Who Is The George Collective?
Go to first George message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! As always, we are overjoyed to communicate with you. Our topic Now is one that we recognize will be difficult for many of you, but it is necessary to cover and a condition that is endemic to the embodied experience: shame. Please know as we share this with you, we wrap you in the Love and Light of Source. For we see you as you Are, and not as you see yourselves. Vibrationally, shame is the heaviest energy weighing down Masters-in-Training. It is dense, heavy, sticky, and black like energetic tar. It moves sluggishly and sticks to everything it touches, and its presence, depending on how much you carry with you, either slows you down significantly or completely keeps you from moving forward spiritually. In fact, shame is largely responsible for keeping embodied souls in a lower vibration because it feels so uncomfortable to confront, that instead of allowing yourself to feel its energy and move through it, you bury it in the deepest parts of yourself where it is extremely difficult to access, experience, release, and allow the Light to flow into the places where it once occupied. As with everything else that is not pure Light and pure Love, shame is an illusion. It is a heavy and painful illusion, but it is an illusion nonetheless. And like every illusion of embodiment caused by the small I of ego + conditioning, shame is something you must release in order to Ascend. Where shame exists within you, it displaces Light, which is why it weighs you down vibrationally. You accumulate this shame throughout lifetimes, and it arises from incorrect and unloving beliefs about yourself because you have forgotten Who You Are. Your shame and your shadows are often one and the same. And it is human nature that you fear your shadows largely because you have allowed your shame to puddle there, and the thought of wading through those sticky pools of vibrational tar feels frightening. Yet shame is also the thing lurking in your shadows that causes so much of your unconscious behavior. Your ego uses shame to control you and others. And in the same way, others have used shame to control you throughout not just this lifetime, but many. Thus, you carry with you the residue of shame from not just this lifetime, but from many. We encourage you to uncover your shame and expose it to the Light of Love, for once you release the shame, you free up space so Light can enter. When you do this, you immediately feel Lighter, freer, more Loving, and more connected to the All. Processing shame releases some of the hold the small I has over you so you can begin to re-member Who You Really Are. There are many safe ways to uncover and release your shame, but first you must know it is there. Therefore, you first must pay attention and be Present, noticing when you react to something, when you seek to control another, when you notice another seeking to control you, when you engage in negative dialog about yourself or others, when you step into judgment and criticism about self and others, when you think self-defeating thoughts, when you think in terms of "should" or "should not", or when you engage in any of myriad shame-driven behaviors. Attention is essential here, and when you notice that feeling, which may start as a minor discomfort that quickly grows into darkness and pain, then you must immediately move into a place where you are safe and protected so you can process this feeling instead of burying it again. How you create that safe space is up to you; for many, it may need to be in some form of talk therapy with a qualified helper. For others, it may be with a trusted and beloved friend. Others may need to sit with a spiritual advisor. Others may process it themselves in meditation, prayer, writing, art, nature, or other presence activities. Choose a way that feels safe to you to sit with the shame and allow yourself to process it fully. How do you process it? By Being with it. Recognize it. Acknowledge it. Don't run from it. Sit with it in presence. Notice the shame as a physical sensation. Notice where it sits in your body. Sit with the sensation, noticing it with curiosity and without judgment. As thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and release them, returning to presence as soon as you are able. As emotions arise, sit with them, noticing them with curiosity and without judgment. As physical sensations arise, sit with them, noticing them with curiosity and without judgment. If you need more than just sitting, then treat yourself as you would a beloved child or friend. What would you say to them? How would you treat them? Would you judge them as harshly as you judge yourself, or would you recognize that in the moment for which they felt so much shame, they did the best they could given the skills, tools, information, and state of spiritual development they currently held? Do this for as long as it takes - or for as long as you are able - and you will notice that as you sit with the sensations, they begin to lessen in intensity. As you recognize them for the illusion they are, they will begin to dissolve. Continue to sit with all sensation that arises in this way, noticing it without attaching to it, and allowing it to flow through you as it will. Know that as you do this, We in the All That Is are surrounding you with Love and working with you to process and dissolve the shame. If it helps, visualize the shame as black smoke, rising up and out of you and either flowing into the ground underneath you or into the atmosphere around you where it is immediately surrounded by Light and released. Do this for as long as it takes until not even a wisp of smoke flows from you anymore. And when you get to this place and feel lighter and calmer, this is when the Light flows in to fill the spaces the shame once occupied. This will happen naturally, for the universe has been waiting for you to acknowledge and release this energy so Light and Love can enter in its place. However, if it helps, you can visualize Source Light flowing into you on your breath, through your skin, and from above, below, and all around. See the Light flowing with every breath and every heartbeat into all of the spaces the density of the shame once occupied. And sit with that, noticing your lighter self. We wish we could tell you this would be something you only need to do once, but uncovering and releasing shame is often a gradual process because you have stored so much and buried it so deeply. It is something every Master-in-Training must do, but you possess a powerful tool. Love is the solvent for shame. It dissolves, cleans, purifies, and replaces what was sticky, dense, and slow moving with the Lightness of Source Love, which is your true nature. We know you fear experiencing your shame. It is why you bury it so deeply and why it sticks so powerfully. We have deep compassion for your discomfort, and we are here to remind you shame is an illusion, albeit a powerful and painful one. Once you recognize it, acknowledge it, sit with it, and release it, however, your Light Body will fill in the spaces once occupied by your Pain Body. Then, you will move ahead in your embodied state with your small I in less control and your True Self, which is Presence, drawing you ever closer to Awareness, Ascension, and Mastery. As always, we Love and support you in this endeavor. We are in awe of the work you do as Masters-in-Training. The All That Is not only supports you, but carries you and fills you with Light and Love as you do this work. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read next message Sign up for the free live George Q&A via Zoom Image by Radfotosonn from Pixabay
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