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Who Is The George Collective BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are honored to be able to talk to you today. In recent weeks, we have stepped back and observed, but today we have a necessary message for you. We feel it is time for us to tell you something extremely important. Humanity is at a critical juncture, where either outcome is equally possible, especially in the place you call the United States. What is this tipping point? You can become the tools of your own salvation, or you can become the tools of your destruction. Both are equally possible, but it is up to you to decide what you will be. You get to choose how everything plays out and where you go as a society and as a species. It’s now up to you to decide what is more important to you. Think of it like this: It’s like the game called “would you rather”, but the answers to the questions are more important than ever. Would you rather cling to systems that no longer serve you and enrich a few, while leaving the rest of humanity picking at crumbs, or would you rather recognize the inherent compassionate social contract that comes from being citizens of universe that is all One? Would you rather do only what you want and deny fellow humans the dignity of having basic human rights, or would you rather reach across what feels like a huge philosophical divide and recognize the inherent dignity and humanity of even those whose thoughts, experiences, and beliefs are entirely different from yours? Would you rather do things only for yourselves, or would you rather reach out your hands to your brothers who are struggling? Would you rather live in your individual and collective trauma-identification, or would you rather break free of past trauma in order to grow through your resilience, joy, and tenacity? These are the choices that are facing you. One of the biggest things keeping your destructive cycles from becoming fully productive is your species’ propensity for trauma-identification. Your society rewards trauma-identification, or the inclination of humans to dwell in the worst things that have happened to them instead of the best. And certainly, trauma plays an important role in the human condition. Trauma is a shared experience; all humans encounter various forms of trauma throughout your embodiment in human bodies. Shared and individual trauma ignite compassion, and for those who experience it as you all do, they also provide the deepest and most significant opportunities for growth. However, a quirk of being human, especially for those still in Third Wave Energy (although Fourth Wave Energy is not exempt from this powerful social construct) receive a great deal of social capital for remaining partially in the trauma instead of using it as an impetus to accelerate your growth. And make no mistake: trauma identification is a form of clinging to the past. So how does an individual or a group become trauma-identified? When the trauma occurs, you receive support and compassion from others regarding that trauma, but only for a short period. Eventually, people get cause fatigue and move on, and in turn, you are encouraged both through invisible and overt social pressure to “get over it.” This implied pressure keeps you from allowing yourself to fully feel and experience your emotions surrounding your trauma. Instead, you suppress your discomfort in order to make your trauma socially acceptable to others, and in doing so, you become stuck in those unhealthy emotions. Thus, you never allow yourself to fully move through the discomfort that arises from all of the painful emotions surrounding your trauma, and you begin to carry them with you in the catalog of damage you keep with you in the backs of your consciousness at all times. And the longer this happens, the more you identify with the worst things that have happened to you instead of the strengths you gained from those worst things. And then, ultimately, you begin to see yourselves as the negative product of your trauma. Instead of overcoming the trauma and moving forward in strength, you become trauma-identified, reliving the half-emotions you’ve allowed yourself while never fulling sitting with the discomfort of the painful emotions the trauma originally wrought. If you hear nothing else we tell you today, please hear this: by not allowing yourself to sit with the original discomfort, you are preventing your own healing. By not sitting with the discomfort of any type of pain, whether it comes from trauma or uncomfortable truths, you are making the choice to remain in old energy, and you can’t re-fill a vessel that is already full. If you wish to make space for new energy, you MUST first release the old energy, and by remaining trauma-identified, you will never make a space for the new energy to fill. It may seem contradictory that in order to release old energy, you must allow yourself the full experience of painful emotions, but it is nonetheless true. Emotions come to you for a reason, and it’s up to you to allow yourself the experience of them. When you fail to sit with the discomfort, put on a cheerful face, and go about your day, you are denying yourself the space in which to allow the trauma to serve as an impetus for growth instead of an ongoing source of pain and self-identification. Nobody enjoys pain, and the natural propensity of humans is to deny it completely or move away from it as quickly as possible, and this works at cross-purposes to your true nature, which is to grow, change, and progress from both your painful and your joyful experiences. But there is beauty and purpose in sitting with uncomfortable truths and feelings. In the beginning as you sit with pain, all you may feel is excruciating discomfort. However, as you allow your painful emotions to move through you at full intensity, what happens is that little by little light and enlightenment begin to enter. And eventually, as the light overtakes the darkness of the pain, the process of transformation begins as well. Trauma always carries with it the seeds of transformation. But in not allowing the full experience of emotion in the aftermath of the trauma, instead of watering those seeds and giving them light, you allow them to lay fallow because there is no space in which they can reach full flower. And the longer you deny and suppress powerful emotions, the more you become trauma-identified instead of allowing you space to emerge from your dark cocoon as a new creation of light, color, and beauty. Finally, we offer you this. After darkness comes great light. However, you can’t appreciate the light without first allowing yourselves the full experience of darkness. If nighttime only offered a faded wash of gray instead of total blackness, then you would never appreciate the beauty of a rising sun. And if nighttime only existed as a faded wash of gray, you’d never experience the glory of the heavens with their twinkling stars that exist as a reminder of the light even in your darkest moments. We love you, we support you, and we are cheering you on. When you return Home, regardless of what happened when you were embodied, we will rejoice with you at all that you have accomplished. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by Jondolar Schnurr from Pixabay
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