before you sleep or asking for a specific sign while you are awake. Then, keep your eyes, ears, and heart open. The universe is whispering to you. You are aware the signs are there and the answers are being delivered. Now, you just need to trust that you are, indeed, receiving the answers to every question you ask. Do the George’s think that through this pandemic and political power that humans will learn or understand that all is connected and start loving Mother Earth and each other so we can all live more in harmony? It worries me personally that humans just don’t get it and we keep doing our bad habits instead of everyone putting in their part... and taking care of our planet, the heartbeat of our life! Your concern for Gaia is deeply felt, Jayme. It is our deepest desire that the current circumstances associated with the political climate and the pandemic is a source of awakening for humans. And for many, it is. Because of what is happening in your world, and specifically in your country, it has become evident to more humans than ever before that what you are currently doing does not serve you, your fellow human beings, other forms of consciousness that inhabit Gaia with you, and Gaia herself. In your human conceptualization of space-time, this may all seem to be occurring at a pace that is painfully slow, but please let us assure you that a shift is, indeed, occurring. Currently, the loudest voices are those who are caught up in fear and anger, but those humans who are choosing love grow in number every day, and love – even quietly expressed or simply held in a pure heart such as yours – is infinitely more powerful than hate and fear. Hold space for love in the quietude of your hearts. Recognize even in those who appear to divide with the politics of anger and fear are merely blustering in the same way a frightened dog barks and snaps at those he perceives as a threat. They are striking out because they know life as an embodied human as they know it is shifting forever. What you are seeing is the final push back of old energy; and ultimately it will be powerless in the face of love. Whether humanity shifts or eliminates itself from Gaia altogether is ultimately up to all of you, but we see more light now than there has been in all of the succeeding waves of humanity. Our greatest hope is for you to ultimately partner with all forms of embodied consciousness including Gaia to bring about the shift to the Fourth Wave without interruption to humanity’s inhabitation of Gaia. And while it may seem contrary to what’s happening, you are on track for this to happen. As to how you can contribute and help to maintain this track: be love. Hold space for those who can’t. Humanity is not yet in a place where shift is easy and comes without discomfort, but the more of you who sit in a space of love and set aside the anger and fear of politics and pandemics, the more quickly and painlessly the shift will occur. In the meantime, we are here to support you in your efforts. Thank you for your questions! We honor each of you who has asked either through a forum such as this one or in the silence of your hearts. We have great hope for humanity. We ask you to remain in a peaceful and loving space. We urge you to not allow yourself to be baited by fear, hurt, and anger that tries to pull you away from this place of peace. The answer to everything is love. Love those you agree with. Love those you disagree with. Love those who anger you, frighten you, hurt you, and even hate you. Love the soul, even if it is difficult to understand the path, actions, or positions of the human that soul inhabits. We are with you every step of the way. END CHANNELED Q&A Go to next message Image by stanbalik from Pixabay
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