Who is The George Collective
Go to First Message BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. It is our great honor to share a message with you Now. We love and honor all who have entered into the realm of the small I so that All That Is may know Itself better though your adventures. We have told you before that in your embodied exploits, You have been All Things or will be All Things. We wish to tell you that "have been," "will be," and "now" (small n or embodied now) are concepts of space-time and the small I, and thus when we speak in such a way, we must change the vibration of Our message to match space-time in order to resonate with the way you communicate and receive information In truth, You are All Things Now (big N or Eternal Now), since that which you notice as space-time exists as an Eternal Moment in the All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. However, your attention happens to be on the embodied timeline that you perceive as now. From this perspective, you can only place your attention on one embodiment at a time. So, you notice yourself moving in a linear fashion forward and backward through space-time when, in fact, in Source, All happens Now. The now that you (small y) perceive as an embodied soul is much smaller than the Now that You (big Y or Source You) re-member when in the Oneness of Source energy. It (now) contains only a slice of Now when in reality, You exist only Now and are already the sum total of every experience of every lifetime. This is why We say You have "had" thousands of lifetimes, because Now in Source, You have All lifetimes at once, but now in the ego experience, you perceive all lifetimes as occurring in a linear fashion progressing from the past, to this life, to the future. We realize this is difficult to comprehend in your current state of attention, but We felt it worth mentioning to help you understand why sometimes there are asynchronies in how We communicate timelines versus how you perceive them. It also explains why you in the embodied state often experience a "time gap" between a truly creative thought and the outcome of that creation. Because while You create something Now, you may receive it later. And frequently between now and later on your timeline, you dis-create by replacing your original creation with something else before the original creation appears to reach you. However, know that the moment You create, your creation exists in Source, even if your attention on that creation has not yet reached you now. Thus, it is "time" for Us to share with you the concept of Now versus now, and help you to understand how your perception of embodied time is so different from Your perception of Now in the Oneness of Source. Why is this important to understand? Because We wish for you to recognize the power of your intention and attention, which We have discussed previously. When you place your intention and set your attention through the Trinity of thought, word, and deed, in the very moment you do, it has been made manifest in Source. This is the true meaning of God's reassurances found in scripture, "And it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear." (Isaiah 65:24). Your prayers are always answered Now. The universe hears you and always responds. However, because of your perception of now, it may seem there is a delay. And because your attention wanders and you change your mind, ask for something different, or slip back into your conditioning and doubt your prayer will be answered, that time delay followed by the negating thought replaces your original creation and thus, it appears that the Universe has either not heard or ignored your plea. This is why focused intention (attention+intention) is critical for creation. Without it, you often dis-create your intended outcome before it can reach you and instead, you create something unintended or simply remain stagnant. So, for those things you truly choose to create, we offer once again this simple formula. State your intention. Focus your attention on that intention. And, notice when your focus slips or even counteracts what you desire to create in your thoughts, words, and deeds,. When you notice this, immediately return to your original creative thought. Do this consistently, and you will notice the gap will appear to decrease between when you intentionally set out to create and when that creation arrives in your now. This is how creation works and why it is so critical for those in the small I to not only be aware of the focused intention of thoughts, words, and deeds, but also to pay attention to how your conditioning can subvert your highest intentions without realizing it has done so. When this happens, you often cry out to God and say, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" when in Truth, you have forsaken yourself without realizing you have done so. Even embodied Masters must still contend with the small I (although to a much lesser extent than Masters-in-Training) and thus, sometimes in a brief moment of fear or uncertainty, even a Master forgets that They are experiencing Their planned for and intended creations. That is why We want You and you to know This: We have never forsaken you or You. Before you have asked, Source has heard and answered. You are never forsaken, even in what seem to be your darkest moments. For We in Source walk with you, and We wrap you in the Love of the All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, which is the Truth of Who and What You Are. We love you and We Love You. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Read a channeled message from Gaia Image by Pezibear from Pixabay
1 Comment
Steve Thomas
6/6/2021 09:40:56 pm
Deepest gratitude for this loving wisdom.
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