Who is The George Collective?
Go to first message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. We are pleased to speak with you Now, and We are honored that you have given us your attention. We recognize our messages may challenge you to change how you think, and we wish to express our appreciation at your willingness to examine what we say. Today we wish to talk to you about Fourth Wave humans, particularly children and young people. Most of your youth are of Fourth Wave energy, which is a higher vibration than most Third Wave energy. This frequency has come to support humanity in the Great Awakening, and thus maintaining their vibration is necessary. To that end, we wish to offer you some ideas about how you can support your children in their most important roles as agents of the Great Awakening. Recognize that your children require a different type of guidance from the adults in their lives than you had when you were young. While we recognize conditioning is part of the experience of being an embodied human, to the extent possible, we encourage you to shield your youth from the efforts of institutions, systems, and humans that seek to indoctrinate them so they live, think, and behave in ways your society currently deems appropriate. You may have noticed your young people are highly resistant to conditioning. They do not stand for it. They frequently say and do things you might consider "acting out" when indoctrination is attempted. This is because, as Fourth Wave humans, they don't have as many filters in place as Third Wave humans. Thus, they often chafe against being treated as if they are less than they actually are. To a greater extent than their Third Wave predecessors, these young humans recognize that they are of Source energy, and as such, they have a more powerful sense of Oneness with All That Is than those who came before them. This does not make them any better or worse than Third Wave humans; it simply makes them different and of a different vibrational frequency. This is naturally a struggle for many of the Third Wave who do not understand why the ways of the old energy do not have the same effect on young people as it did on them. It has created generational challenges and misunderstandings that are greater than is typical between generations. Tactics and training from the old energy will not work on these awakened souls. As these souls are beginning to reach adulthood in greater numbers, you can notice the new energy within them in the way they exist in embodied Duality. For example, they are unwilling to tolerate what they see as injustice, and thus, they engage in ways of being in all aspects of their lives that recognize their Oneness not only with all of humanity, but with Gaia and Source. This energy is so much a part of them that it manifests in every aspect of their lives. They bring their passions for social justice, environmentalism, egalitarianism, creativity, and spiritual connection into every facet of their existence from their relationships, to their identities, to their occupations, to their passions, to their hobbies. If they sometimes appear strident or unyielding in their approach, it is essential to recognize that, as they are embodied, they are also ego-identified (hello human!) Thus, while their intentions are good, often their delivery comes from the small I just as yours does. And because Oneness is so inherently obvious to them, they struggle to understand why it isn't important to others who have forgotten their Oneness. And because their connection to Gaia is so essential to who they are, they struggle with understanding why preserving the environment doesn't seem to matter to others who don't recognize the sacred Oneness they share with the Earth. And because they recognize themselves as pieces of Source energy and creators of their own reality, they struggle to understand those who seek to condition them to function within a society that, to them, feels like an uncomfortable and confining box that they have no desire to stuff themselves into. And because they know they come from Love and are Love, they have a deep self-love that comes across as unearned confidence to those who have forgotten that their nature is Love. And so we offer you these simple ideas for not just co-existing, but thriving with people whose very self-image is so different from yours. Let them be who they are. Resist conditioning them through religious education, political indoctrination, or any of the other systems of conditioning you have within your society. Recognize that your current system is built on untruths, and that they are truth tellers. Your current education and religious systems are set up for indoctrination and not true education. If you can find a way to educate them with truth, then do this. However, we recognize this is not currently the way your systems are set up, and that these systems often take time to change. Thus, the adults in their lives, including parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other adult caregivers, must make an effort to undo the potential damage these systems can cause via the conscious attempts at indoctrination and unconscious attempts at conditioning. Do this by supplementing their education with the facts. For example, when the history of the oppressors or winners is taught to them by a current system, offer the facts from all sides of the issue and then ask the young people to consider all the facts and reach their own conclusions. You can ask open-ended questions that encourage critical and compassionate reasoning such as, "Given what you have noticed from all sides of this issue, what would you change? What can humanity learn from this? How can humanity create solutions going forward?" You can do this in age-appropriate ways with young people of all ages. Thus, you encourage them to find their own insights from the earliest ages possible instead of telling them what to think. Avoid distracting them with agents of indoctrination as entertainment. Instead of parking them in front of a television or a video game, encourage them to spend their time participating in creative activities, enjoying social oneness gatherings, seeking beauty, engaging spiritual (not religious) activities, doing things that spark their imagination, or participating in outings that encourage them to spend time in nature communing with Gaia. From an early age, seek their opinions. Ask them what they think about what they noticed or experienced. Ask them how they felt about certain occurrences. Then, simply listen. Do not judge their responses or invalidate them. Ask follow-up questions about why they reached their conclusions. Do this in an age-appropriate manner. Ask. Listen. Be present. Avoid judgement. Respect their boundaries. When they tell you no about something that does not affect their safety or wellbeing, then allow that no to stand. Ask nonjudgmental questions about their boundaries and why they are meaningful. Then, listen to their responses. Encourage them to gently but firmly enforce appropriate boundaries with all humans, including adults in authority. Do not shame them. If they do something you perceive as misbehaving or choose something you do not understand, ask them about it. Ask why they made that choice, and ask how or if they would change that choice moving forward. Don't judge their responses. As long as their safety or wellbeing is not at issue, allow them to experience the logical outcomes of their words, choices, and actions. Then, help them reason through how their choices led to that specific outcome. We understand this is difficult for parents who wish to protect their children from pain, but unless what they are about to do will result in significant harm, we suggest you allow them to experience the outcomes of their decisions and then gently and non-judgmentally talk them through how and why their choice led to that outcome, as well as questioning them about what their desired outcome truly was and what actions they could have taken to reach that outcome instead of the ones they experienced. Allow them to find their own self-worth. Instead of offering praise or criticism, ask them how they feel about something they've created. Allow them to find validation within themselves rather than teaching them to seek it from others. Be willing to hear their truth, even if it is uncomfortable for you. Ask them their truth often and simply witness it without needing to tell them a different truth. Likewise, always speak your truth to them kindly, compassionately, gently, and non-judgmentally. These are a few of the ways you can support young people with Fourth Wave energy. We recognize this will be a challenge for many in the Third Wave. We recognize that you wish to keep them safe in a physical world, and we are not suggesting you do things that make them unsafe or be careless about their wellbeing. However, conditioning them in the way you were conditioned is not in their best interest, it's not in your best interest, and it will suppress their spirit and could potentially keep them from realizing their full potential as Fourth Wave humans. Thus, we ask you to love and support them and allow them to love and support you. For they have a clearer remembrance of Oneness than you do, and if you keep their vibration pure, there is great benefit to Masters-in-Training of the Third Wave who wish to Awaken. We tell you this with Love, for you are One with your young people. Your youth are one with you. And all of embodied humanity is One with the All That Is. We Love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Read a channeled message from Gaia Image by Christel SAGNIEZ from Pixabay
1 Comment
Steve Thomas
6/6/2021 09:40:08 pm
Thank you very much for these wise words.
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