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Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We come to you humbly and lovingly to acknowledge these difficult times in which you live. Whether you know it or not, you are truly spiritual warriors, and your travels through the challenges of being embodied serve the highest good of the universe. For this we honor you and remind you that we in the Oneness walk beside you. You are never alone; your essence is always connected to ours, and we cradle you in unconditional love, compassion, and support during your difficult journey. We acknowledge that many of you are experiencing profound discomfort every moment of every day. The world you live in as embodied souls on the Planet Earth is as uncomfortable as it has ever been in this lifetime for many of you. We weep for your feelings of pain, uncertainty, and fear, for we understand how powerful these emotions can feel to the embodied soul. Today, we wish to discuss spiritual activism with you. Our goal is to provide you with some simple methods to manage your discomfort and turn it into the spiritual change your planet has been primed for by the events of 2020. Each of you has a key role in transforming what appears to be rampant negativity and bad news into higher frequency energy. In other words, we have some advice to help you manage vibrational shift, which is what is occurring on Planet Earth at this time. Please know that we are aware of which of you are reading this, and it is you that we are speaking to. If you read our message, our words and ideas are for you. If someone pops into your mind as you read this message, we encourage you to share it with them as well, because this message is for them, too. You have what it takes to step into spiritual activism and bring about the shift your planet so desperately needs. To start, we wish to remind you of something essential to human existence. Each of you, before you embodied, realized that walking in a human body would bring with it pain and fear, and you each eagerly accepted one of the key missions of embodiment: to energetically shift away from fear and pain in order to bring about spiritual transformation as part of the process of re-membering with the Oneness. To that end, we also wish to offer you a key reminder now: when you recognize the pain of another, and when you experience the outcomes of someone else’s pain and fear, do not let it become your pain. Do not allow the manifestation of another’s fear and pain and become the excuse you use to dive into lower frequency energies and behaviors. Instead, use it as the impetus to sow seeds of love and compassion, especially for those who appear to lack compassion and kindness for others. Don’t let someone else’s pain become your hate. Don’t allow the manifestation of someone else’s fear to serve as your excuse for unkindness, anger, and hateful words or deeds. In the spiritual text The Bible, Jesus preached a Sermon on the Mount in which he gently suggested to the gathered crowd, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.” (Matthew 5:38-40, NIV) The holy figure you call Jesus the Christ was offering a message of how to approach spiritual activism; that is, how to hold the energetic space for a shift to a higher frequency. Jesus was, like you, a soul embodied in human form, but he had more of a remembrance of his time in the Oneness, and as such he was able to offer a template for spiritual activism that, even thousands of years after he no longer walks the Earth, people resonate with. And yet, His teachings have been greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted, as have the teachings of other high vibration souls that came to share messages of spiritual activism throughout human history. However, the essence of these messages is this: regardless of what happens in the world around you, hold it in your hearts with compassion and love. Do all that you can through your thoughts, words, and deeds to transform the heavy, oppressive energy of the lower vibrational experiences of fear, anger, control, envy, greed, and hate into the higher vibrational energy of love, kindness, compassion, peace, and joy. We understand that this may seem difficult during these times. Your media bombards you with lower vibrational messages filled with anger and vitriol. These are the voices of the fearful, those in pain, and the disenfranchised. And when you encounter them, your first reaction is likely to be pain, fear, defensiveness, or anger as well. These feelings spark deep discomfort in many of you, but there are so many messages and incidents containing this vibration that many of you simply notice you feel on edge, and then you keep scrolling through more media, absorbing more messages, and ignoring or suppressing the discomfort they make you feel because you fear that if you allowed yourself to fully experience those feelings, it might destroy you. Discomfort is difficult for embodied souls, and we understand and acknowledge this truth. However, we would like to offer you a simple tool for such experiences, and this is one of the key tools in your arsenal of spiritual activism. Instead of allowing the feeling to flare briefly before you suppress it and continue scrolling, listening, or observing, sit with the feeling. Whenever discomfort flares, stop. Move into a safe space and focus on that feeling. Notice where you feel it in your body and notice how it manifests in your soul. Now, close your eyes and place your hands over your heart. Sit with the feeling of discomfort, allowing its full flower. Then, pull it into your heart and surround it with loving light. Hold it there, allowing yourself to feel it and notice its transformation that comes when it is surrounded with the energy of love. Do this each time you feel such discomfort. Feel it, experience it, and surround it with love. This is how you become a spiritual activist. Do not suppress or ignore discomfort, for what you resist persists. Allow it. Feel it. Hold space for it. And then, when you are ready, fill it with love and compassion. Project that compassion out into the world, and out into the universe. Because if not you, then who? While it may feel as if you do this alone, you do not. There are many of you and many of us. We are many and we are One. And while each of you may be but a single match in the darkness, one match can light many until even the darkest space is suffused with light. We have more to share, but for now we will stop there. We support and encourage you in your spiritual activism. Behind each of you, the legion that is the Oneness supports and amplifies your efforts to spread Light even during the times of deepest darkness. Your efforts are not futile or small; they are essential and immeasurable. We love and honor each of you on this path. You are the Light, and you are the energy driving an essential shift for humanity. You are up to the task, and we are here beside you with each breath you take in your embodied experience. You are deeply loved. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by sogard from Pixabay
Steve Thomas
11/8/2020 12:17:38 am
Thank you for this and your other extremely beautiful messages.
1/28/2021 05:32:40 pm
Thank You
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