Who is The George Collective?
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. We are overjoyed to speak with you Now and share energy from Source. We wish you to know that while what we share with you may seem like new information, indeed it is not. As you read, go within and feel the vibration of our messages. When you focus on the vibration as you read the words, a knowing will rise as you recognize that our energy and our messages are known to you, and that we speak to you through this channel not to enlighten you with new information, rather to awaken what you already know. For the vibration of our messages to you are your soul memories from the part of You that remains fully within and completely aware of Yourself as Source. Therefore, we invite you to experience each of our messages differently than perhaps you have before. While your embodied self reads our words, we invite you to rejoin with your Source self as well. We encourage you through the vibration of these messages to re-member with your Source self. For even these few moments of re-membering with Source that you experience as you dwell within the vibration of our messages can support and sustain the awakening of your embodied self so you can continue your return to Oneness. And so, Now, as your embodied self connects to the energy of this message, we invite you to go within and notice our vibration surrounding you. Breathe it in deeply and let it fill the vast empty spaces that exist between the vibrational particles of your physical body. Notice our Light and vibration fill each empty space and surround each particle of you until it consumes you. Allow this until you feel as if our vibration dissolves the physical bonds of memory and ego that make up the force fields creating your illusions of solidity. Now, in this state, You are once again One with our vibration and thus, You are once again One with Source. You have, for this Moment, re-membered Who You Truly Are. Remain here with us in this space, allowing the Light to infuse every particle of you and realize that what you perceive as solid and real in your embodied existence is only an illusion. All of your solid, embodied life is not real at all. It is strands of energy, vibrating slowly enough to create mass and density, held loosely together by force fields that you, yourself have created in order to experience illusion as reality. You have the power to change these force fields, even in your current embodied state, simply by raising your vibration. And you have the ability to raise your vibration through your thoughts, words, and actions. Thus, as you are now suffused in our Light and energy for this Moment of this Message, re-memeber and re-experience yourself as part of a Light You have never left. And when you return in a moment to your embodied reality, take the Light of this Moment of Now with you knowing you can return to it at any time, not just by engaging with our messages, but by returning to this vibrational space in your thoughts, words, actions, and practices. We are with you always. You have never left us, and we have never left you. The Light you have just experienced surrounding the vibrating particles and filling the vast empty spaces of what you perceive as solid—that Light is the reality. That Light is Who You Truly Are. And now, while you remain in the illusion you perceive as physical reality, we invite you to hold onto that vibration of the Light and remember that You are God's grandest dream, walking through the experience of embodiment, and dancing to the song of spirit that always plays in your soul, steadily guiding you Home. We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read next message Image by Nicole Köhler from Pixabay
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Steve Thomas
6/19/2021 07:40:54 pm
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