There are a number of ways to work sound healing into your life, from using mantras to working with singing bowls.
Solfeggio One method I like because it is so affordable is the solfeggio. There are six main solfeggio frequencies that roughly correspond with chakras. They are as follows: 396 Hz - can help you work with guilt and fear 417 Hz - can help you to make changes in your life 528 Hz - is said to be the solfeggio of DNA repair, and can help you work with transformation 639 Hz - this is the relationship solfeggio 741 Hz - is the solfeggio of intuition and can help you awaken psychic energy and connection to your higher self 852 Hz - this is the solfeggio of spirituality and connection with the Divine. I really like Glenn Harold's solfeggio apps for smartphones, which have guided meditation and really beautiful solfeggio based music, and they are pretty affordable. Tuning Forks Another affordable sound/vibrational healing tools is the tuning fork. There are two types of tuning forks - weighted (like the two on the far left in the image) and unweighted. In general, weighted tuning forks have a better resonance for physical ailments, while unweighted tend to work better with mental and spiritual. Tuning forks resonate with various chakras. To use them, strike the tuning fork on the tines with a mallet and hold it by the handle near the chakra/area you are trying to affect, allowing the vibration to die out on its own. C/C# - First chakra D/D# - Second chakra E - Third chakra F/F# - Fourth chakra G/G# - Fifth chakra A/A# - Sixth chakra B - Seventh chakra Singing Bowls Singing bowls are another excellent method for creating vibrational healing through sound. You can purchase either brass or crystal singing bowls. The brass bowls are more affordable (and less fragile) than the crystal singing bowls, but the crystal singing bowls are louder with a more powerful vibration and a clearer tone. To play the bowls, you can ring them by striking with a mallet or by running a mallet around the outer edge of the bowl, causing it to ring. Allow the ringing to dissipate naturally. Like tuning forks (see yesterday's post), different tones can tune different chakras. Mantras and Chanting Another way to use sound for healing is through chanting of mantras, such as om mani padme hum (written in the image), which is a traditional Buddhist mantra. You can also chant Om, which is the sacred sound of the universe, or use single syllables for each of the chakras. The chakra mantras are: First chakra - Lam Second chakra - Vam Third chakra - Ram Fourth chakra - Yam Fifth chakra - Ham Sixth chakra -Om Seventh chakra - silence Here's a guide to pronunciation:…/_chakras__n343.html The Power of Music In any discussion of sound for healing, it's important not to underestimate the power of music. If you're feeling down, listen to music that uplifts you and makes you feel happy. You've probably heard about the experiments Masaru Emoto did with water crystals where he exposed them to words, thoughts, and music. If not, you can check out some of the images in the link and see how sounds and thoughts can manifest physically, and how the way we think about and talk to ourselves is incredibly important for our physical, spiritual, and emotional health. It's fascinating research complete with images worth checking out. If thoughts and sounds can do that to water, what can it do to the human body (which is, after all, at least 50 percent water)?
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